Racing Game Mode

2 Subgame Modes

With multiple subsections within each racing category

Individual Racing

#1 - Mixed Ship Classes

Ship Classes will be placed at different start positions. For example frigates would get a lead, followed by fighters, then finally by interceptors. Slower ships would have the challenge of taking out faster ships before they get past. Once a player is destroyed they choose their next ship and respawn where interceptors would respawn. Of course once all ships are destroyed then a player must wait to get the results of the race, watching other surviving player play.

Players would need to pass through checkpoints to add to the synergy gain and credit gain. Missed checkpoints will result in loss of synergy and credits. If they refuse to pass through at least a certain number of the checkpoints they are unable to receive rewards at the end.

#2 - Limited Ship Classes

Only players with interceptors in their slots will be allowed to enter this queue. Other non interceptor ships will be blocked from playing. Only one ship is allowed. Once that ship is destroyed eliminated players will watch surviving players.

Recons receive a penalty setting them back a little bit less than their maximum MWD capabilities. Interceptors MUST pass through all checkpoints to gain synergy and credits.

Checkpoints will be behind obstacles sometimes so a recon ship will not abuse it’s special module.

Team Racing

#1 - Relay

Only interceptors. Multiple groups will be in numbers of 4. When the racing baton is not in possession of other teammates they will remain frozen or stunned however you want to say it. First one to finish relay gains a credit and synergy bonus.

#2 - B(e)acon Racing

Mixed ship classes. 2 teams,or multiple whatever the devs prefer, will start on opposite sides of the map with the first beacon in the middle.

Ships most hold beacons. Points will start at 0. Points will be gained for held beacons.

Multiple beacons, at least 5, will be chosen randomly as the next on to activate, reducing the amount of camping at the next beacon. The team with the highest number of points at the end will gain a synergy and credit bonus.

Like arcade mode with unlimited spawns. Also it is a much better version i think of beacon hunt

Post any suggestions or concerns below.

u realize beacon racing is almost the exact same thing as beacon hunt

Individual Racing

#1 - Mixed Ship Classes

Ship Classes will be placed at different start positions. For example frigates would get a lead, followed by fighters, then finally by interceptors. Slower ships would have the challenge of taking out faster ships before they get past. Once a player is destroyed they choose their next ship and respawn where interceptors would respawn. Of course once all ships are destroyed then a player must wait to get the results of the race, watching other surviving player play.


Players would need to pass through checkpoints to add to the synergy gain and credit gain. Missed checkpoints will result in loss of synergy and credits. If they refuse to pass through at least a certain number of the checkpoints they are unable to receive rewards at the end. 


I’m imagining all kinds of strange scenarios on my head already.


ECMs tagging other ships with energy drain to prevent afterburning. Tacklers getting blown out of the skies by paranoid opponents. Recons caught by stasis immediately when the match starts and blown out of the skies. Everyone throwing flares randomly to trigger Fed R8 implant. Jeri guards getting overtaken by opponents caught in mass propulsion field. Covops leaving nukes at checkpoints. 


The possibilities are endless…

I’m imagining all kinds of strange scenarios on my head already.


ECMs tagging other ships with energy drain to prevent afterburning. Tacklers getting blown out of the skies by paranoid opponents. Recons caught by stasis immediately when the match starts and blown out of the skies. Everyone throwing flares randomly to trigger Fed R8 implant. Jeri guards getting overtaken by opponents caught in mass propulsion field. Covops leaving nukes at checkpoints. 


The possibilities are endless…


Think of it as a mad dash where anything can happen

Rise from the grave my little wiener topic

Don’t bump suggestions nobody will implement. Organize a race yourself! Advertise it on forums and in game, and then have it.


How would I possible organize something like this. I would need to trust that people would stay on the racetrack. How would I know who won if it is a photo finish? I couldn’t possible do this without programming.

Use your imagination! I thought you like that. Or only if you can invent new stuff others have to work on? :Dwop


To your questions, pretty easy: no racetrack, just checkpoints. You have 4 checkpoints (including the finish, possibly the same place as the start), you will need 4 people as referees. Same with winning.


But if you want programmed checks, you could have it on a Domination map, with 2 person contending, and then the beacons themselves provide the checks.

Thats restrictive, because you have fixed positions, but for example Ice Reef has some nice positions for it.

Gravi-beamer, engine suppressor, inhibitor beam, slowfield missiles…


Combat Reboot 

Ty for the answers fasz. Lol to opening statement. I think I’ll start organizing this thing when I get home. On ipod

How would I possible organize something like this. I would need to trust that people would stay on the racetrack. How would I know who won if it is a photo finish? I couldn’t possible do this without programming.


If we race on maps with hazards such as Iridium Strand, the end point could be the hazards. Ship destructions are recorded on the combat logs. 

Well what if people have high hull and shield stats. For ex. An engineer warps to the hazard. Health goes down. Meanwhile a covop enters the hazard and dies before engi.

Sry for the double post. How do you check out the combat logs?

Snib or Eta have log analyzers. Otherwise, simply opening them using notepad will work. It’s just lines and lines of stuff that happens during combat, and when it happened. Combat logs are stored in the same folder as all the other logs (I’m not sure where to find them on a PC).

Racing event applications and information are now available.

I talked to Akaurl about some sort of tournament or simply race game, and looks unviable even with use of the tutorial’s gates. Hard to manage the race =/

Why would it be unmanageable? Did we even try? I will get a couple people and try something if i can.

Guys if you want to join just go to

[](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/23222-interstellar-olympic-games-racing-event/)

Akuarl sent this to me in PM



It’s not the main problem. We have to decide how to make the race track without any features and how to manage it. But it’s good idea to fun together."

I don’t understand what he means by “without any feature”. Without features recons go Mwd without obstacles. As for managing you can put it in skirmish with the other gamemodes. I still don’t fully understand how MM works. But if there is a player with only inties in his roster then he has a higher probability of playing the racing gamemode. People with mixed ship classes would have a regular Probabilty of playing the “mixed” ship gamemode.

I think building a ship for a race would be complex as the other gamemodes. There are so many different ways of achieving first place. You could simply increase your speed and energy regen in exchange for health. The only problem is if someone snags you, you die instantly and the killer could be on his way without losing much time. If you choose to kill others you need to get lots of attack power but still be fast enough to compete.

On top of ship modifiers there are also active modules to further increase gameplay and fun. I strongly believe the devs should make this gamemode official not only to differentiate from star citizen and eve but also just to let players have more fun.

I think he meant by not having to program in any completely new features? Otherwise I have no clue.