Proton wall

This useless module can have a real role to break the ECM (ship of the month)

If I have this module installed, and if a ECM (ship of the month) use a module on me, this jam module is diseable for a time (1min?)

What do you think about that?


If ECM (ship of the month) have to stay in this game, offer use a good counter-jam !


I have always implant R2 JER with proto wall on all my ship. (really loosing good module and good implants…)

And, I am always jam, shorter than an another but it’s useless again this heavy tanked small ship : ECM (ship of the month)

Test a 3vs3 beacon hunt against a ECM (ship of the month) and tell me I am wrong !!


There is a big problem with this ship, ECM (ship of the month) I hope dev see that. And find a way to rebalance that.

It’s very small ship for a lot of powerfull modules… A warfare fregate can take this role, not a sooo little ship.



thanks !

… useless? That’s pretty much the only CPU modifier I use on almost all my ships… Exceptions go to my Frigates and my CovOps. It really is NOT useless. At all.

the Proton Wall is anything but useless. It has a good effect and is fine as is in my eyes.

See you don’t read my post entirely…

Let me tell you this:

Completly making a ship useless due to a single mod is a terrible idea.

With implant and module you get a ~50% decrease in duration, together with the ~20% decrease in duration on all ECM mods since last patch, makes a lot of the ECM modules quite useless already on you.


And the implant/module choice is yours to make.

Want more range? Get the R2 implant

Want less ECM duration? Get the other R2 implant


same for the CPU modifier, which is quite useless anyway, only the spead-decrease mod and the Proton Wall are worth it, beyond that the others aren’t really worth it.(Maybe the locking time reduction, but not really)

you are always the rights words, no?

I think there are a another way than the duration who reduce your capacity to shoot harder or with good distance…

and counter ECM was a door to explore… :confused:

you are always the rights words, no?

I think there are a another way than the duration who reduce your capacity to shoot harder or with good distance…

and counter ECM was a door to explore… :confused:

There are several ways to counter an ECM.

  1. Kill it first.

  2. Catch them alone and kill them.

  3. Fit Proton Wall + R2 Jericho implant to make their stuns useless against you, then kill them.

  4. Get a Tackler, nuke him.

  5. Get a Guard, trim down the speed and kill him.

  6. Fly Engineer, wait until he gets bored of shooting you, then kill him.

  7. Gunship, nuke his hp and force him into panicking around you, then kill him.


And so forth…

I don’t want to be rude but I also suffer of being terribly annoyed by ECM ships but the last thing I want is make them useless for the game, like Cov Ops or Recon they are good at their role.


The main problem for me is the bonuses to railguns that the Kris AE has, and the fact that the empire rank 9 interceptor is also an ECM. I mean the ECMs as ships are fine, but my Kris AE has railgun spread reduction and bullet speed increased, using more spread reduction modules plus your “spells” to shut down the enemy make them almost the best killers, and that shouldn’t work that way. 

I don’t want to be rude but I also suffer of being terribly annoyed by ECM ships but the last thing I want is make them useless for the game, like Cov Ops or Recon they are good at their role.


The main problem for me is the bonuses to railguns that the Kris AE has, and the fact that the empire rank 9 interceptor is also an ECM. I mean the ECMs as ships are fine, but my Kris AE has railgun spread reduction and bullet speed increased, using more spread reduction modules plus your “spells” to shut down the enemy make them almost the best killers, and that shouldn’t work that way. 

This is true. That is, IF your reticle is placed correctly, cause godamn, swear to god, whenever I hit dead-on that thing, the shots just fly BEHIND the ship.

This is true. That is, IF your reticle is placed correctly, cause godamn, swear to god, whenever I hit dead-on that thing, the shots just fly BEHIND the ship.


I have 1.4-2.8 spread, and thats a one concentrated shotgun

  1. Kill it first. too late, I can’t use my gun , then straight away I can’t move, I am dead

  2. Catch them alone and kill them. I am alone, and can’t use my gun , then straight away I can’t move, I am dead

  3. Fit Proton Wall + R2 Jericho implant to make their stuns useless against you, then kill them. Maybe the only way, so I can’t play another role

  4. Get a Tackler, nuke him. I tackle him, then 1 sec later I can’t use my gun , then straight away I can’t move, I am dead

  5. Get a Guard, trim down the speed and kill him. I can’t use my gun , module diseable he run again, then straight away I can’t move, I am dead

  6. Fly Engineer, wait until he gets bored of shooting you, then kill him. I can’t use my gun , then straight away I can’t move, I am dead

  7. Gunship, nuke his hp and force him into panicking around you, then kill him. I can’t use my gun , then straight away I can’t move, I am dead.


Other ceptor are 2x more easy to shoot than JER ECM.

  1. Kill it first. too late, I can’t use my gun , then straight away I can’t move, I am dead

  2. Catch them alone and kill them. I am alone, and can’t use my gun , then straight away I can’t move, I am dead

  3. Fit Proton Wall + R2 Jericho implant to make their stuns useless against you, then kill them. Maybe the only way, so I can’t play another role

  4. Get a Tackler, nuke him. I tackle him, then 1 sec later I can’t use my gun , then straight away I can’t move, I am dead

  5. Get a Guard, trim down the speed and kill him. I can’t use my gun , module diseable he run again, then straight away I can’t move, I am dead

  6. Fly Engineer, wait until he gets bored of shooting you, then kill him. I can’t use my gun , then straight away I can’t move, I am dead

  7. Gunship, nuke his hp and force him into panicking around you, then kill him. I can’t use my gun , then straight away I can’t move, I am dead.


Other ceptor are 2x more easy to shoot than JER ECM.

lolwut, you get killed in that 1 second duration? What kind of terrible fits do you use?

I can easily survive 10 seconds against an ECM, which is his whole duration of stasis+ion+energy.

  1. Kill it first. too late, I can’t use my gun , then straight away I can’t move, I am dead

  2. Catch them alone and kill them. I am alone, and can’t use my gun , then straight away I can’t move, I am dead

  3. Fit Proton Wall + R2 Jericho implant to make their stuns useless against you, then kill them. Maybe the only way, so I can’t play another role

  4. Get a Tackler, nuke him. I tackle him, then 1 sec later I can’t use my gun , then straight away I can’t move, I am dead

  5. Get a Guard, trim down the speed and kill him. I can’t use my gun , module diseable he run again, then straight away I can’t move, I am dead

  6. Fly Engineer, wait until he gets bored of shooting you, then kill him. I can’t use my gun , then straight away I can’t move, I am dead

  7. Gunship, nuke his hp and force him into panicking around you, then kill him. I can’t use my gun , then straight away I can’t move, I am dead.


Other ceptor are 2x more easy to shoot than JER ECM.


Where art thy teammates? 

Where art thy teammates?


I probably killed them.  :fed015:

  1. Kill it first. too late, I can’t use my gun , then straight away I can’t move, I am dead

  2. Catch them alone and kill them. I am alone, and can’t use my gun , then straight away I can’t move, I am dead

  3. Fit Proton Wall + R2 Jericho implant to make their stuns useless against you, then kill them. Maybe the only way, so I can’t play another role

  4. Get a Tackler, nuke him. I tackle him, then 1 sec later I can’t use my gun , then straight away I can’t move, I am dead

  5. Get a Guard, trim down the speed and kill him. I can’t use my gun , module diseable he run again, then straight away I can’t move, I am dead

  6. Fly Engineer, wait until he gets bored of shooting you, then kill him. I can’t use my gun , then straight away I can’t move, I am dead

  7. Gunship, nuke his hp and force him into panicking around you, then kill him. I can’t use my gun , then straight away I can’t move, I am dead.


Other ceptor are 2x more easy to shoot than JER ECM.

Wow, your flying skills need revising, then… You don’t just fly straight against an ECM…


I have 1.4-2.8 spread, and thats a one concentrated shotgun

Nonono, you’re not understanding. Even with zero spread, you still COMPLETELY miss.

Projectile speed mods, and Jericho R6 implant help a lot for hitting targets.  When you really have it tuned in tightly it can do some damage, but your range is so small in the first place you have to get really close to do more than annoy a ship.