Regular Patches

I think that it would be much better to have scheduled patches regularly (every month, every 2 months, something like that) than to patch irregularly. I think players would be much more sympathetic to frequent patches where very little gets done, than to irregular, very large patches. Anyway, just something getting tossed around in comments, so I thought I would suggest it.

We are patching regular, but there is always the chance that a patch gets delayed for certain reasons.

I guess I’d also mention that because it’s beta, irregular patches are more acceptable. When the game goes out of beta, then I would expect a consistent schedule. 


We are patching regular, but there is always the chance that a patch gets delayed for certain reasons.

You mean like a vacation right after a huge patch?


Anyway. they usually patch every thursday.

You mean like a vacation right after a huge patch?


Anyway. they usually patch every thursday.


I think they did the same thing with 0.8.0