Rapid fire plasma cannon redone

(this might be a rather crazy idea but it doesn’t hurt to share it…)


you might have played Black Prophecy or X3: Terran Conflict

in both games were flamethower like weapons…


i’m suggesting to change the rapid fire plasma to a weapon which has a low rof 20/min and a short range ~1500u but deals great amounts of EMP damage

the charge would be like a massive eruption of hot and devastating plasma which deals damage to everything in it’s flight path

the speed is considerable low and the burst would lose it’s original form fast





I´m totally against changing the rapid fire plasma but i do like the idea anyway. Just make it a new weapon and i´m good with it.

…a new weapon…i heard some people complaining about some of the feds special abilities…maybe change it to a shockwave weapon creating a deadly ball of plasma around your frigate…

We have pulsar for that. Too simillar i think.

rapids are fine, they just need a slight reduction in spread, IMO. from 2.5 to 1.8 i think.

you basically are purposing that we change rapids to heavy weapons and this is a bit silly.

(this might be a rather crazy idea but it doesn’t hurt to share it…)


you might have played Black Prophecy or X3: Terran Conflict

in both games were flamethower like weapons…


i’m suggesting to change the rapid fire plasma to a weapon which has a low rof 20/min and a short range ~1500u but deals great amounts of EMP damage

the charge would be like a massive eruption of hot and devastating plasma which deals damage to everything in it’s flight path

the speed is considerable low and the burst would lose it’s original form fast





I think Pulse weapons are allready good, If you look on a poll Uhmari set up to see what weapon people were useing its mostly pulse, and barely and railguns or lasers being used and if anythink railguns defently need some soort of buff in spread reduction or Damage increase and fire rate increast because with stabilised rail gun the spread is nothing at the start of shooting but by the time you’ve got 5 shots off anf barly hurt the enemy you allready have the spread on full :confused:

i think weapons are balanced atm - i play with all factions with all weapons - and for every situation there is good weapon - you have to adapt your playstyle 

rapids are fine, they just need a slight reduction in spread, IMO. from 2.5 to 1.8 i think.

you basically are purposing that we change rapids to heavy weapons and this is a bit silly.

rapids are fine,

we got a ton of anti-spread modules and if you look at the ship infos,

then ya see many a federation ship has “reduced plasma spread by 33,3%”.


Every “race” has a favored weapon:

Empire = Laaaaaz0000000r!

Federation = Plasmaaaaargh!

Jerich = Rails


I’m glad they actually made some “rapid” firing weapons fire faster now:)

Especially the railgun is fun.