Question to the Devs - Exact Purpose of Engineers?.

4 minutes ago, Progenitor2 said:


Healing done compared to the damage done, directly tells how effective the healing is



No, it does not. You are measuring healing by other game settings. In Star Conflict, there is the thing called DMG MITIGATION which is another layer of survivability, it comes in different flavors, be it dmg reduction, dodging via agility, or positioning and terrain usage, if you want to understand star conflict, you must NEVER look at healing without taking into account all other factors.

Mitigation and Avoidence isn’t the same thing.

the act of mitigating, or lessening the force or intensity of something unpleasant, as wrath, pain, grief, or extreme circumstances:

the act of avoiding or keeping away from:


By avoiding damage, you are not - by definition - mitigating it… you are avoiding it.


And if people were avoiding damage, i wouldn’t have any damage to repair. And most people that are flying, has roughly 40-50% resists

in all areas, except for the few who doesn’t use EM-resists for shields or kinetic/thermal for Hull… they will suffer low resists and hence

low mitigation on those respective areas.


Currently if said ship is being shot at by ANY amount of damage from ANY ship, that damage will surpass any repairs that the normal Engineers can keep up with.

A fighter should NOT be able to break a R15 Engineers focused repairs, it should take a frigate or multiple fighters to break a R15 Engineer’s repairs,

specially when also focused by the Eclipse Launcher - which by the way - is far too weak with its 345 reps.


just accept that you don’t understand the specifics of engineering frigates

23 minutes ago, Progenitor2 said:

Mitigation and Avoidence isn’t the same thing.

the act of mitigating, or lessening the force or intensity of something unpleasant, as wrath, pain, grief, or extreme circumstances:

the act of avoiding or keeping away from:


By avoiding damage, you are not - by definition - mitigating it… you are avoiding it.


And if people were avoiding damage, i wouldn’t have any damage to repair. And most people that are flying, has roughly 40-50% resists

in all areas, except for the few who doesn’t use EM-resists for shields or kinetic/thermal for Hull… they will suffer low resists and hence

low mitigation on those respective areas.


Currently if said ship is being shot at by ANY amount of damage from ANY ship, that damage will surpass any repairs that the normal Engineers can keep up with.

A fighter should NOT be able to break a R15 Engineers focused repairs, it should take a frigate or multiple fighters to break a R15 Engineer’s repairs,

specially when also focused by the Eclipse Launcher - which by the way - is far too weak with its 345 reps.


I should have called it “incoming damage management”, but it is the same thing in my mind


  • You are not avoiding 100% of dmg, even best of the best can not do that

  • There are ways to reduce incoming dmg via role actives, role specials, and multipurpose modules

  • There are ways to reduce incoming dmg via usage of LoS (line of sight)


Good players, regardless of a ship they are in at the moment, will keep all of these in mind, and know more or less their current limits based on a situation ( of course this is idealization, and everyone dies, some more some less with way more factors to it), what GOOD engineers do is that they push these limits of players capable of utilizing them, meaning they can stay in fight longer or/and they can come back to the fight sooner, allowing them to do more of w/e they are doing at the moment or over the course of a fight. 



Its really simple  … this game has NO HEALS !!!  NO TANKING !!! your only friend is NOT GETTING HIT !!!… if you want to heal or tank play PWI you can be a cleric or a barbarian either of those  characters will do EXACTLY what they are supposed to do … if you want real MMORPG game play this is not the game for you !!!

Basically what you’re all saying is that as long as no one is taking damage, or the Engineer isn’t spotted,  the engineer is a usefullship.


Sounds like a great ship… Especially the part where you have do dodge enemy fire in a slow and not so agile frigate,

when all fighters does frigate-level damage and moves around without issues.

I understand that it’s a requirement for people on the EN forum to completely ignore all competitive play in this game, but maybe if you skipped through this video you could see that in 5v5 capture the beacons every team uses one engineer. I don’t think everyone is too stupid to consider going without an engineer, rather I think the engineer is an extremely important ship, and teams with engineers will win a lot more than those without.

1 hour ago, Progenitor2 said:

Basically what you’re all saying is that as long as no one is taking damage, or the Engineer isn’t spotted,  the engineer is a usefullship.


Sounds like a great ship… Especially the part where you have do dodge enemy fire in a slow and not so agile frigate,

when all fighters does frigate-level damage and moves around without issues.

you have NO CLUE!? do you?


when the entire bloody forum says you are wrong. you. are. wrong.


engineers are fine, if you yourself can’t play them right, then just go play something else, start complaining that guards aren’t tanky enough because it’s still possible to kill them or something

What’s the inspiration for this name Projenitor2?

2 hours ago, evo888 said:

engineers are fine, if you yourself can’t play them right, then just go play something else, start complaining that guards aren’t tanky enough because it’s still possible to kill them or something

Guards can’t tank 3+ enemies for extended period of time.

Recons are bad at luring.

LRFs don’t have proper AOE modules to clean enemies around guards!

Give me a GOOD reason why a R15 Engineer frigate should NOT be able to outheal the dmg from a fighter…

Most of the heals are AoE, if you were able to heal multiple people or even your entire team with each having more healing than the DPS of a fighter then one engineer could single-handedly turn the tide of an entire game by pressing 3 buttons, then it would make other frigate roles not worth playing, maybe not even other classes, everyone would take engineers and it would be a healing wasteland and games would end on draws unless its a beacon-based mode, but you might never know. they are supposed to heal you, not make you permanently invincible.

10 minutes ago, Progenitor2 said:

Give me a GOOD reason why a R15 Engineer frigate should NOT be able to outheal the dmg from a fighter…


Because they are already good enough at healing?

11 minutes ago, Progenitor2 said:

Give me a GOOD reason why a R15 Engineer frigate should NOT be able to outheal the dmg from a fighter…

Unkillable ships. Bunch of engies healing each other letting drones kill enemies would be a standard.

Engineer frigates has a SEVERELY limited range of healing, and are squishy.  Everyone keep saying “use cover, stay away from combat”… but with a 3km healrange

you won’t be doing much repairing if you always have to stay behind while your team WHO NEEDS YOUR SUPPORT, can’t stay at that range.

Several maps works against Engineers.  Bomb-delivering is a no-go… you can’t get anything done.  At first glance of your ship, you’re blown away

by a single fast moving fighter.  Doing the  capturepoint maps is a suicide because either you get shot to pieces on the way slowboating to

each capturepoint, or you simply get instakilled by 1-2 fighters quickly overtaking you, despite using all your repairs.


Pretty much the only map an Engineers CAN do their job, are kill-maps where the frontline is dead-center and you can hide

behind structures .    I’ve tried outmanouevering and using cover for safety while keeping my team alive… only to get EASILY cought by

fighters and killed in 2-3 seconds…


During the bomb-maps, are we Engineer-frigates suppose to stand back and watch as our bombcarrier gets nuked and we’re suppose to not be

able to do anything !?.  Are dps-ships suppose to always be 100% usefull being able to kill ships almost instantly ?.


Engineerfrigates CANT outmanouever fighters OR other frigates. We can’t defend ourselves because anything we do to keep ourselves

alive gets easily countered by even the slightest dmg.  My T-rex handles like a beached whale with the setup i’ve been recommended,

and since the T-rex lacks both Hull and Shieldslots to make up for ANY RESISTS worth mentioning, and they can’t outrun anything,

they’re dead fish.


I just want to know HOW i can keep my team alive, and HOW i can stop having my Maxed out R15 Repair frigate annihilated by a single fighter in 3 seconds.

Because popping all my repairs AND moving around as best i can - doesn’t help one bit.


And i’ve yet to see a single Dev reply - i guess they realized they screwed up with their video saying that Engineers are the “heart of the team”,


12 minutes ago, Cr0 said:


Because they are already good enough at healing?


Then i’d like to duel you… Me in pretty much any basic tackler or Interceptor, and you in your R15 T-rex… pop all your repairs

and watch me still kill you in 4-5 seconds…  then tell me you were healing good.


Like some people has stated on these forums.  Damage has gotten increased over the years of development,  healing got left behind.

But no one seems to care as long as they can increase their E-Peen by being able to kill people in 2 seconds.


![:facepalm:](< base_url >/uploads/emoticons/014j.png “:facepalm:”)

7 minutes ago, Progenitor2 said:


Then i’d like to duel you… Me in pretty much any basic tackler or Interceptor, and you in your R15 T-rex… pop all your repairs

and watch me still kill you in 4-5 seconds…  then tell me you were healing good.


Like some people has stated on these forums.  Damage has gotten increased over the years of development,  healing got left behind.

But no one seems to care as long as they can increase their E-Peen by being able to kill people in 2 seconds.



He does have a point … DPS has tripled in the last year and every weapon type now has a 200 meter AOE field but the eclipse has not changed in 5 years… edit it got more time to heat 3-4 months ago … but the 350 heal is older than 95% of the main weapons in pvp now … and don’t get me started on Ariadne’s thread… DON’T TAKE AN ENGINEER THERE !!!

7 minutes ago, Progenitor2 said:


Then i’d like to duel you… Me in pretty much any basic tackler or Interceptor, and you in your R15 T-rex… pop all your repairs

and watch me still kill you in 4-5 seconds…  then tell me you were healing good.


Like some people has stated on these forums.  Damage has gotten increased over the years of development,  healing got left behind.

But no one seems to care as long as they can increase their E-Peen by being able to kill people in 2 seconds.



Repairs have been increased too, but for some reason you don’t want to talk about the wazgot and brokk.

Winning a 1v1 is about damage, not healing.

The strength of engineers comes from filling up hull on ships after combat and has nothing to do with winning a 1v1 against a tackler.

13 minutes ago, Original_Taz said:


He does have a point … DPS has tripled in the last year and every weapon type now has a 200 meter AOE field but the eclipse has not changed in 5 years… edit it got more time to heat 3-4 months ago … but the 350 heal is older than 95% of the main weapons in pvp now … and don’t get me started on Ariadne’s thread… DON’T TAKE AN ENGINEER THERE !!!

The dmg didn’t get tripled at all e.g. my Spark has ~15% more dmg then it had 2 years ago. But also the overall Survivability got increased with e.g. Crystal Plates. But e.g. Positron Cannon Long Ranges do deal less dmg then they used to do. So overall not much has changed.

I would like to see that list in which EVERY weapon does have 200 meter AOE.