PVP Mixed rank blocks

It shouldn’t be text based. Tutorials should be gameplay based. If I have the time I’ll post a thread explaining what I mean.

It shouldn’t be text based. Tutorials should be gameplay based. If I have the time I’ll post a thread explaining what I mean.

I know exactly what you mean. SC tutorials are gameplay, they work in especially made matches. You’re given text instructions to use x or y or do a and b. It works. But the problem is that it’s not mandatory. It should be the very first thing new pilots do when they login. It isn’t.

I know exactly what you mean. SC tutorials are gameplay, they work in especially made matches. You’re given text instructions to use x or y or do a and b. It works. But the problem is that it’s not mandatory. It should be the very first thing new pilots do when they login. It isn’t.

You don’t

You don’t



First of all, there are 7 chakras. Then you eat this onion and banana paste.

Please fix the damn tiers  Please do not allow low tier ships in field , I’m tired of loosing because some Aces thinks they can lvl up faster t1 ships on t5 ,no they cant , they die soo quick and we loose every time .I just came here from t5 pvp 4 vs 4 and 3 of my team members was using t1 ships , it is just ridicules system allow that please make it just like pve 


I agree that that is ridiculous, however restricting each tier to only ships of that tier will also limit some pilots. I think that each tier should be geared for the 3 ranks of that tier, but ships of the previous tier are allowed in as well (so people can bring t2s into t3, or t3s into t4, etc). I feel that this would adequately solve the problem of seeing t1s in t3 or even t5. I am also extremely annoyed when teammates decide to use their t1 ships in a t5 game. T1 ships belong in t1 and can be used in t2 to some degree. Restricting the tiers to only the 3 ranks in that tier would stop many pilots from advancing. I will use t3 as an example. Pilots who just bought their first rank 7 ship should be allowed to bring their t4 ships into the t3 battle with their rank 7. Ships of the rank below are not at nearly as much of a disadvantage as bringing a t1 into a t5 fight, where the t1 is literally free “fast and furious” medals for everyone on the opposing team.


I do think that the tier system needs to be changed so that pilots are not bumped up in a tier because of the rank ship they are flying. There is no reason that a player flying all rank 9 ships should be forced in to t4 games. From what I understand, the new matchmaking system provided in 1.0.5 uses ship rank to help determine placement. This is a flaw that should be corrected. Ship rank should only directly affect your placement based on the highest rank ship you are flying. If the highest rank ship you are flying is a rank 5, you should be placed in t2 games. If your highest ship rank in your loadout is 15, but your other 3 ships are rank 12, you should be placed in t5. The tier system exists as a separation for balance. What is the point of making a balanced tier system when the tiers are intermixed? Each tier is balanced within itself, and that should be the way matchmaking works.

I once again find this problem of people bringing low-tier ships into high tier games. I just got done playing a game which my team should have won, but we lost due to a pilot bringing 1 t5 ship and 2 t1 ships into the game. It didn’t help that it was capture the beacons either. Once he lost his t5 ship, he was absolutely no help for the team, as his two t1 ships were shredded in seconds. This just emphasizes my point that there needs to be a barrier set in place, where pilots cannot bring ships lower than 1 tier below the pvp match into the game. (I.E. you can bring only t4s and t5s into t5 games, or only t2s and t3s into a t3 game). Had my teammate brought all t4s and t5s into the game, my team would have won, but instead, we were down a player for 2/3 of the game, which cost us the game.


Bringing t1 ships into a t5 game is detrimental to the team, is outright idiotic, and needs to be prevented.

I once again find this problem of people bringing low-tier ships into high tier games. I just got done playing a game which my team should have won, but we lost due to a pilot bringing 1 t5 ship and 2 t1 ships into the game. It didn’t help that it was capture the beacons either. Once he lost his t5 ship, he was absolutely no help for the team, as his two t1 ships were shredded in seconds. This just emphasizes my point that there needs to be a barrier set in place, where pilots cannot bring ships lower than 1 tier below the pvp match into the game. (I.E. you can bring only t4s and t5s into t5 games, or only t2s and t3s into a t3 game). Had my teammate brought all t4s and t5s into the game, my team would have won, but instead, we were down a player for 2/3 of the game, which cost us the game.


Bringing t1 ships into a t5 game is detrimental to the team, is outright idiotic, and needs to be prevented.


Report him then, that’s what I do.  I just say: “voluntarily causing the team to lose by using a t1 ship”.  I do believe there is a rule somewhere banning pilots from helping the enemy team.  So in theory they should get punished.


I’ve no idea if the GMs take any notice of these reports, but at least they will be able to see it’s a recurring problem (if they haven’t already by playing the game) and can inform the developers.

Report him then, that’s what I do.  I just say: “voluntarily causing the team to lose by using a t1 ship”.  I do believe there is a rule somewhere banning pilots from helping the enemy team.  So in theory they should get punished.


I’ve no idea if the GMs take any notice of these reports, but at least they will be able to see it’s a recurring problem (if they haven’t already by playing the game) and can inform the developers.


Why do you even bother? I reported them a few times, but I saw them next day in the same ships as before. I would ban them for 1 week, then 1 month, after that, forever.

Of course, most of those players don’t provide any real income to developers, so they can be missed and they are non-essential. They ruin the gameplay experience for others. It’s harsh, I know, but it’s the truth.

Nothing gets ever done, ever. Someone wanted to level up T3 phobos/rank 7 ship in T5 PVP match. Suffice to say, he went in like  straight to the enemy and got killed in 2 seconds not once, but a few times.

Of course, in the end those kills costed us victory in team deathmatch.


Matchmaking should automatically prevent from starting any PVP tier game, if the player don’t posses ALL of tier related ships.

I am tired of looking of T1 ships, mixed with T2, T3 and T5 premium in T5…

 Whoa Whoa !   Even if the poor soul brought the wrong tier ship IF at least they are attempting to inflict damage upon the opposing team HOW is it breaking any of the “rules” ?   :008j:  


  Playing what may be precieved as DUMB\STUPID from another person’s point of view I do not think has made it an REPORTABLE offense YET.      :fed015:


  While I am in TOTAL agreement that you should not be bringing T1\T2 ships into T5  eventually in MM those same players will be on the opposing team  and the advantage will be on your side.  


Are we now going to start reporting players on the opposing team because you were able to take advantage upon them ?   :fed011:


Again I agree there should be at least some type of restriction in place… from having -3 Tier level ships in  your lineup if playing in T5.