Reaper "Improved Ram"

So as far as I can tell and have tested, the Raper’s “Improved Ram” weapon acts simply like a 10m wide radiation field that deals 300 kinetic damage every 0.2 seconds to all enemies in range. The problem with this isn’t just the incredibly low damage, but also the fact that it acts like a radiation field. This means that it will not damage a target unless the field intersects with the “center” of the target.

This is a problem because 99% of the time hitting this spot and keeping the front of your ship centered on it is impossible, or you simply briefly scratch them.

I suggest that this be fixed by making the ram act more like a piercing projectile. This would allow it to deal full damage to any given target regardless of where they are rammed. This could be further improved by making the projectile variative depending on the immediate speed of the ship. This could make damage output perform similarly to the equation S*D1=D2 where S is speed, D1 is base damage for the projectile, and D2 is the final damage output. The damage tick could be the same as the current field, with damage every 0.2 seconds. This would make the ram a more valid option as a weapon, as I assume you meant it to be, and also allow it to become more of a meaningful addition to the ship because of the gravitational weapon and the tractor beam. Speed between two ships would be hard to calculate for damage calculation, but simply using the actual ship’s speed would be enough.

It is difficult to use, but with some practice it is ultimate anti-destroyer weapon. I literally spent yesterday evening on ramming every single destroyer in sight :smiley:

I totally agree with fox. The dmg only being applied to the center of the ship is bad and should be extended to the entire hull model. Also ramming should consider speed to deal a strong blow and not be like a cloud dmg feature; its like a knife dealing dmg for being inside the body, not for piercing it.

So as far as I can tell and have tested, the Raper’s “Improved Ram” weapon acts simply like a 10m wide radiation field that deals 300 kinetic damage every 0.2 seconds to all enemies in range. The problem with this isn’t just the incredibly low damage, but also the fact that it acts like a radiation field. This means that it will not damage a target unless the field intersects with the “center” of the target.

Could you please elaborate on the differences of this ram to the Plasma Arc for interceptors? How does the latter work in comparison? In other words is the first like a “kinetic dmg arc” or not really ?


It is difficult to use, but with some practice it is ultimate anti-destroyer weapon. I literally spent yesterday evening on ramming every single destroyer in sight :smiley:

Niri - interesting, not tried it so far!! How much damage? 300 kinetic dmg each ram? Is rams speed a variable in dmg?


I totally agree with fox. The dmg only being applied to the center of the ship is bad and should be extended to the entire hull model. Also ramming should consider speed to deal a strong blow and not be like a cloud dmg feature; its like a knife dealing dmg for being inside the body, not for piercing it.

Is the ram penetrating (going inside of) the 3D model (at least of big ships) like the Plasma Arc seems to do?

Niri - interesting, not tried it so far!! How much damage? 300 kinetic dmg each ram? Is rams speed a variable in dmg?

nope, it’s like micro-black hole at the tip. If you touch enemy ship it will generate around 1k/s damage to enemy hull. Tractor beam helps a lot in doing that, however harpoon gun works opposite to what you think - it pushes the object away instead of pulling, so don’t use it. So - build yourself fast and agile guard, look for a single destroyer (preferably busy doing pew pew), ramming speed, hit the side activating tractor beam and watch how destroyer’s health drops :slight_smile: I haven’t noticed if speed makes a difference in damage, sorry… We have to create a custom and see :slight_smile:

Speed does not change the damage. Also the damage is the sane for all ships so I don’t see how it could be any more damaging to destroyers. It is raw damage not percentage damage.

And it isn’t like a kinetic plasma arc because the damage is variable depending on how far away the spear is from their center. It does indeed act like a black-hole in those areas, but it does not push or pull enemies. You must also remember that black-holes are simply radiation clouds with a pull effect layer.

nope, it’s like micro-black hole at the tip. If you touch enemy ship it will generate around 1k/s damage to enemy hull. Tractor beam helps a lot in doing that, however harpoon gun works opposite to what you think - it pushes the object away instead of pulling, so don’t use it. So - build yourself fast and agile guard, look for a single destroyer (preferably busy doing pew pew), ramming speed, hit the side activating tractor beam and watch how destroyer’s health drops :slight_smile: I haven’t noticed if speed makes a difference in damage, sorry… We have to create a custom and see :slight_smile:

Anytime PM me in game :slight_smile:

Speed does not change the damage. Also the damage is the sane for all ships so I don’t see how it could be any more damaging to destroyers. It is raw damage not percentage damage.

And it isn’t like a kinetic plasma arc because the damage is variable depending on how far away the spear is from their center. It does indeed act like a black-hole in those areas, but it does not push or pull enemies. You must also remember that black-holes are simply radiation clouds with a pull effect layer.

Yes, exactly, Fox! Against turrets I tested it yesterday (do not have that much time lately, because of work) it seems to be that ram speed is not a factor and sitting only -like Fox says- raw damage of like 90 dmg per sec. consistently…


nope, it’s like micro-black hole at the tip. If you touch enemy ship it will generate around 1k/s damage to enemy hull. Tractor beam helps a lot in doing that, however harpoon gun works opposite to what you think - it pushes the object away instead of pulling, so don’t use it. So - build yourself fast and agile guard, look for a single destroyer (preferably busy doing pew pew), ramming speed, hit the side activating tractor beam and watch how destroyer’s health drops :slight_smile: I haven’t noticed if speed makes a difference in damage, sorry… We have to create a custom and see :slight_smile:

Yes, exactly, Niri! Touching a turret (without tractor beam) will cause dmg per sec. whilst only in contact to it with the tip of the Reaper.  But its a real cool thing - this kind of damage!


This would make it inferior to the Plasma Arc for interceptors? What you say? Not hurting like 2-3 destroyer modules at the same time?

Yes, exactly, Fox! Against turrets I tested it yesterday (do not have that much time lately, because of work) it seems to be that ram speed is not a factor and sitting only -like Fox says- raw damage of like 90 dmg per sec. consistently…

Yes, exactly, Niri! Touching a turret (without tractor beam) will cause dmg per sec. whilst only in contact to it with the tip of the Reaper. But its a real cool thing - this kind of damage!

This would make it inferior to the Plasma Arc for interceptors? What you say? Not hurting like 2-3 destroyer modules at the same time?

The proposed changes would change nothing but where you can damage enemies, as well as how much damage is dealt. If anything it would make it -more- useful, not less.

In this way it would act more like a singularity bubble that persists and deals slightly more damage in a greatly reduced AoE.

Where do you find it? Is it a module or a weapon? I can’t find it anywhere…

Where do you find it? Is it a module or a weapon? I can’t find it anywhere…

It’s implemented into the reaper’s ship design, it has a better ram on it’s own without using any module.

We’ll look into it, but it already was changed once since streaming with Rakza

We’ll look into it, but it already was changed once since streaming with Rakza

Good, in my opinion it is quite weak. The only opponent you will really be able to use it against is destroyers, and even on them it will take you minutes to take it down just with your horn and weapons.