Queue info panel

Hello Pilots,

After we lost all the informations about the number of queued pilots, I would like to suggest this solution to indicate the fight activity.

I don’t like to know the number of the players, I just don’t like to wait 1hour in T5 4squad queue.


Red: nobody waiting for game and no running match with the marked squad size
Yellow: no waiting squad in queue, but there is a running match with the squadsize
Green: Squad waiting in queue

nice idea + 1

No solo pilots in T4? Well, that’s depressing…


Still, it’s a damned good idea.

No solo pilots in T4? Well, that’s depressing…

The image just illustration :slight_smile:

I still have that graph u activate with "/set_cl ShowMmQueueInfo 2"  from ages ago displayed.

I still have that graph u activate with "/set_cl ShowMmQueueInfo 2"  from ages ago displayed.

that is already bronken. It show something but that almost useless.

I also have it.

Hm I am not playing that much but the displayed all time low in t4 queue combined with ever occuring 3v3’s where pretty convincing ^^

Hm I am not playing that much but the displayed all time low in t4 queue combined with ever occuring 3v3’s where pretty convincing ^^

Even if they fix it, that still not provide any information for squad player. (but believe me I’m playing for a long time that indicator already broken)

In solo u’ll get game in max 5 min. Maybe the region will Mars, the ping will be over 9000 but still a game.

But in a 4squad u can sit example in T4 queue over an hour, u won’t get a game sometime, what is the worst experience.

This solution should help for the squad players to find each other.

If I see the chance to get game in T5 I’ll go there.

If the mark is red, and I go to queue maybe other players accept the challenge, squad up and come to play.

Currently I just don’t try T5 4squad. I can’t waste 10min for nothing. Even if I go in queue the best what I could do is spam the English chat to ask squads to play against us.


While having that feature in itself is cool, but having it is counter productive as well, since it was removed, we consistently see games, even though very small ones in low population time in T5, because people do not know about small queue and queue anyways. If you can see no numbers, no one will go into that tier and it will be completely empty. And if we ever get to high population volumes, this feature is not needed anyways.

While having that feature in itself is cool, but having it is counter productive as well, since it was removed, we consistently see games, even though very small ones in low population time in T5, because people do not know about small queue and queue anyways. If you can see no numbers, no one will go into that tier and it will be completely empty. And if we ever get to high population volumes, this feature is not needed anyways.

I agree, if we ever have big population this function won’t necessary anymore. But since we always face against the same corps every evening in T3, we only got 4squad T4 T5 games if we organise them, we really need something to find each other. I hope this feature help to squad up in higher Tech.

Maybe u can get something bonus if u join to queue when it was red. (+10.000 credit bonus or something xxxx.)

Or at least they can write with the yellow notification XY joined into T5 queue with 4squad.

That would be more useful than XY bought a golden ship. 

I don’t think this solution can be counter productive, because the current system already scared the pilots to try the squad game in higher techs.

And with my system 1 squad in queue can make the sign green. If I see the T4-T5 4squad green I’ll join immediately.

And this solution doesn’t show anything about the population, so won’t generate negative impression into the pilots.

With 3 squad the sign become constant green in T5

I think it would be useful to have this system, as it is annoying to sit in queue for 15 minutes in a 4-man squad with no games. It would be nice to see what tiers have other squads, so that the squad could change tiers to get a game. I have tended to stray away from T5 because I usually play when the population is low, getting 3v3 games, but on US servers. If I play when the population is high, I never get US servers, and even when population is high, I get 6v6 at the largest.

+9000.1 (Cause it is over 9000) support.

It would be nice to know if there was a squad in t5 waiting, that way I can just form a quick squad and play.

we have another similar proposal than this forwarded to the Devs


thank you for your input