Read all mails button.

Hi !


I have a suggestion :

A button to read all our mails one by one.

Once pressed, it show the first mail.

Close the mail by either the “Ok” button or the “Take everything button”, and it switch to the next mail.


I have 10+ mail upon log-in (With GS inside  :006j: )

And it’s SOOOO boring to click on one mail → click the “Take everything” button → click the second mail → again and again…

Other players get a mail once per month so…suffer bro.




jk, Nice idea, sector conquest rewards make similiar spam.

I have 10+ mail upon log-in (With GS inside  :006j: )


tonights drinks are on you then

First world problems, you have to cash your paycheck.

DestroyHer, we get it. You’ve posted it enough, that your sticker won and your getting gs for sales. I feel happy for you, but enough is enough lol.


Nonetheless, i comfort funktion like he mentioned, would be the frosting on the delicous cake, but atm there are more important bugs/features.

DestroyHer, we get it. You’ve posted it enough, that your sticker won and your getting gs for sales. I feel happy for you, but enough is enough lol.


Nonetheless, i comfort funktion like he mentioned, would be the frosting on the delicous cake, but atm there are more important bugs/features.