re-supply at re-spawn

In the current situation your ammo isn’t re-supplied after re-spawning. This seems rather odd when there is no problem getting an entire new ship but no resupplied ammo. What ever argument for this, I’ll destroy it.


My suggestion: re-supply missiles at re-spawn


Here’s how this is not only a good idea but also beneficial (yes money ( did I get your attention?));


  • players will use their missiles/torpedoes/rocket more often, there for need to buy more.

  • sell missiles/torpedoes/rockets in bundles of 25, 50 100. what ever, you can deside.

  • more fun, more missiles/torpedoes/rocket sales, lead to more revenue, you just need to set the price right.


Some adjustments will be needed, because player will not hesitate to use their missiles/rockets/torpedoes.


  • IR flares refresh rates

  • lock-on delay refresh rate

this opens up a path to electronic warfare all for the right reasons.


thanks for your time.

too much missile/rocket spam is u r just going to have replenished ammo after respawn,


dont know about u but i dont want enemy nuking my team’s beacon every minute

I think that’s why there is a re-spawn timer. and there are already_ _counter measures, but with this idea perhaps not enough, a single missile isn’t going to take you out,  this just need a bit of tweaking.

too much missile/rocket spam is u r just going to have replenished ammo after respawn,


dont know about u but i dont want enemy nuking my team’s beacon every minute


1st this


2nd Missles are a tactical element in this game which i dont want to miss , because good householding with them can make the difference between win or loss in last min .

Did I miss something or do ship missile bays hold ∞ missiles?


If you’re going to criticize the concept, write a better argument then of “ZOMG spamfest, QQ”

Did you even bother to read?

Did I miss something or do ship missile bays hold ∞ missiles?

If you’re going to criticize the concept, write a better argument then of “ZOMG spamfest, QQ”

Did you even bother to read?

The whole reason as to why missiles are so powerful are because they come in limited quantity.

-1 for an I Win button.

The whole reason as to why missiles are so powerful are because they come in limited quantity.


tell me a missile does (med size) does  around 1500 a 1700 dmg at best. I don’t see how a single missle is an instant win.


You should really contsruct your arguments better. -> explain it to me how this situation would be a “press m2 to win” because I’m not seeing any arguments, just an opinion.


I could even give an example how missles can be unrealiable, but for now, you’ll have to take my word for it, I’ll let you figure that one out.

He means in a dogfight, or in some objective games such as detonation or combat recon.


Medium and small missiles come in quite a generous quantity, there are also some missiles that can stun, slow. Proxi mines that can be used for pass by’s, multi fire firestorm missiles, then there are damage type missiles. Small missiles are more or less useful to boost your dps or take a hit from an anti missile system. Medium missiles are guided and are quite effective against taking out interceptors and other fast targets that are hard to hit.


Missiles can be used to give your ship a damage type that your ship does not already have. Then there are the larger missiles which can do quite a bit of damage.


Its not really just the damage that counts for the smaller warheads, but more on their quantity, damage type, and function. There are some ships that can carry a large amount of missiles, jerico having such ships which are capable of carrying 8 to 10 heavy missiles. 

Minefields are some of the most powerful weapons in the game when you’ve got a scrum near a beacon. If I got 3 of them with every respawn I can pretty much guarantee you’d not be able to get within 3k of a beacon without flying through mines.


Missiles are balanced around limited uses per game. If you made them unlimited then you’d either have to reduce the size of missile bays or nerf the effect of missiles to compensate. It may not make much sense that your missile bays aren’t refilled when your ship is rebuilt, but it’s a balanced mechanic.


Assuming I fight people equally skilled as me so will only get 1 or 2 kills before respawning, your proposed change basically just means I hold down the right mouse button as well as the left when I shoot at things, which is less interesting and less skill intensive. You’d also be making flares or AMS an indispensible module on a ship (it’s pretty good anyway now, but at least it’s not completely suicidal not to have one, which it would be with this change), removing choice from the fitting subgame.


This is all balancable by nerfing minefield damage or duration, nerfing missile damage, increasing missile cooldowns, building flares in to ships and a dozen other things, but I’m not sure why you’d want to. You haven’t stated any reason this would make gameplay any better, only that it would make players buy more missiles (which you then state would have to be balanced anyway by making them cheaper or selling them in bundles).

then the best thing would be to dump everything that is homing all at once. For the sake of balancing.


I would actually be fine with that.

As long as the most played mode is Arcade, missile restriction is a good motive to change ships and not just die and come back.  


I’d never change from Interceptor unless I had a specific Contract if I could resupply missiles.  


I like how they are valuable.  


Now is classic mode if there was a depot you could resupply at, that would be cool.  

if missiles restocked, people would just turn battlefield into a minefield. soon as they ran out of mine they kill themself and get more…



no thanks