Pulsar rollback

Okay, so since the pulsar was semi-nerfed most players would have noticed that it is now toggle, with the cooldown starting on the end of the modules active time and most players would know why this was introduced too, which in case someone doesn’t know, it was due to T5 guards permapulsaring in T2 pve. Now, since the Tier issues in pve were rectified I think personally that the pulsar should be reverted back to its old state, where once you activated it, it would immediately start cooldown and would not stop if you accidentally double tapped it.


One other minor topic to be pushed into the light is the ECMs and Commands ability to stop the pulsar altogether, if the pulsar was reverted this too should be removed, since the cooldown immediately begins anyway, there would be no way of notifying the user if the pulsar has deactivated.


… that and it is the guards only way of pushing back any ECMs that get too close.

I made a post about this a while ago. I’m glad to see that others see the silliness of keeping it the way it is too. Xp

I personally find it silly keeping it this way, because: A) it was put this way to nerf the pve farmers and B) Double tap… I hate it.


Seriously though, due to the ever increasing amount of ECM pilots double tap is an issue for me when I panic right after the Ion diffuser wears off to try to stop them from smashing my guards face in with a doomsday.

If a tackler cloaks or deploys both types of drones, cooldown begins immediately.

I see no reason that pulsar should be excluded from such mechanic. We had it before and it was fine.

We must also know, that before, we could include 1 T2 ship, for example and then you got a T2 match, even if the rest of the ships were T5.

I agree, this must be reverted. If anything else, drone cooldown should start from 0, when both drones are destroyed. Same for the cloak.

It should start the cooldown, when you decloak, not while you’re cloaked.

If pulsar mechanic would remain the same as it is now, we should also do the same for those special modules.



Pulsar was too powerful.

Guard is is my lineup, spot 2, of course uses pulsar.


I can not thing of another module that can be compared to pulsar. There is NO reason a guard ship should have a perma pulsar…


The current state of pulsar allows for a good deal of power while still allowing balance to the game.


I’ve seen the game dominated by LRF & Guards, it was not nearly as fun as it is now.


Think balance with other ship types. The previous design was a mistake.

I don’t mind if I get my 75% critic damage for bubbles, 2 sec rocket RoF and 4 sec (I’m not even asking for 5 sec) overheating pulse laser.


Then, you can have your perma pulsar back.

Think the old recharge mechanic could be good but the disables should stay as it is, else all frigball hell will break loose (they are coming back already but if this happens it will for sure re-appear)

If the old recharge mechanic were to be put back in, the recharge time would have to be significantly extended.

This way there is no possible way to have perma-pulsar.


I agree with Alex in that the disable option should stay, because sometimes you only need the pulsar for 2 or 3 seconds, before there are no more enemies in range. In which case you shut it off.

Change the pulsar to a giant disco ball that blinds everyone up close.  Disco-Feva! 


But no, pulsar is okay atm… not great, but okay.  I like the old mechanic where it instantly goes on cool down once activated.  Newer system might be more efficient, but that should be the price you pay for not using it when it’s really needed.  Personally, I’d like to see it do its damage over a much shorter period of time and less range, since after 1 pulse it will pretty much always get shut off by the always present ECM or command shut-off missiles.  Keep the total damage the same but reduce the duration by about 50% and range by 25%.  Idk, just my idea.


Oh, and the emergency shield and hull repair should NOT be shut off by ecm or command missiles.  That is just beyond frustrating.

One of the ECM disabling modules turns off all active modules.


I doubt the dev will go for adjusting that specifically for guards. It may be more realistic to ask for a lowered recharge time, and smaller heal bonus for those modules.


I normally intro with pulsar, have that turned off and move forward with heals. My cruise has a turn of, I think, 56, it is really just barley enough to keep up because of the wider spread on my heavy lasers.


Wait a second, you aren’t tesla?

Well, pulsars are more like area of denial access now.

It forces you out, before you take too much damage and it also uncloaks invisible threats.

Maybe pulsar should have one additional variant in the workshop, similar to Hunter’s pulsar, which can pass through walls.


Still, I like it, but I wouldn’t mind, if it gets better or reversed. Problem is only rank 13 Empire implant, if it gets reversed, nothing else.

Maybe pulsar should have one additional variant in the workshop, similar to Hunter’s pulsar, which can pass through walls.

Sure, why not a Pulsar like the Boss in Blackwood has, with 10km range and 5k damage per blast.

Sure, why not a Pulsar like the Boss in Blackwood has, with 10km range and 5k damage per blast.


Better yet, I want the Defiler’s “instant doom” pulsar. No skill required. Insta win!

Better yet, I want the Defiler’s “instant doom” pulsar. No skill required. Insta win!

Maybe Dreadnoughts get something like that, who knows.

Well, pulsars are more like area of denial access now.

It forces you out, before you take too much damage and it also uncloaks invisible threats.

Maybe pulsar should have one additional variant in the workshop, similar to Hunter’s pulsar, which can pass through walls.


Still, I like it, but I wouldn’t mind, if it gets better or reversed. Problem is only rank 13 Empire implant, if it gets reversed, nothing else.

AOE through cover is bad.