Racing Game Mode

Simply copy any space racer type game …

I’m surprised JP didn’t sing up yet, he would probably beat us all in his T1. Wait, this is the wrong thread, wtf forums.

Someone was talking about a race mode in this game lobby… of course he can’t be serious. And then this topic appears in the forum.


…So how about this?


Which race you’re in depends on which type of ship you use, fighter and interceptor matches are separated… optional if we’re up for it. Crashing is everyone problem anyways.


Why not a freaking ‘Go A to B’ in a straight line is simple, fastest ship wins. the point of this version is maneuvering skill, not speed.


This version is ‘No PVP’ mode.


The general idea:

Non-pvp racing where pilots fly through an obstacle filled map, dodging bullets, slow-fields, and prox mines.

Different maps, different game modes, different game mods, but the main goal is skilled maneuvering.


Racing modes:

Mode 1: Racing(reach point / beacon)

Mode 2: Move the bomb - grab a bomb and return to the start point, as usual you move MUCH slower, Good luck with those obstacles :wink:

Mode 3.1: (Volcanic Rock ONLY) Lava escape - doesn’t only come from behind you but from random tunnels (starts the closer the lava flood behind is closer to them)

Mode 3.2: Enemy ships will chase you only if they spot you in any other map.

Mode 4: Survival- stay in the Matrix or Asteroid without being killed by traps

-Multiple asteroids are connected in a loop, some get more dangerous as you stay in them longer, involves every pilot… danger decreases slowly in each room, but at late or mid game we should all be panicking about where to run.  007_3.png


Mode mod:  modifying the game rules for fun.


-Afterburners always on - Afterburner Testing Program (ATP)

 -Backstory: Researchers would like to know at close look how ships will handle when afterburners are always on.

-Snail chase - Gravity gun equipped on every ship, does no damage but slows. Overheats fast and takes long to cool.

2.1: Enemy ships will chase you if you have the bomb



-Moving obstacles



Map 1: The Matrix

Tunnel layout: Machinery Tunnels, something of a metallic look where pillars extending from wall to wall, thick and thin, or floating around here and there. The point is to go to the end without bumping into them, slowing down, or crash. No open areas, the entire track is walled in a tunnel.

-moving obstacles


Tunnel width: About 3.5km to 7km.


Traps/ Obstacles:

-Walls and pillars move and float around, some close and open

-Explosives that start countdown as you pass them (noticeable by red trigger lasers that reach the walls or flashing red lights)

-Pillars of light that switch on and off. Deals thermal damage

-Turrets that shoot and damage you

-Single turrets that shoot and slow you



Map 2: Drilled Asteroid site

Tunnel layout: rocky with pillars and tunnel supports


Tunnel Width:

Narrow: 1.8 - 2km

Wide: 6-8km


Traps/ Obstacles:

Random arrangement of rocks to travel through

Example: Rock A has turrets in it, Rock B has shield  slows, Rock C has  lots of holes. The order is random from which you travel into per game, not always Rock A to B to C, next game may be Rock C to A to B.

3-4 Asteroids to travel through



Abandoned drilling machines

Metals/ Crystals in the walls



Map 3: Volcanic Rock

Tunnels layout: Wide, rocky, lava on walls

It’s pretty much inside a giant lava exploding asteroid.


Tunnel Width:

Narrow: 2km

Wide: 5km


Traps/ Obstacles:

Lava spewing out from pools randomly, pillar shaped



Abandoned drilling machines

Metals/ Crystals in the walls



Map 4: Asteroid belt

I think you get the idea… rocks everywhere… about 500m  to the usual 1000k in size.


Traps/ obstacles:



Triggered by:

-Entering sensor range:

Delayed: Greed flashing

Instant: Red flashing



Delayed: Blue flashing

Instant: Yellow flashing


Decoration: Look… over there… the source.


Explosives are scattered through the asteroid field and cause 500m explosions with the usual 300m radiation cloud for 7 seconds, or 300m to 900m growing clouds, or 8 seconds with the 900m cloud lasting 1 sec, which also hurl asteroids at random directions.



Frig racing special:

Bumper cars (lol)



Areas between asteroids may be by constructed tunnels or wide open.

 Assuming races will be about 5 minutes, all mods should be down to around 30s Cooldown.

Cloaking is legal, so dodge turrets all you want.

Overdrive is legal, make em eat you afterburners.

Microwarp is nerved down to a very short distance, 20 sec Cooldown

Spider web slows instead of damages, short duration, 30 sec Cooldown


All-Map Traps:

-shootable explosives that block the path, shootable before or after you enter it.

-Shields that slow you when you pass

-Shields that block the path, preventing anybody from using them, including you if shot before you pass them

-Self-distruct zone, stay in this area for 3 seconds and your ship explodes.


Take a different route / tunnel if you wanna move on. Though the first get doesn’t get to know what’s in the next asteroid so lucky him.


Repair Port:

Scattered out ports, noticeable by their large round blue shields. You can pass through them and regenerate your ship, but cannot leave until repairs are complete. The ship cannot crash into it since the port with put your ship into an instant halt and adjust it to facing the right direction over the repair pad. Repairs take up a minimum for 7 seconds and a maximum of 15 seconds.


Traps may trigger depending on weapon type

-shooting obstacles, kinetic - opens paths

-charging battery, EMW -after charging eirther starts a warp gate or activates slow shields

-Heat sensing explosive, thermal - explosives, radiation clouds, the usual :slight_smile:


Some traps trigger when you pass through their sensor range.


Anti-Afker / Troll setting: Your ship will explode after 8 seconds if it stays in a 800m radius of the point where it drops bellow 20% speed. Is not active for the first 30 seconds of the match.

Backstory: Don’t act like you’re a pirate spy thats spectating the game.

-1.1:For staying outside too long between the asteroids, your ship explodes.

Backstory: Pirates placed ship control hacking nodes that cause immobile ships to explode.

-1.2: Long range ships will shoot you down if you stay out of the asteroid for 10 seconds. 100% accuracy.

-2.1No rewards for people under the top 5.

-2.2 No rewards for Death-by-Afk or abandoning ship


Like, hate, ignore. Up to you, happy Flying.  salute.png

Frigate bumper cars are pretty cool. Instead of all those complex traps how about nukes that work like prox mine, regular prox mines, and LRF mine fields. Turn it into a drag race. Afk destruction is not good by default.

Mine fields can’t be dodged, most of the traps I mentioned are practically prox mines… and thank you I forgot the missile turrets lol.

Though if they were all mines, there’d be less of a ‘chose this trap’ and more ‘1st guy here is dead’, which will work for endangering the guy in 1st place, but not for the rest of the group since there’s more pressure to the front guy than the rest.

they aren’t spammed all over the place. They are traps so they are hidden. Around the corner is a minefield. The checkpoint has a prox mine hidden at the top and bottom. I ment covop nukes btw. Anyways the only idea i like is frigate bumper cars but that probably wont be accepted.


Btw check your mail. i sent something to you

Basically what Im seeing here is everyone with a t5 inti spewing about how fast they go. Inti only racing ‘because who wants to race in a fighter or frigate’


Meanwhile, Han Solo raced frigates, and my fighters pretty much all go 700m/s already.




I think I agree with you for the very first time on something. 


This necro was uncalled and it’s stupid.



I love word searches!


I found ‘Bacon’, ‘Rewd’, ‘Werk’, ‘Sweet Rolls’, and ‘xxxx’.


No wait, that was ‘Nerf my xxxx’…

Gj but I don’t think rewd and week are words. You are missing some more.

Gj but I don’t think rewd and week are words. You are missing some more.


I doubt rewd is a word but week is. Week = Monday + Tuesday + Wednesday + Thursday + Friday + Saturday + Sunday (those last 2 are the weekend).


I found “Fade”, “Sun”, “PDF”, “Sh*t”, “PC”, “Free”, “Troll”, “Nerf” (2 times). 

I ment to say werk but autocorrect…

There’s definitely a “Shite Sunni” in there. Surprised no one else noticed.


Although the spelling “Shiite” makes it a bit less, uh…

