Queue Games!

Introducing Queue Games: the latest in perpetual entertainment!

Queue games will revolutionize the waiting game, and allow for increased productivity and progress!

We have a variety of fun “retro” games to pick from after you enter the queue for battle:


1: Sector Attackers : [Sector Attackers.zip](< base_url >/applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=16072)

Sector attackers is a shooter game where you pick a ship and shoot at attackers that are steadily coming in from the top of the screen. Use WASD to move your ship. Left click to fire straight forwards. Right click to fire an AoE missile that will damage several enemies once every few seconds. Each kill grants you credits and synergy points for your selected ship. After a number of kills, a final wave will invade. Completing this wave will move you to the next level. Each level is increasingly difficult and gives an extra 50% to rewards. You lose, and are sent back to game selection if more than 5 enemies get past you, or if you take enough damage. Enemies have a very small percentage to drop a material or part. Completing the final wave of each level will guarantee you either 1 monocrystal or 1 xenocrystal. Every 10 levels that you complete will give you a 10% chance to receive a rare blueprint or crafting part, increasing by 5% for every 10 levels subsequently finished.


2: Precursor’s Garden : [Precursor’s Garden.zip](< base_url >/applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=16065)

The Precursor’s Garden is a quiet and peaceful place where you can sit back and grow plants to gain resources and credits. You start out with two random seeds, and can plant them to grow plants! As your plants are growing, you will need to water them and spray the bugs on them or else they will wither and die. After a certain amount of time, your plants will mature and fruit! Though most of the plants will be regular old garden-variety vegetables, some special mutated plants might grow that will give you special resources! After you sell your first crop, you can buy more seed packets from the store. Each packet contains two random seeds that can be planted. If you run out of soil to plant in, you can use the spade to dig up a plant. If a match starts, all crops are automatically sold for their current value, and items are sent to your warehouse.


3: Empire Mining Facility

The Empire Mining Facility is a tactical mining operation where you must scan an asteroid field for valuable rocks to mine. Different asteroids will contain different resources, that can be sold for different amounts of credits. To mine, you must first select an asteroid, and scan it for resource nodes. The more valuable a node, the darker the color. To mine, select a node. Once a node is selected, you will see various rings. You must use WASD to control your mining drill and keep it centered. The closer to the center that you are mining, the more resources that you will gain per minute. As you mine, the wings will fade away until you are at the core of the node. If you successfully mine the core, you will double your yield. As you mine, the drill will move randomly around the node, so you must control it. If your drill strays too far outside of the node, it will break, and you will need to start over and buy a new drill. You start with a Bronze level drill. Drills in the store will range in durability from Bronze to Platinum, and Platinum drills will last the longest outside of the node before breaking. Though they are also the most expensive. As you mine, there is a chance of being attacked by pirates. If you are attacked, there is a 25% chance that your drill will break. If it does not break, you have a 10% chance of finding a rare blueprint or part in the pirate ship debris. If a match starts, your mined resources will all automatically be sold, and your drill will reset to default.






I am making example asset packs for each of these games. Sit tight. Just imagine a pixelated game screen with different scenes for each game. The “Sector Attackers” game will probably be the most often picked and the easiest to design.



*** Added Precursor’s Garden partial pack

*** Added Sector Attackers partial pack


Yes, that would be something to compensate for the 10min wait times…

Careful, we’ll loose more people in regular pvp when they get addicted to these games.  ![:007_2:](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/007_2.png “:007_2:”)

1 hour ago, HBZK100 said:

Careful, we’ll loose more people in regular pvp when they get addicted to these games.  ![:007_2:](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/007_2.png “:007_2:”)

Best part about these is you can only play them while in Queue, so this would actually increase the number of players! Xp

Like DotA’s shopkeepers quiz… nice for passing the time, while waiting for the actual entertainment

I’d be happy to just be able to fly around in an open space like area while waiting for match. Anything to make wait times less excruciating.

10 hours ago, WolfInnocence said:

I’d be happy to just be able to fly around in an open space like area while waiting for match. Anything to make wait times less excruciating.

The problem with that is that it would take up too much load time. Bc not only would you need to load OS, but once a battle started, it would need to transfer you there abruptly.

These little games will all be able to be stopped instantly in the case of a new battle.

Isn’t that when we are supposed to be productive as employers and employees? When am i going to get any real world work done now? ![:004j:](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/004j.png “:004j:”)

3 minutes ago, Seraphym1 said:

Isn’t that when we are supposed to be productive as employers and employees? When am i going to get any real world work done now? ![:004j:](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/004j.png “:004j:”)

Neverrrrr! Lol.

Nah they will be completely optional, but you will maximize your efficiency in-game by utilizing wait times to make progress, however menial.