Pyro emitter, Tweak and buff

And kill all frigates in sec…

Hahaha talking about the isotope, today someone shoot at me with it while I was piloting a dessy, I was 2500m away from him and i’ve recive the exact number of 1250 of dmg  ![:007_2:](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/007_2.png “:007_2:”) the heck have they done with the module?? Is he even working? 

1 hour ago, EndeavSTEEL said:

Well here I was talking about being able to move the beam with the cursor ![:)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/001j.png “:)”)

Yeah I know. But that may be kinda OP, especially against inties.



11 minutes ago, Swifter43021 said:

Yeah I know. But that may be kinda OP, especially against inties.



Yup that why the turret rotation became slower while active, and yea ofc dmg will be reduced cause the turret will shoot during 5sec


Pyro seems a crappy module to me. Increasing dmg would make it a more competitive choice. Another thing that bugs me is that wind up AoE is wider than active one, and number of targets marked as in range consider wind up AoE (so you may see 11 targets in range…only hit 4 xD). Despite all it have some uses in specific situations: groups of really tight ships going in straight line to you (PVE), cruiser turrets (although dmg could be better), shooting down destroyer spec ops torps, hitting a dude behind a beacon (PVP), hitting an unaware ceptor that somehow stays in range. For any other situation, its terribad.

My opinion, this module is easy to dodge (also slow ship can dodge) and have low damage, Yesterday in t5 I hit a enginer with half shield for all duration of the beam and not die…

Anyone have another module not use it, in t3 I have all module and prefer plasma turret at pyro emitter, in t5 I have only standard module and not have choise, but is very useless against gravi-lens, photon emitter, tempest launcher and other modules…


For me need a big revision… 

Agreed, many people start to notice that plasma turret is more powerful than the pyro.

Like proposed, a simple big dmg buff will do the trick but ofc some rework in a more technical way is still something to consider

On 8/10/2017 at 1:47 AM, Milfeulle said:





56 minutes ago, evo888 said:


Exactly what I want from it.


BTW isn’t that from Kirby or something? Smash bros? It’s from some Nintendo game.