Regular vs arcade leader boards

Why are these both in the same ladder? totally diff play style and ways to win. there needs to be reg ladders and arcade ladders apart.

This might discourage certain “We’re better then you even though we only play one mode” attitudes… the two game modes for pvp shouldn’t share the same ladders, as a team good in arcade might not be good at playing against a team that solely plays regular, and visa versa… 

Agreed, and the leaderboards should be updated too…


I dont think the leaderboard has been updated in the past 2 weeks.

Well, in the defense of the current ladder, this would mean needing to split apart the tier system in the ladder also. Because a team that sticks to only tier 1 and dominates new players or same thing in tier 2, would be bypassing the ladder system of tier 3 entirely if they chose to do so. Ive noticed each tier is a bit harder and more complex. The way i play tier 1 and tier 2, is completely different.


In conclusion, i feel that the ladder system is fine the way it is, unless people wanted to completely tear it apart and rebuild it. If this were to happen, to separate the arcade and regular games, then i would like to see a separation in tiers also. This way there is no “we are the best, regardless of the tier” type complexes, as mentioned above in a previous post.

Only if they actually bothered to update the leaderboards at any time…


I got 47 games played on the leaderboards where in reality I got more like 500…

Well, in the defense of the current ladder, this would mean needing to split apart the tier system in the ladder also. Because a team that sticks to only tier 1 and dominates new players or same thing in tier 2, would be bypassing the ladder system of tier 3 entirely if they chose to do so. Ive noticed each tier is a bit harder and more complex. The way i play tier 1 and tier 2, is completely different.


In conclusion, i feel that the ladder system is fine the way it is, unless people wanted to completely tear it apart and rebuild it. If this were to happen, to separate the arcade and regular games, then i would like to see a separation in tiers also. This way there is no “we are the best, regardless of the tier” type complexes, as mentioned above in a previous post.


well the fact that the highest “lvl” player can play in ques in t1 with brand new people. is just weird… to be honest. that being said. im all for a new ladder super complex and stuffs. XD also i care more about clanwarefare coming out than i do ladders but. just a thought.