Redevelop Engineer Buildings



I’m sure mostly everyone who plays this game knows that there are two engineer modules that are practically never used or seen in battle:  the static barrier and the warp gate.  Sure, some pilots use them, but most avoid them because of their uselessness in 99% of instances.


Problems with the static barrier:


  1. It’s about 10x too small.  No ship with adaptive shields would try to take cover behind this thing.  The shield is too small, and they are moving way too fast to stay behind it.  It needs to be made MUCH MUCH MUCH MUCH larger so that it’s actually seen and used more.  What if it’s like 1000-2000 meters in diameter…I’m sure you’d see a lot more of these.


  1.  It’s about 5x or 10x too weak.  I see a static barrier, and I just start shooting at it because I know I can take it down by myself.  This should be impossible.  It should take a whole team focusing for several seconds to bring one of these things down.


  1.  It’s NOT completely bulletproof.  Ever seen a bubblegunship take out an engie through the SB?  It happens a lot.




Problems with the warp gate:


  1.  It doesn’t warp far enough.  5,000 meters is nothing.  In a game that has such large maps.


  1.  Players crash a lot.  Stupid engies putting warp gates that go into obstacles are stupid.  Make it so you can’t deploy warp gates if a crash lies at the other side.


  1.  They are about 10x too weak.  Seriously…it’s a joke.  They are SO easily destroyable.  If I can destroy a warp gate before the engie even has a chance to use it, then that’s not ok.  The engie should have a chance to run and not get screwed because the “mobile warp gate” is neither mobile nor going to warp you if it’s destroyed.


  1.  You warp and you lose your heals.  Unless the engineer follows you through the warp gate, you lose your healing bonus.  Maybe warp gates should heal people who fly through them for 10 seconds or so at standard engie rates (based on ship sizes) so that this HUGE loss is accounted for.  I know this is why most don’t use warp gates…they want to stay by the engineer for healing, and won’t use the warp gate.


  1.  They are way too small.  Make them huge, able to send 5 ships through at once without any crashes.






Problems with Autonomous Recharge Station:


  1.  It needs to heal ALL allies in range, but by a lesser amount.  Right now, the recharge station heals the player with the lowest shield volume.  But how likely is it that more than one player has lost some amount of shield volume?  Pretty damn likely.  And how likely is it that you, with half shields, will get healed?  Well, flip a coin.


The autonomous repair station is innately better because fewer ships will have <100% hull strength than ships with <100% shield strength.  To balance the two modules, the recharge station needs to affect all friendly ships in range, but by a lesser amount.  Maybe half of what it is now.




Increase the size of the stations so they are more easily destructible.  They are too hard to hit with some weapons, and provide the biggest boosts to the enemy team compared to the value of the SB and the WG.  Both of which are useless and large and easily destructible.  It just seems a bit backwards.

  1. It’s about 10x too small.  No ship with adaptive shields would try to take cover behind this thing.  The shield is too small, and they are moving way too fast to stay behind it.  It needs to be made MUCH MUCH MUCH MUCH larger so that it’s actually seen and used more.  What if it’s like 1000-2000 meters in diameter…I’m sure you’d see a lot more of these.


_ It’s big enough to cover the engi and you can have multiple out at one time so I’m going to say… No _


  1.  It’s about 5x or 10x too weak.  I see a static barrier, and I just start shooting at it because I know I can take it down by myself.  This should be impossible.  It should take a whole team focusing for several seconds to bring one of these things down.


_ It’s plenty strong so thats another… No _


  1.  It’s NOT completely bulletproof.  Ever seen a bubblegunship take out an engie through the SB?  It happens a lot.


_ Have to agree that if Bubble gum can pass through it from the gunship then all plasma should pass through and the Engi should be able to shoot through it… so YES. _




Problems with the warp gate:


  1.  It doesn’t warp far enough.  5,000 meters is nothing.  In a game that has such large maps.


_ Yes to this one _


  1.  Players crash a lot.  Stupid engies putting warp gates that go into obstacles are stupid.  Make it so you can’t deploy warp gates if a crash lies at the other side.


_ No… don’t blame the Engi for pilot error… ppl need to learn to aim their ships. _


  1.  They are about 10x too weak.  Seriously…it’s a joke.  They are SO easily destroyable.  If I can destroy a warp gate before the engie even has a chance to use it, then that’s not ok.  The engie should have a chance to run and not get screwed because the “mobile warp gate” is neither mobile nor going to warp you if it’s destroyed.


_ Yes… they could have more durability. _


  1.  You warp and you lose your heals.  Unless the engineer follows you through the warp gate, you lose your healing bonus.  Maybe warp gates should heal people who fly through them for 10 seconds or so at standard engie rates (based on ship sizes) so that this HUGE loss is accounted for.  I know this is why most don’t use warp gates…they want to stay by the engineer for healing, and won’t use the warp gate.


I don’t see the logic here so… No


  1.  They are way too small.  Make them huge, able to send 5 ships through at once without any crashes.


_ No _








Problems with Autonomous Recharge Station:


  1.  It needs to heal ALL allies in range, but by a lesser amount.  Right now, the recharge station heals the player with the lowest shield volume.  But how likely is it that more than one player has lost some amount of shield volume?  Pretty damn likely.  And how likely is it that you, with half shields, will get healed?  Well, flip a coin.


The autonomous repair station is innately better because fewer ships will have <100% hull strength than ships with <100% shield strength.  To balance the two modules, the recharge station needs to affect all friendly ships in range, but by a lesser amount.  Maybe half of what it is now.




Increase the size of the stations so they are more easily destructible.  They are too hard to hit with some weapons, and provide the biggest boosts to the enemy team compared to the value of the SB and the WG.  Both of which are useless and large and easily destructible.  It just seems a bit backwards.


_ Going to have to say NO to all this. They should be hard to hit - They are an auxiliary heal to your main heals on the Engi so they should be less powerful. _



Overall I have to say that Engi is one of the most balanced class in game. My only complaint about them is they should get bonus efficiency due to the new rating system. Maybe more ppl would be willing to fly them if they could score as well as a command or inti. If you land a hull heal you should get the same points that an inti gets with a kill… after all your job is to heal and you should get reward for it. 



Problems with the static barrier:



It’s about 10x too small.  No ship with adaptive shields would try to take cover behind this thing.  The shield is too small, and they are moving way too fast to stay behind it.  It needs to be made MUCH MUCH MUCH MUCH larger so that it’s actually seen and used more.  What if it’s like 1000-2000 meters in diameter…I’m sure you’d see a lot more of these.

Tactical Module, the Use and Positionning of this module need some skill and logic, making it bigger will not make it more used, It will make it Overpowered.

There is a difference between providing a Small cover zone and creating a Gigantic virtual Asteroid able to modify the configuration of the Map.

And of course an Adaptive Tanking ship will not stop behind it. And adaptive tanking ship should never stop moving.


  1.  It’s about 5x or 10x too weak.  I see a static barrier, and I just start shooting at it because I know I can take it down by myself.  This should be impossible.  It should take a whole team focusing for several seconds to bring one of these things down.


Already happened. We only saw Turtle Engineers, and that was not balanced. There are actually ships able to optimize with differents ways the use of the Static Barrier (The Garm is the best exemple).

For some Engineers, the Energy consumption reduction is allowing an easier use of the Warpgate. The CD Reduction is allowing to use it faster and more often in battle. The Increased Efficiency is allowing it to be more resilient.




  1.  It’s NOT completely bulletproof.  Ever seen a bubblegunship take out an engie through the SB?  It happens a lot.

Nothing wrong here, it’s the Singularity Cannon’s Main Mechanics. It’s able to bypass structures.

Preventing Overpowered Turtles mechanics and Slowing the Battle dynamics.


The Static barrier is fine in terms of stats and playability. It’s not because players don’t know how to optimize its effect or have a proper gameplay around it that it’s meaning the Static Barrier is underpowered.

Secondly the fact that Players think the “Static Barrier” is not useful (while it’s not true) make them not using it. Since Engineers don’t use it, others players don’t know how to play with it. And when someone use it, they think it’s useless because they don’t know how to use it.





Problems with the warp gate:

We all know why the Warp gate is now like this.

Or you want to see the 0.7.X Frigball Era come back?

Problems with the static barrier:


  1.  It’s about 5x or 10x too weak.  I see a static barrier, and I just start shooting at it because I know I can take it down by myself.  This should be impossible.  It should take a whole team focusing for several seconds to bring one of these things down.

To me size is fine. I’ve wanted it to act more like a projected shield with the strength dependent on energy. i.e. you place it and power it within 1000m for every 100 dmg it uses 10 energy (random numbers) your energy is depleted it dies.


  1.  It’s NOT completely bulletproof.  Ever seen a bubblegunship take out an engie through the SB?  It happens a lot.

Agree. It should be a barrier.





Problems with the warp gate:


  1.  It doesn’t warp far enough.  5,000 meters is nothing.  In a game that has such large maps.

Agree here. maybe 7500m



IMO they don’t need many changes. I just have better use of the slots with healing items. 

And I have no issues with the stations. If anything I thought they were to easily killed.


I like the warp and static barrier suggestions, but the charging and repair stations are fine as-is. Healing multiple targets is what auras are for.


I like the warp and static barrier suggestions, but the charging and repair stations are fine as-is. Healing multiple targets is what auras are for.


The issue with the stations is that the repair station is better for the team than recharge.  Multiple reasons for this, but again, my problem is that MANY ships take shield damage, but much more infrequently is hull damage dealt.  This puts the repair station into most engie lineups; if the recharge station repaired all ships by a low amount, it will offset this mechanic.


Hopefully that makes sense…I know a lot of people who feel the recharge station is far inferior because of the nature of the gameplay.

Static barrier is honestly fine as is, people just gotta mind that explosions and bubbles can go through them. A bit more structure health would be great, but not to the point where the entire team has to focus on it, since that’s just silly.


Warp gate is really weak. Longer warp, (slightly) more structure health, and somewhat lower cooldown would be really welcome. Something for the huge propensity to crash would be nice, too. But the size and lack of heals on the other side are honestly fine.


Heal stations could possibly be reworked, as well, but I think they’re fine as is.