A strange message was received one day from the Leviathan. It was an encrypted plan for some sort of crystal frame. The only thing that made it strange, through, was the sheer size of the plan. It involved several hundred meters of crystal frame, as well as several hundred crystal cores to be built. None the less, the development team gathered up the nessesary recourses and went to work. Only a day after that completed the resource requirement, the MIRAGE infiltrated the station with his custom Leviathan destroyer and stole the entire frame! That was the last that they heard of it since, as they had used up their last supply of crystals from the alien world.
Several days later, the news was showing reports of a strange modified alien craft that was attacking shipments. It was fast, tough, and extremely deadly. The researchers immediately identified it as the design from the blueprint, but it had been modified considerably. It had two engine cores instead of just one! This led to an instability in the cores, where they united in to one massive stream of unstable energy. That is probably what gave way to its incredible speed.
Mercenaries have been tasked with killing this beast, but so far none have succeeded. It continues to roam the galaxy seeking out more victims. Never satisfied.
Ship crafting parts: Living Crystal (120), Graphite Plate (80), Monocrystal (100), Computing Chip (60), Osmium Crystal (60), Proto-Hunter Core (2).
Core crafting parts: Living Crystal (20), Crystal Shard (25), Osmium Crystal (15), Monocrystal (15).
Name: Proto-Hunter
Type: Alien Frigate
Rank: 10
Shield: 12,200pts
EM: 10
Thermal: -10
Kinetic: 60
Hull: 15,525pts
EM: 60
Thermal: 10
Kinetic: 50
Energy capacity: 800pts
Energy regen: 200pts/s
Speed: 230m/s
AB speed: 290m/s
AB drain: 120pts/s
Strafe: 50m/s
Reverse: 100m/s
Modules: 7
Engine: 1
Cap: 2
Shield: 2
Hull: 2
CPU: 0
Active: 4
Synergy: 10 levels
Level 2: Critical hit chance increased by 10%.
Level 4: Weapon damage increased by 10%.
Level 8: Decreases module reload time by 25%.
Level 10: Increases sensor range by 100%.
Visual: Two/three distinct shell parts, with two rings between them. Large energy pillar running through rings as the engine/weapon. Could have three outer parts instead of two. Either looks cool.
I had a drawing of it, but given that I did it at like midnight it really sucks so it’s not worth it.