Rare ores conversion

I bet a lot of people have a ton of neodium and perhaps beryllium but probably just neodium ![:D](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/006j.png “:D”)

Since i doubt we will have a smaller ore>enriched conversion for the upper rare ores, i propose a secondary way to obtain ores with higher value than neodium, basically, 10 neodium plates for one beryllium rod, 10 rods for one enriched electrum, it would act as a nice rare ore sink plus provide a nice boost in dem farming efforts.


No need to bust my ballz for the 10>1 conversion or propose a ridiculous idea of 5>1 or 1>1, we all know if it gets into the game, its gonna be 10>1, ifyouknowwhatimean.

i agree,  i need electrum : )

I’m maxed on neo so this would be nice. I have no beryllium whatsoever. Xp

I for one would love to see this. I have enough neodium to build a bunch of tier 1 destroyers but not even enough beryllium for 1 enriched.

If I could +1000 this I would. The broker has been feeding us Neodium for months now and if unlike me you haven’t been selling it for quick credits, you could probably make a couple hundred rank 8 destroyers. This would help without a doubt since Electrum and Beryl have a pile of crap in the place of a droprate.

15 hours ago, TheDerpNukem said:

If I could +1000 this I would. The broker has been feeding us Neodium for months now and if unlike me you haven’t been selling it for quick credits, you could probably make a couple hundred rank 8 destroyers. This would help without a doubt since Electrum and Beryl have a pile of crap in the place of a droprate.


Same. You should be able to swap between neo/berry as needed.

But for now the the bonus 240,000 credits per day is ok.