Quick Chat

What is it : A way to quickly reply in chat…


How : Press Enter to bring up the chat window and press:

  • Shift + 1 for: In Battle; gimme a minute
  • Shift + 2 for: Seriously dude, I’m in battle
  • Shift + 3: Bro, wtf, stop pm’ing me
  • Shift + 4: Flank left
  • Shift + 5: Flank right
  • Shift + 6: Regroup
  • Shift + 7: git gud nubs
  • Shift + 8: LOLOLOL
  • Shift + 9: *insert joke here*


OFC these can be whatever, its the general idea of being a quick way to say something in chat; some of the most common things.


Most of those obviously are just me kidding around. You guys come up with what would be good for:

Quick Chat © 2017

Crossout has it but i fear it would be used as a spam machine.

1 hour ago, ORCA1911 said:

Crossout has it but i fear it would be used as a spam machine.

I agree. Use voice chat, like this guy uses it, Mechanoid [NASA]. **** blyats…

WoWs has something like this too. It does get abused at first ofc but it still serves a purpose and just like being able to turn off In-Game Voice Chat, make an option for this as well.