Reaper Ram should do alpha damage

The Reaper (and hopefully soon Sai) have a super cool ram thing that can deal extra damage, but it acts more like a plasma arc than a ram. You must hold it on the target’s center to do damage. That’s weird.

Instead, the rams should “charge” at max speed, then simply deal lots of alpha damage on impact. Ezpz.

Im gonna put this up for review.

Well the physics in game engine sometimes can be weird) The model can count the actual physical impact like collision, but with Reaper’s ram it can be glitchy and probably make it an ultimate one-shot weapon. So, during the development, we’ve found the compromise here to keep the balance safe.

it is nearly impossible to hold the ram on a target, a slight boost in the rams hit box size would be appreciated

50 minutes ago, evo888 said:

it is nearly impossible to hold the ram on a target, a slight boost in the rams hit box size would be appreciated

Agreed. Also I do not understand why it has gradient damage depending on how close it is to the center of the enemy ship. That makes no sense. Most ships’ center mass is just empty space.

also, reaper advanced ram has been glitching, it seems like there are extra random hitboxes, I was turning to retreat when I got a “resistance is futile” medal for advanced ramming an ecm the was 3000m away from me, what is going on?