Rank 9 and 12 implant icons visible on the HUD

The tension is real… It will be done, it doesn’t happen every day a dev says that kinda thing. Patience is a virtue. :005j:


You won’t disclose what points are on your to-do-list or?

Because some ideas are great and we don’t even know if they are noticed/on it, especially how many points you have on it.

This idea is in list. But the final view of its will be revealed only when it’s done. We’re currently not enough ppl to do all, what was planned, so it may be not so soon

This idea is in list. But the final view of its will be revealed only when it’s done. We’re currently not enough ppl to do all, what was planned, so it may be not so soon

I hope that you do it pretty soon, because it’s not that long to program this, right?

How long will such thing takes in programming hours? I am talking about rank 9 and 12 icons on the HUD.

How long will such thing takes in programming hours? I am talking about rank 9 and 12 icons on the HUD.

They already have the script for everything, they just need to add some variables that define when the buff is active and what its image is. But I agree with Cinnamon, if this steals time from developing new content

They already have the script for everything, they just need to add some variables that define when the buff is active and what its image is. But I agree with Cinnamon, if this steals time from developing new content

Probably like 30 minutes.

On 6/3/2016 at 2:12 PM, CinnamonFake said:

This idea is in list. But the final view of its will be revealed only when it’s done. We’re currently not enough ppl to do all, what was planned, so it may be not so soon

This should be included in the Autumn update, since it supposed to be the most promising update. Make it so.

To summarize everything, you may not think that such information is always good, but I welcome it.

If we got accustomed with the spam all over the screen for points, assists, kills and synergy, believe me, this will not introduce any problem at all.

We would just get 2 icons more, since rank 9 icon don’t need to be duplicated for every lock.