Racing Game Mode

To play this game mode you would have to choose to play it. It would not be in rotation like capture the beacon, combat recon, etc. 


Once you choose to play the racing game mode you would be put into your selective tier.


You would need to outfit your interceptor, who would want to race in a fighter or frigate, to maximum speed or capacitor regeneration or other ways of gaining an advantage. It would kind of be like mario kart where you could shoot your opponents. If your health is depleted then you would just watch another person race. 


Objections would move around the race track. sometimes you would have to enter gates like checkpoints. the possiblities are kind of endless. 


If you don’t understand this concept then ok. i really just came up with this on the fly. 


Edit: It might have long queue times but you could squad up with other people to lessen the time.


Edit: It would be better to implement this when the player base become larger.

Now THIS is podracing!


Also feel free to organize your own races in a custom battle or in the soon to be sandbox mode.

More like Plasma Arc Racing. Get out of my way, or else.


Alternatively, we could have neutral turrets shooting at the racers, a la Tusken Raider style, for more varied strategies. 

i like

Given the color scheme of Vanguard interceptors, interceptor racing ain’t too far-fetched an idea. I support this.

Was already brought up as a non-official race. Could be done for example on Ice Reef, for funsies.

Jeeze, I dunno…my T1’s are pretty damn fast…

Was already brought up as a non-official race. Could be done for example on Ice Reef, for funsies.


Could you tell me which topic so i could look at it also?

Could you tell me which topic so i could look at it also?


Maybe in the WPK corp topic?

I love to see a spacerace too !
Well… Deathmatch don’t fit all ship roles, so a race can be put in random battle too ! You can imagine a team race with multiple checkpoints.

Both full team need to reach the cheackpoint before the next is activated (randomly placed to avoid fast moving). you gain points according to your place (1st: 10, 2nd: 9 etc…). Or their could be a “route” and you are given the same warning as when you’re out or the battlefield in “classic” games.

Both team start in equal distance of the first checkpoint.

It would be a camp feist in each checkpoint :bomber:

I love to see a spacerace too !

Well… Deathmatch don’t fit all ship roles, so a race can be put in random battle too ! You can imagine a team race with multiple checkpoints.

Both full team need to reach the cheackpoint before the next is activated (randomly placed to avoid fast moving). you gain points according to your place (1st: 10, 2nd: 9 etc…). Or their could be a “route” and you are given the same warning as when you’re out or the battlefield in “classic” games.

Both team start in equal distance of the first checkpoint.

It would be a camp feist in each checkpoint :bomber:

but wouldnt some ships just DOMINATE? Like fed gunships. The go pretty fast AND they have overdrive and that speed boost thingy .

We could rule that all racers must fly a ship of a particular faction and role. That means 18 different ‘classes’ of racing ships.


Alternatively, for more fun and chaos, relay races with prescribed ship types (e.g. one Jeri guard, one Fed gunship, one Imperial ECM), and racers and freely decide what order they want to launch their ships. 


but wouldnt some ships just DOMINATE? Like fed gunships. The go pretty fast AND they have overdrive and that speed boost thingy .


Gravi-beamer, engine suppressor, inhibitor beam, slowfield missiles…

Lol so now u could KILL them? I thought it was just a fun race not a kill race

but wouldnt some ships just DOMINATE? Like fed gunships. The go pretty fast AND they have overdrive and that speed boost thingy .

yes, but they can be destroyed by the other team when they reach them on a checkpoint, buying it some time :smiley:

yes, but they can be destroyed by the other team when they reach them on a checkpoint, buying it some time :smiley:

this is kind of turning into a deathmatch but it takes like 3 min to reach the other team

Lol so now u could KILL them? I thought it was just a fun race not a kill race


I wasn’t intending on killing them… I was just listing out all the ways in which a tackler can slow down an enemy. But then again, destroyed ships can’t move, right?

There are / were so many racing games on consoles that features shooting your competitors to either slow them down either by sending them crashing out of the course or destroying them causing them time to respawn. Mine is / was mario kart and wipeout. Being able to shoot or not is not a big issue.


Keeping it competitive and fair for all is.


Feds will dominate frigate only races


Recons in inty races etc


So question is how do we make it fair ?


and equally as important - how to make the game mode fun if everyone is flying at the same speed ?

Excellent suggestions and concerns. i will have a new revised version in my next comment.


Although i would like to prevent a win by amount of points. 

2 Subgame Modes 

With multiple subsections within each racing category


Individual Racing

#1 - Mixed Ship Classes

Ship Classes will be placed at different start positions. For example frigates would get a lead, followed by fighters, then finally by interceptors. Slower ships would have the challenge of taking out faster ships before they get past. Once a player is destroyed they choose their next ship and respawn where interceptors would respawn. Of course once all ships are destroyed then a player must wait to get the results of the race, watching other surviving player play.


Players would need to pass through checkpoints to add to the synergy gain and credit gain. Missed checkpoints will result in loss of synergy and credits. If they refuse to pass through at least a certain number of the checkpoints they are unable to receive rewards at the end. 


#2 - Limited Ship Classes

Only players with interceptors in their slots will be allowed to enter this queue. Other non interceptor ships will be blocked from playing. Only one ship is allowed. Once that ship is destroyed eliminated players will watch surviving players.


Recons receive a penalty setting them back a little bit less than their maximum MWD capabilities. Interceptors MUST pass through all checkpoints to gain synergy and credits.

Checkpoints will be behind obstacles sometimes so a recon ship will not abuse it’s special module. 


Team Racing

#1 - Relay

Only interceptors. Multiple groups will be in numbers of 4. When the racing baton is not in possession of other teammates they will remain frozen or stunned however you want to say it. First one to finish relay gains a credit and synergy bonus.


#2 - B(e)acon Racing

Mixed ship classes. 2 teams,or multiple whatever the devs prefer, will start on opposite sides of the map with the first beacon in the middle.

Ships most hold beacons. Points will start at 0. Points will be gained for held beacons. 


Multiple beacons, at least 5, will be chosen randomly as the next on to activate, reducing the amount of camping at the next beacon. The team with the highest number of points at the end will gain a synergy and credit bonus. 


Like arcade mode with unlimited spawns. Also it is a much better version i think of beacon hunt


Post any suggestions or concerns below. 

Synergy and credits gains are bound to final score / medal / wining side.

You just need to give some score point to determine how much synergy / credits you’d get anyway…

Those ideas are fun :smiley: