Recently played with tab

Suggestion for the social/friends box. Add a tab of “recent” for players you recently played with say the last 1 or 2 battles. It lists all the players on both sides of the last match or 2. So you can check out a player, friend a player, maybe squad with a player you played well with or against. I think it would be great for lower teirs since it took me forever to figure out how to find people and interact I’m sure others have the same issues. Good idea? Bad?


If you click on the combat log tab, you can message and invite players you’ve recently seen, as long as they killed someone, got a damage assist, or died.

True. I was thinking that was a bit unconventional though for the new players, but it does work.

I would love that as well, but on top of that an option to “ban” people from playing with you in next games. Ever. Both with or against you.

I understand I will wait more, but I prefer quality matches and have no problem browsing this forum or something else, while waiting for the SCon Tab to flash or I hear the match start siren.

I would love that as well, but on top of that an option to “ban” people from playing with you in next games. Ever. Both with or against you. I understand I will wait more, but I prefer quality matches and have no problem browsing this forum or something else, while waiting for the SCon Tab to flash or I hear the match start siren.


“Ban from playing against you” would be exploited against good players, so cannot recommend that.


“Ban from playing with you” would be nice feature, but would cause exponential increase (or more) on match making algorithm. So cannot recommend.


I think the MM starts to be good (as possible) now, lets not break it again.