
A lot of guard frigballers are sad about ECM’s and command missiles being able to stop their pulsar. Personally I think this is how it should be, but I think a small buff could be nice to pulsar. Have the same current mechanics BUT…


have pulsar also affect things like enemy micro-locators, enemy drones on a beacon, enemy repair stations, enemy tackler drones, enemy attack drones (not the ones that circle round an engineer but the drones that go in the missile slot). So if a guard pilot times his/her pulsar at the right moment (where there are no stuns around or stuns are on cooldown), he/she is rewarded by having the pulsar hit everything that belongs to the enemy team.


good? bad?

I suspect that would be more than a little OP.


However, I could see a module like that working in the game; a Pulsar that ignores ships, but destroys drones and remotes. I’d personally stick it on the ECM (and remove it’s “unplug the keyboard” abilities) to rework the class into more of a map-control and support-denial role.

I want a pulsar that onehits ECMs.

I’m all for it. It’s practically impossible to take down microlocators and tackler drones quickly unless you have a laser weapon or singularities. But attack drones and guard drones might be a bit much, since those take heavy fire from the team anyways. Usually.



I want a pulsar that onehits ECMs.

If only.

Pulsar should hit who fire back , ships ,drones included.

I agree with it taking out drones only.

How about the impact shield? I’m acting really slow today.

it should definitely take out attack drones.


microlocators maybe.


sentry drones, guard drones, idc. might work, might needs testing.

This isn’t a bad idea.  Pulsar would help clear out engie healing balls and drone swarms.  +1


I still don’t think ECM should be able to shut off ANY module on ANY ship once it is already active.  That would add more skill and timing to an ECM to be able to preemptively shut somebody off.  If that does make the ECM underpowered though, then then reduce the strength of the proton wall so more stun is ensured.

Hy Pilots


I have an Idea for Guardships: The Sister Modul for Pulsar, The Quasar.


Activ Modul, puls Interceptors in the near,  very near to the Guard as a Interceptor Magnet 


has strong effect to Interceptors


Medium Effect to Battleships


Low Effect to Frigattes


greets from Space

Hy Pilots


I have an Idea for Guardships: The Sister Modul for Pulsar, The Quasar.


Activ Modul, puls Interceptors in the near,  very near to the Guard as a Interceptor Magnet 


has strong effect to Interceptors


Medium Effect to Battleships


Low Effect to Frigattes


greets from Space

Offtopic Necropost:Spell. Cost: 5 minutes. Lasts one day. Stackable.

+1 VIT

-10 CHA


(also that’s a bad suggestion, but I won’t go into why here)