
i like to have spherical radar and 2D-map simultaneously.

to be specific i suggest to make 2 nested configurable placeholders in left-top and right-top. with options of spherical radar/2D-map/target view

Yep, the option for both would be nice, I suggested that before and so did others.

+1 increased awareness for those who know how to use it.

I support this ! Both have different use, having to choose beetween them is a shame :smiley:

By the way, can the devs put the squad status back under the radar ? It’s kind of irritating to check the both sides of the screen to gather important infos.

Necroing this.

I’ve got target view in the top left turned off, as it’s mostly pointless.

Instead of having just an option to toggle that on or off, it’d be nice to have the option to put the 2D map there, maybe even an option for the 3D sphere, so people can choose in which corner they want either one.

I can’t see what the 2D map can give you that the 3D radar can’t. I understand for some people the 3D radar is confusing, and they prefer having the 2D map.


But having both? why? the 3D radar will give you all the information you need, all the time. And for team positioning, the Tab map is way better than the small 2D map.


But yeah, even then, it will be a good idea that they can introduce this option.

3D radar is awesome, i don’t see the need for 2D radar unless u are commander in a scrimmage or something

“3d” radar is tightened to your ships sensor range, so if you are in afrig with 3 000 sensors, that is how far you can see on a radar, 2d map shows whole battlefield and you take advantage of your whole team sensors coverage. I constantly change from one to another, information is priceless, but having both in the same time would be awesome (Target lock window is far from useless btw)

As xKostyan said, the 2D map is far better at getting a quick overview of the whole battle, additionally, if you open up the big map, your controls are locked out and you’ll drift, which can sometimes give an LRF enough time to put a shot into you.

Which is why I don’t use the big map at all in PvP (unless I’m dead) and instead switch the radar like xKostyan.


The 3D sphere is great for dogfighting, but groups of friendlies and/or enemies some distance away just look like massive undecipherable blobs, which isn’t very helpful if you’re trying to find the bomb carrier for example.


I’m also not sure what range the sphere shows, I’ve noticed that if I fly an Interceptor with 6000m sensor range in Invasion sectors, I can detect and lock on to enemies that don’t show up on the sphere yet, so it seems to be capped at some range, but I can’t find any info on how far it goes.


Actually if at all possible, I’d like to have not just the option of having both radars on my screen at the same time, but also a way to configure what range the sphere is set to.

My way of working around this is using the 3d radar in combat and pressing and holding tab to see the bird’s eye map when out. 'Course, that means you can’t control your ship while looking at the 2d map, but if you’re looking at the 2d map in the first place, you’re probably not in an urgent firefight or anything.

all edges are covered atm


can you please explain how you will position the new map?

Just use the keybind that changes the map type.

OT: The devs broke something that didn’t need fixing. Put the squad bars back on the same side as the map so we can get as much information as possible with one glance.

all edges are covered atm


can you please explain how you will position the new map?


By replacing the target view window as I already mentioned:


I’ve got target view in the top left turned off, as it’s mostly pointless.

Instead of having just an option to toggle that on or off, it’d be nice to have the option to put the 2D map there, maybe even an option for the 3D sphere, so people can choose in which corner they want either one.

nah i want my target window

The target lock window is very useful, although that would be a perfect location for the 2-D map. I feel like if the 2-D map could be placed there and the target-lock window moved down just below where the 2-D map would then be, that would be a perfect solution. I love the idea of having both a 2-D and 3-D map on simultaneously.

ok, got it


forwarded to Devs

I should also note that there should be a way to toggle either one, in case players prefer only having one minimap

I thought the same so this is included in my note to the Devs :slight_smile:

all edges are covered atm

can you please explain how you will position the new map?

Under the current one. :3

This is a good decision. Developers might use this idea for further game evolving.