
Will it have Track IR support? I hope so if not please add it.

i would still like to know as I see people are still asking the question. Unless I did not look hard enough. Is the style of flight gonna be like wing commander, freelancer, eve online, etc


I don’t see why one must have all of their weapons synced up automatically pending their type, class, or whathaveyou. I’ve been playing Freespace, Freelancer, and Mechwarrior for so long, it wouldn’t make a difference. It could be that way by default, but I want to be able to use a metaphorical Avenger/Prometheus combo if I need/want to.Information on that combo:

FS1 : The GTW-15 Avenger has a muzzle velocity of 525 meters per second and a range of ±1000 meters, and the GTW-5 Prometheus has a range of 900m and a velocity of 450 mps. While the Avenger is faster than the Prom, if you miss with one, you could hit with the other, so you lead your target in between those two leads. If the target decreases or increases the wrong vectors, it could end up with a face full of cannon, usually followed by an aspect seeker. The same can also be done with the GTW-7 Banshee, with a velocity of 650mps and range of 975m, and the Avenger.

FS2 : The same can be done with the UD-8 Kayser and the Prometheus S (technically the GTW-5 Mark II). The Kayser has a velocity of 650, and the prom a velocty of 750, so the same method applies. However, the Kayser has much less range than the Prom S, and they both suck energy like mad. However, if you make your shots count, especially at close-range, it’s like shooting someone in the face with a quad-barrel shotgun (most fighters have two fire-control systems with two barrels for each)… or an ungodly 8-barreled scattergun if your flying an Erinyes (it has two weapon fire-control systems with four barrels each).

If you know what your doing, you can make unseemly weapon combos work like face-nukes. Face-wrecking face-nukes.

I really would like to see this be optional, and not forced, as it appears to be according to the current FAQ.

Another thing is the viewing system: Is this going to be 3rd person or 1st person?

Also interested in if its first or third person, first person no matter the control type ( but joystick with throttle definitely better) If its just instanced battles with no real story after the home page, then I’m out. If it has a story and you have the option to either go to the arena or go explore, I’m in big time. If it has no economy, no trading or no mining/manufacturing, then all the pretty ships in the world wont make it successful, sorry if that was blunt.It seems everyone is making pvp only game and arena games, and they all seem to think they’ll succeed, but they all find that the players get bored in a couple weeks, and without something else to do, they leave, that’s what I’ve seen a lot of places,pvp will not sustain a game alone.

In the answers fourm that there will be hangers. will they be like WOT where you go into battle and can leave to enter a differnt battle with a differnt ship?

How do I go to other planets?

According to the answers on the questions list, if its not in their battle sector, you cant go or see anything else. They are building a pure instance based PVP game. If you like being told where to go sit,stand ,or shoot then its for you. If you have any choices that you want to go and explore, you and me are out.It looks good, the ships are good detail…but pure pvp with no storyline other than the home page is being beaten to death by small cheap company’s looking for a fast buck, I’m sorry to say this will fail as advertised.

I think there wont be any free sectors at the beginning but there is a topic where you can vote for free sectors so perhaps we will have some in the future.

Story missions are nice but I think they arent really needed. Most online games are PvP or PvE based so you just try to get to max lv very fast and so you dont pay attention to the story.

This game has many potential now since Black Prophecy really really really failed. As long as there is a good teamwork between players and programmers every game can improve.

I was wondering in which Europe countries this game is available for playing?

I was wondering in which Europe countries this game is available for playing?

Well, sooner or later the whole planet will be able to play SC, but exactly now the game is available in the most part of the world - except, perhaps, USA and Canada. Anyway this moment is going to be checked during forthcoming CBT.

Your Artwork section that shows most of the Ship Types lists mostly Fighter Craft and offshoots of Fighters like Gunships. You also haven’t released any more Art on them besides the one pictured below.

Some posts on your FAQ page lists Frigates as flyable in sme answers but not in others.

_ 16. What types of spaceships there are in Star Conflict? _

For private mercenaries there are going to be various types of fighters which are basically divided into 3 categories – light, medium, heavy. There will also be special opportunities for clans and clan pilots. This is secret at the moment.

_ 23. What kinds of spaceships are there in the game? _

There will be fighters (light, medium and heavy) and also frigates

_ 33. Is something except fighters going to be available for players to choose? _

The role, that your spacecraft is going to play on the battlefield depends on what modules have been installed (EMP, suppressing fire, reconing etc…) So, the more thoughtful your choice of modules is the more succesfull you and your team are. Space battle is where game’s RPG system shows itself.

The third answer is very confusing.

Will Ships like the Frigate pictured still be in the game and commonly flyable? Or is big clan Dreadnaughts going to be the only thing for fans above Fighter combat.

I for one am hoping that casual players will get to fly Ships bigger than Fighter Craft and not just clan stuff.


Your Artwork section that shows most of the Ship Types lists mostly Fighter Craft and offshoots of Fighters like Gunships. You also haven’t released any more Art on them besides the one pictured below.

Some posts on your FAQ page lists Frigates as flyable in sme answers but not in others.

_ 16. What types of spaceships there are in Star Conflict? _

For private mercenaries there are going to be various types of fighters which are basically divided into 3 categories – light, medium, heavy. There will also be special opportunities for clans and clan pilots. This is secret at the moment.

_ 23. What kinds of spaceships are there in the game? _

There will be fighters (light, medium and heavy) and also frigates

_ 33. Is something except fighters going to be available for players to choose? _

The role, that your spacecraft is going to play on the battlefield depends on what modules have been installed (EMP, suppressing fire, reconing etc…) So, the more thoughtful your choice of modules is the more succesfull you and your team are. Space battle is where game’s RPG system shows itself.

The third answer is very confusing.

Will Ships like the Frigate pictured still be in the game and commonly flyable? Or is big clan Dreadnaughts going to be the only thing for fans above Fighter combat.

I for one am hoping that casual players will get to fly Ships bigger than Fighter Craft and not just clan stuff.


Thanks for your Question, I will try to answer it.

As 16. says players will be able to fly 3 types of ships: light,medium and heavy.

These heavy ships are the frigates so as regular player you can also fly a frigate.

But Dreadnaughts will be a special for Clans.

I hope I could answer your Question, if not feel free to ask again.

Thanks for your Question, I will try to answer it.

As 16. says players will be able to fly 3 types of ships: light,medium and heavy.

These heavy ships are the frigates so as regular player you can also fly a frigate.

But Dreadnaughts will be a special for Clans.

I hope I could answer your Question, if not feel free to ask again.

Answers the question and thank you for being so quick to do so but if I could just expand and ask about there role?

I am guessing light ships (Fighters) will be able to dodge heavy ships (Frigates) weapons, medium ships (Heavy Fighters / Gunships or whatever) can outgun light ships but are vulnerable to heavy ships. I assume smaller ships will also have the speed advantage over the larger ones. Dreadnaughts contain the most firepower and HP but are expensive to construct and field but act as a Clan Command Ship or Fleet Heavy Unit. All of that being the basic setup and not taking into account the various EWAR abilities providing buffs and debuffs as well as other factors like accurate low damage weapons that make you stronger against smaller ships but weaker against your own size of craft.

Is that the basic kinda balance design you are going for or do you have other things planned?

Answers the question and thank you for being so quick to do so but if I could just expand and ask about there role?

I am guessing light ships (Fighters) will be able to dodge heavy ships (Frigates) weapons, medium ships (Heavy Fighters / Gunships or whatever) can outgun light ships but are vulnerable to heavy ships. I assume smaller ships will also have the speed advantage over the larger ones. Dreadnaughts contain the most firepower and HP but are expensive to construct and field but act as a Clan Command Ship or Fleet Heavy Unit. All of that being the basic setup and not taking into account the various EWAR abilities providing buffs and debuffs as well as other factors like accurate low damage weapons that make you stronger against smaller ships but weaker against your own size of craft.

Is that the basic kinda balance design you are going for or do you have other things planned?

If you have some skill every ship can be used in many ways. With some training every ship can take different positions in battle, not only one. Almost everything depends on your style of flying and on the equipment you use. When closed beta starts and you get an invite you will see every person tries to use the ship in another way and this makes the fights really special. One person may use the the light fighter to dodge the enemy ships while the fighters attack the enemys and another may use it for quick and brutal attacks.

Will you have only one pilot character wich you can name and do things with or you will have crewmembers, like in WoT?

Will you have only one pilot character wich you can name and do things with or you will have crewmembers, like in WoT?

That’s what u need a clan for. There team members to work out strategy and so on.

That’s what u need a clan for. There team members to work out strategy and so on.

I didn’t mean it in this way. I wanted to ask If you have a character (wich represents you ingame) that you can do stuff with, or crewmembers.

You dont have a real character, you have different ships you can do stuff with so this can be compared to crewmembers.

You dont have a real character, you have different ships you can do stuff with so this can be compared to crewmembers.

So their won’t be a Character Creator for an Avatar or anything like that?

So their won’t be a Character Creator for an Avatar or anything like that?

For an avatar - may be, but not as a real playable guy