PVP Mixed rank blocks

I have been reading the discussions and reviews on steam. It seems many are complaining that they are getting mixed with higher ranked ships. They don’t know how to load out their ship slots properly. I have replied to these reviews and discussions with information to help these Aces. I think the solution is to force them to load the correct ships.


Not long ago PVE was ruined to stop PVE farming. You can no longer bring in a T5 to farm a T1 mission. I think the same solution should be brought to PVP.


I see in t5 matches where a Ace will have a t1 t2 t3 and t5. or something else. It should be all t1 t1 t1, or t2 t2 t2, or t3 t3 3t.

Only t4 t5 should be mixed because of the exception currently present.


The game should give a warning or simply not allow tiers to be mixed. This might help increase our in game player pool. Many get frustrated and stop playing with the way it is now. 

They have control, but don’t understand it.  

If you devs really cared about the success of your project, you should go in the reviews.

Maybe reach out to these upset people, and maybe even look for solutions to prevent griefing of the players.

You guys can hate me all you want, but this is the only community where I am not a respected member or admin.

After all I have been through with you guys, I am still trying to help this games success.

There is already a thread on this. Please try again later.

Oh and btw. I was never in NASA nor am I a brown noser to NASA pilots. If you think I like NASA then according to your logic I must love ESВ.

*Brings out the twizzlers.

There is already a thread on this. Please try again later.

Oh and btw. I was never in NASA nor am I a brown noser to NASA pilots. If you think I like NASA then according to your logic I must love ESВ.

*Brings out the twizzlers.

i like nasa and esb. they are very good corps. they offer high quality gameplay.  :fed001: 

and i am sure matchmaker calculation is much deeper then most people think. i had fair matches till now. 

devs doing amazing job and i trust them   :01111:

There is already a thread on this. Please try again later.

Oh and btw. I was never in NASA nor am I a brown noser to NASA pilots. If you think I like NASA then according to your logic I must love ESВ.

*Brings out the twizzlers.



Poor Efefay is now like Link who called Zelda by everyone.

i am sure matchmaker calculation is much deeper then most people think. i had fair matches till now. 

devs doing amazing job and i trust them   :01111:


The N()()Bz on steam are claiming different. People like me and you who know not to mix tiers are going to get a fair match.

For many they think they can load a t5 and because the other 3 ships are t1 they are expecting to go on a t1 match and clubs some N()()Bz.

I am writing this post to help the new players who have no clue what to do. They want easy kills and become the easy kills because they can mix tiers.

If they just keep getting wooped up on, then we are eventually not going to have anyone to fight against as people grow bored of this game.

As it is it, sometimes is impossible to get a match. 


Don’t take my word for it, here is all the reveiws. Most complain about the other problem i can’t mention here or face another issue.

The issue I am talking about is buried in there somewhere.

The reviews show at the bottom. You don’t need to be logged in to read them.



Here is the discussions

This is where the useful feed back could be gathered if the developers cared. 



Here is the discussions

This is where the useful feed back could be gathered if the developers cared. 


They care so much that the steam community threads are very regularly censor-… err, I mean, cleansed, of any negative posts of any kind. Even if you just made the most constructive post of your entire life; if it says the game is bad, they WILL delete it outright.

They care so much that the steam community threads are very regularly censor-… err, I mean, cleansed, of any negative posts of any kind. Even if you just made the most constructive post of your entire life; if it says the game is bad, they WILL delete it outright.

My 6 experience i mean warning points give me enough skill to do so without getting caught.

My 6 experience i mean warning points give me enough skill to do so without getting caught.

Pff. Goodie boy. 6 months ago, I had 13.

I read some of the steam discussions. Most of people there are the usual randoms who don’t know how a MMO shooter works.


I was one before, when I started playing WoT. Then I learnt how these kind of games work and here I am. Happy and enjoying the game.

The N()()Bz on steam are claiming different. People like me and you who know not to mix tiers are going to get a fair match.

For many they think they can load a t5 and because the other 3 ships are t1 they are expecting to go on a t1 match and clubs some N()()Bz.

I am writing this post to help the new players who have no clue what to do. They want easy kills and become the easy kills because they can mix tiers.

If they just keep getting wooped up on, then we are eventually not going to have anyone to fight against as people grow bored of this game.

As it is it, sometimes is impossible to get a match. 


Don’t take my word for it, here is all the reveiws. Most complain about the other problem i can’t mention here or face another issue.

The issue I am talking about is buried in there somewhere.

The reviews show at the bottom. You don’t need to be logged in to read them.



Here is the discussions

This is where the useful feed back could be gathered if the developers cared. 


you guys help a lot. :01111:

there is skilled guy from nasa. he posted very helpful videos about pve missions.

well… i play pve since more then a year a i still didn’t know so many things :005j:

Please fix the damn tiers  Please do not allow low tier ships in field , I’m tired of loosing because some Aces thinks they can lvl up faster t1 ships on t5 ,no they cant , they die soo quick and we loose every time .I just came here from t5 pvp 4 vs 4 and 3 of my team members was using t1 ships , it is just ridicules system allow that please make it just like pve 

Please fix the damn tiers  Please do not allow low tier ships in field , I’m tired of loosing because some Aces thinks they can lvl up faster t1 ships on t5 ,no they cant , they die soo quick and we loose every time .I just came here from t5 pvp 4 vs 4 and 3 of my team members was using t1 ships , it is just ridicules system allow that please make it just like pve 

They’ll just die over and over and over in one ship. And, if you get CTB, they’ll die after one ship. Their usefulness is still zero.





Ohwait, you were serious about it.



If I weren’t so persistent you wouldn’t be talking to me right now. The lack of quality tuts almost killed the game for me. Others won’t be so persistent.

You need to educate before you can do the cool stuff. I learned everywhere outside the game from the forums, videos, wiki

If I weren’t so persistent you wouldn’t be talking to me right now. The lack of quality tuts almost killed the game for me. Others won’t be so persistent.

You need to educate before you can do the cool stuff. I learned everywhere outside the game from the forums, videos, wiki

agree. tutorials are very useful.  :fed001: 

of course there aren’t so much infos like for other games with bigger communities. so even short videos could be very helpful 

If I weren’t so persistent you wouldn’t be talking to me right now. The lack of quality tuts almost killed the game for me. Others won’t be so persistent.

You need to educate before you can do the cool stuff. I learned everywhere outside the game from the forums, videos, wiki

About what? How to play the game? You know what tutorials we had back when I started? NOTHING. We had an initiation CTB match against bots. That’s it… The game basically told us to sod off and fend for ourselves.


Rookies nowadays have it WAY too easy with all those tutorial missions telling them what’s what.


Of course tutorials are needed in any game, but the game was in freaking beta. It still is, apparently!

About what? How to play the game? You know what tutorials we had back when I started? NOTHING. We had an initiation CTB match against bots. That’s it… The game basically told us to sod off and fend for ourselves.


Rookies nowadays have it WAY too easy with all those tutorial missions telling them what’s what.


Of course tutorials are needed in any game, but the game was in freaking beta. It still is, apparently!

opponents/players play much much better now and they have very high skill level :fed001:

so newbies don’t have it so easy  :rudolf:

About what? How to play the game? You know what tutorials we had back when I started? NOTHING. We had an initiation CTB match against bots. That’s it… The game basically told us to sod off and fend for ourselves.

Rookies nowadays have it WAY too easy with all those tutorial missions telling them what’s what.

Of course tutorials are needed in any game, but the game was in freaking beta. It still is, apparently!

I have heard that argument before and it is invalid. It is no longer when you started so go take your argument and jerk it off into the sunset.

In fact, when I myself first started the game there was too MUCH information. It was one of those games where they tried to feed a starving child a feast. When I died I saw people with different special modules and different actives. I had no idea what they ment or did. I saw symbols and the top but I didn’t know what they ment.

Actually the contacts way that they taught me had a very negative impact on me. I hated games that had that system ever since I was old enough to move a mouse.

I NEEDED the forums, videos and such to help sort out the information, to make it understandable to a 14 year old player.

Again I will say, no every teenager is as persistent as me. I don’t give up on anything. Ever.

@OP - sadly, restriction will not help, because a tier rusher will just load 1 ship instead of 3/4. It will be T5, but there is the risk of beacon capture mode. He may only have 1 ship T5. Imagine it is recon. Imagine he crashes. Better than 4 kills to the enemy team … maybe, but still 1 player less. I love those when the russian roulette says it will be Beacon Capture and I have people with 2 or even 1 ship in my team vs full team of 4 ships each.


About tutorials - I think they are really trying. You know. Once in awhile I get pop ups “You have unlocked Gunship. It has this and this module, it’s special module is this”. Then when I close it (because I have over 200h playtime with gunship) I have the same thing for command or other random ship.

So, I guess it is something. When you buy your first interceptor in T1 this pop up may actually tell the newbies what is the role of their ship bought for first time.