
And will it be playable on not-so-good PCs?

And will it be playable on not-so-good PCs?

What do u mean, not-so-good?

What do u mean, not-so-good?

Outdated, if you will, that cant run everything on ultra. Or high…

Outdated, if you will, that cant run everything on ultra. Or high…

You will not need an ultra Pc to run the game.

2 Questions:

Open World?

If it is and i can fly around there without a mission to do i will unsuscribe WoW and will play this game FOREVER… PLEASE!!


Can I live in my Spaceship like in SW:TOR? PLEASE!!


pFreak ,

The game will go on and on, there will be more locations and ships, and we’re trying take into account all your suggestions. But it’s just beta, so u’ll need to be patient.

And of course you can do with your ships almost whatever u want :slight_smile:

pFreak ,

The game will go on and on, there will be more locations and ships, and we’re trying take into account all your suggestions. But it’s just beta, so u’ll need to be patient.

And of course you can do with your ships almost whatever u want :slight_smile:



Hope this is a heart, not an xxxx )))

Hope this is a heart, not an xxxx )))

i loled :smiley:

PS: what is it with all these )))s ?

will there be squads? becides clan wars, everyone enters battle like WOT but gets to pare up for higher chance of winning.

This game looks really interesting. One problem I had with EVE is the permanent destruction of your ship. Will your ships be repaired after destruction, or will they be permanently scrapped and you have to start over again? If this has been answered before, my apologies for asking again.

This game looks really interesting. One problem I had with EVE is the permanent destruction of your ship. Will your ships be repaired after destruction, or will they be permanently scrapped and you have to start over again? If this has been answered before, my apologies for asking again.

Your ship can be damaged in battle, but you can repair it with some in game money ( it is not expensive) so it wont be destroyed.

How about server locations? Only on US, or will be some european servers?

How about server locations? Only on US, or will be some european servers?

I think there arent any information about this at the moment.

How about server locations? Only on US, or will be some european servers?

The game is available for most European users.