
Hi I saw your release announcement searching Google and went to your web page then forums to find out more about your game.

I know it is difficult to answer questions since you are just beginning but I found no information about the game except for a vague Gameplay description and Story Information. I hoped I could get a little more of the basics here.

* Will this be an MMORPG where you control a single ship or an MMORTS where you control multiple ships?

* Will the game be story based with a linear focus or sandbox style? Is it a persistent world?

* Will there be PVP? If so will it be instanced, open world or lobby based.

* Is there PVE? If so what form is it in, open world, missions, quests, raids, harvesting and so on?

* What is the death penalty, ship loss and the need to purchase a new one or durability loss?

* What is the payment style? Subscription, F2P, Optional Sub + Cash Shop or Sub + Shop?

I know it is early but anything you can release. I love MMO’s that are in Space and will watch your site and forum carefully for updates.

Good Luck Devs.

Some answers you can find here.

Some answers you can find here.

Thank you for the information I am looking forward to trying the game when complete.

Reposting some questions by RawKryptonite of SimHQ:

–cockpit view? 3rd person does nothing for me

–is “flight” realistic or at least influenced by Newtonian movement, or is this a Wing Commander style with just whipping around quickly.

–is combat another “chase the cursor” fast paced shooter, or is it at a slower pace conducive to using a flight stick?

–is it an open universe, travel where you want, or is it all about getting an assignment at a station, run the mission and return. How much freedom is there to play it as you want?

–how is navigation handled? can you take off and explore on your own?

–Capital ships?

–If so, will you be able to take control of the capital ships directly, or just command from your own ship?

–do you obtain or build new ships, or just evolve the one you start with?

–is there an economy built in, or is this all experience and skill ranking?

–what can you do other than combat and scouting? How is diplomacy handled?

–can you board and capture other ships?

–can you move around inside your own ship–walking around, not just control panels

–do you command a crew in your ship or are you responsible for everything yourself?

–free to play/microtransactions or subscription based?

-Mainly, iets see some gameplay videos. wink!.gif



Looking good! When do we get to try it out? Any plans for a closed or open beta sometime soon?

Do I get to control a spacefighter from cockpit view or not?

I need these to be true for me to be interested:

Cockpit view of same caliber as Apache Air Assault and Birds of Prey.

Flightstick and throttle support.

Bonus for TrackIR support.

When it coming out?

How mayn ships there will be?

IS there any pirates?

And what will clan can have base battleship end co?

How many systems will be there?

How many servers there will be?

I play freelancer for 6years now and search for some newer game like fl this looks cool and good game.


Good questions Bloody.

I would like to know.

I have others friends interested to play Star Conflict

I have friends to,from hhc server freelancer game :slight_smile:

When it coming out?

How mayn ships there will be?

IS there any pirates?

And what will clan can have base battleship end co?

How many systems will be there?

How many servers there will be?

I play freelancer for 6years now and search for some newer game like fl this looks cool and good game.

In a few days we’ll be publishing some answers given by developers directly. Stay in touch and you won’t miss it :slight_smile:

thx :smiley:

How the player will be able to make money in order to equip themselves, buy ships and make upgrades into it’s equipments and ships? It will have prospection of natural resources such as asteroid mining?

How the player will be able to make money in order to equip themselves, buy ships and make upgrades into it’s equipments and ships? It will have prospection of natural resources such as asteroid mining?

interesting question :wink:

personally, i hope that all (or most) earnings comes from battle, loot etc. I say this because after several months of BSGO i’m a little tired of the situation in this game… a lot of player “closed” in the better sectors for hours for farming (asteroids mining, planetoid mining, npc defense platform killing etc). This is tiring because if you play during the day, the number of player doing this is really higher, and if you want to do mining etc, the only way is to wait your turn, like a supermarket, spending a lot of time for waiting… but if you don’t mine, don’t get the resources to complete daily objectives, upgrade your ship, buy ammo… because in this game, you can loot after enemies killing, big battle etc, but the resources obtained is too low comparing to “static” farming.

In conclusion, it’s ok for me obtain money/resources from mining or other similar method, but i prefer this thing occupies a small part of the play time, and maybe is optional for the player, with the possibility of earn money etc only with combat :slight_smile:

Hi, I would like to ask if that’s just an awsome copy of ACE online? or it’s a open universe like EVE that you can explore on your self?

and maybe a storyline?

Sum it up, does this game contain some great features from Freelancer?

It will be good if u can trade or do missions like killing npcs for monay like u have in fl

will you be releasing a level deisgner so players can make maps to be considered for iclusion in later updates? as it sounds like curently your making instanced 16x16 deathmatch type maps and these do tend to become passe over time. It would be nice if every 3 months a new set of battlemaps came out to battle over.

Furthermore will the maps be a combination of Protect homeship/base, assault enemyhomeship/base. hold strategeic locations, or just a simple kill everybody? furthermore willthere be a mechanism for players to control starbase turrets or will the homebase just shoot randomly whatever it can? I guess what im asking is… what is the general layout of an encounter map going to look like and is flying a spaceship the only way to influence play?

it would be interesting if the forum where you organise matches has a headsup screen of a match in play. perhaps cycling through views from strategic locations of action as it happens.

Artifice , I can’t really say a lot about the game since it’s not even in Beta, but there will be matches simillar to Battlefield’s Conquest and Rush modes and some others that I can’t talk about

Will UK be able to play this game?

And when is it going to go closed beta?

Please answer my questions as soon as possible

Will UK be able to play this game?

And when is it going to go closed beta?

Please answer my questions as soon as possible

  • Should be worlwide, TBA

  • Closed Beta is TBA

  • Should be worlwide, TBA

  • Closed Beta is TBA

OK thanks