Reaper- "Bastion Shield"

I wanted to make a post about the Reaper’s special module choice “Bastion Shield”, I feel that it is rather lacking the “oomph” it should have as per the description of “A large spherical shield that can cover allies”.

First Suggestion: Increasing “Bastions” Stats

Default Settings:

  • Shield Charge: 13,000
  • Active Time: 5 Seconds
  • Shield Resistance Increase> Player: 40 pts
  • Energy Consumption: 400
  • Recharge:18
  • Size: ??? < 250m (Coil Motar pierces)

Proposed Settings:

  • Shield Charge: 20,000
  • Shield Charge Resistance: 10
  • Active Time: 8 Seconds
  • Shield Resistance Increase> Player: 30 pts
  • Energy Consumption: 500
  • Recharge:25
  • Size: 500(to block explosive)

Second Suggestion:  Increasing “Bastions” Size & Cap

Proposed Settings: 

  • Shield Charge: 30,000(can block a lot but will not last long) 
  • Active Time: 4 seconds
  • Shield Resistance Increase>Player: 35
  • Energy Consumption: 400
  • Recharge:20
  • Size: 750(for protecting team)

Final Suggestion: Increasing “Bastions” Cap

Proposed Settings:

  • Shield Charge:45,000
  • Active Time: 3 seconds
  • Shield Resistance Increase>Player:30
  • Energy Consumption:600
  • Recharge:30
  • Size: Default(so explosions can breach)

I have had my reaper for a year now and I feel that the “Bastion” could do with some tweaking, I hope the proposed settings are fair and let me know if some need to be tweaked!

Thanks guys :D




Anything less than 5 seconds is 100% useless and devalues this module past the standard guard shield.


Time should stay the same or even be longer. (Longer)

Volume should increase.

Player resistance buff should stay the same.

Radius should be greatly increased.

This is all.

We had a revamp discussion in May 2016 , see [Reaper “Bastion Shield”](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/30614-reaper-bastion-shield/#comment-367496) (started by DarkRedFox, but nothing was changed, back then)


For comparison:

Bastion shield 8 (frigate:guard, Reaper, original)

  • Shield charge                13,000 pts
  • Active time                          5 s
  • Damage resistance increase        40 pts
  • Energy consumption               400 en
  • Recharge                        18 s
  • Description:    Forms a large spherical shield that can cover allies. Has no damage resistance, but increases the host’s shield resistances to all damage. Increases speed by 75% for 30 s on activation. Using modules or weapons and receiving damage disables the bonus.         

Aegis System 10 (fighter:command)

  • Active radius                 6,900 m
  • Active resistance                55 pts
  • Passive radius                 6,900 m
  • Passive resistance                19 pts
  • Active time                         10 s
  • Energy consumption               203 en
  • Recharge                        50 s
  • Description:    Passively increases shield resistance for you and your allies by 19 pts. Activation increases resistance to 55 pts. Active time 10 s. Range - 6,300 m.    

Static Shield 9 (destroyer)

  • Durability     30,000 pts
  • Duration        20 s
  • Recharge          1 s
  • Description:     Creates a directional shield with 300,000 strength pts for 20 s.

Amplifying Shields 10 (frigate:engineer, Phoenix)

  • Shield charge                 5,340 pts
  • Active time                          5 s
  • Energy consumption               400 en
  • Recharge                        17 s
  • Description:    Shield for your ship and a linked ally (no further than 3,000 m), has no damage resistances. If not destroyed, upon powering down it increases critical hit chance by 50 % for 5 s.


My suggestion: Bastion shield 8 (frigate:guard, Reaper, reworked)

  • Shield charge              15,000 pts
  • Active radius                   1,200 m
  • Active resistance                 40 pts
  • Passive resistance              20 pts
  • Active time                              10 s
  • Energy consumption          400 en
  • Recharge                                20 s
  • Description:    Activation forms a large spherical shield of 15,000 pts strength that can cover allies and actively increases the host’s shield resistances to all damage plus 40 pts. Spherical shield has no damage resistance itself. Bastion shield module passively increases resistance to all damage for you by 20 pts. Activation also increases speed by 75% for 30 s on activation. Using modules or weapons and receiving damage disables the speed bonus.   

The shield is for extremely tactical approach in battles like competitive type, this would be an all rounder to me so idk what to say. WIn me over lol

These are good ideas! 

10 hours ago, TheDarkRedFox said:

Anything less than 5 seconds is 100% useless and devalues this module past the standard guard shield.


Time should stay the same or even be longer. (Longer)

Volume should increase.

Player resistance buff should stay the same.

Radius should be greatly increased.

This is all.

Some modules neeed to be increased, the size and shield charge personally, need to. The active time is just a bonus. I propose 25k shield and 4 seconds & 800 size. That fair? 

3 hours ago, ORCA1911 said:

The shield is for extremely tactical approach in battles like competitive type, this would be an all rounder to me so idk what to say. WIn me over lol

Well, it’s for tactical apporaoches yes? Why is it weak then? 13,000 points quite small and if you manage to not take that much damage it’s dead because the active time is low. The size is quite sad it’s under 100m so it can’t block for more than one ally. 

After giving it some thought I came up with these balanced settings.

Shield: 20,000

Active:8 Seconds

Shield Res>15

Shield Res>Player:30

Energy Conspumption:600

Size 750m(same as destroyers and we all know how big that it seems good) 

Maybe 15-20k would do + increase in range.

Have you used it? Its a rather weak guard - buff / tweak of expensive Bastion shield is  a must , otherwise the time and/or money spend in getting it would be senseless (like the Stingray).

2 hours ago, avarshina said:

Have you used it? Its a rather weak guard - buff / tweak of expensive Bastion shield is  a must , otherwise the time and/or money spend in getting it would be senseless (like the Stingray).

It is, it’s a team feature and it really lacks the team part. 20 k and 8 seconds with range of 750m is good.

2 hours ago, ORCA1911 said:

Maybe 15-20k would do + increase in range.

I like it, 20k is good and range increase is a must. 

Okay it’s added for review, Cinnamon will deliver the final decision. Just dont bump the thread unless, well, feedbacking and stuff.

2 hours ago, ORCA1911 said:

Okay it’s added for review, Cinnamon will deliver the final decision. Just dont bump the thread unless, well, feedbacking and stuff.

Thank you sir! ![;)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/002.png “;)”)

Hey!  ![:)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/001j.png “:)”) Now it’s probably a great time to look back to Reaper’s Bastion Shield and see how it’s holding up. If it is not in conflict with recent Frigates rework, we will consider a buff for this module

Wonderful! In any case please leave the 30 seconds speed increase of the Bastion shield  (standard has 12 s).

A 30 s ride is long but would be canceled by weapons use or incoming damage anyway. And in this way the Reaper guard flavor of the frigate class would have a potent equivalent to the Reverse thruster of the frigate:long range and the Warp gate module of the frigate:engineer.

2 hours ago, avarshina said:

Wonderful! In any case please leave the 30 seconds speed increase of the Bastion shield  (standard has 12 s).

A 30 s ride is long but would be canceled by weapons use or incoming damage anyway. And in this way the Reaper guard flavor of the frigate class would have a potent equivalent to the Reverse thruster of the frigate:long range and the Warp gate module of the frigate:engineer.

I actually like this sub-idea, deff worth lookin into.

7 hours ago, CinnamonFake said:

Hey!  ![:)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/001j.png “:)”) Now it’s probably a great time to look back to Reaper’s Bastion Shield and see how it’s holding up. If it is not in conflict with recent Frigates rework, we will consider a buff for this module

Thank you! ![;)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/002.png “;)”)

If I think what Cinnamon is thinking the Bastion will get a team-based rework. Higher cap and size for sure.

5 hours ago, ORCA1911 said:

I actually like this sub-idea, deff worth lookin into.

A side topic: Why would the Devs not consider the dual purpose special modules of the pair: Reaper & Phoenix to get into other ships of t3 - t5? Some ships have it other not (e.g. Styx (r9 empire], Sword S [r15 jericho]).

That would be the Bastion shield for the Reaper and the Phoenix drones of the Phoenix ship. Logic would be that 1st the bastion is a nice idea to get you and allies nearby covered under a common shield, like in some fighter:command active modules. And 2nd the Phoenix drones are much fun having situation more under control in switching the 3 drones from attack to repair mode. Ordinary engys do the switch automatically from repair to attack if hull is over/below 50% pts. Its more fun and experience for players with the 3 phoenix drones and the manual switch!


The uniqueness would be lost then, maybe thats the reason.