Proposition for a new corp

I was going to put this up later, but why wait.


Hello everyone. I have a proposition.

What is a corp? What does being in a corp mean? What are the advantages? Can I join a corp, and I have less than 2 hours of game time under my belt?

Often, I will watch the global chat, reading such questions. As an officer in Dynamis, I looked for skilled and talented players to invite, but at the same time I wanted so badly to help these new players. I wanted to invite them into a community full of others like them, players new to the game, exploring the mechanics. Confusion, frustration, and a sence of loneliness are what I remember I felt when I first started. Heck, what was a squad, let alone a corperation?

So, here is the proposition.

Helpful, knowledgeable players to join me in the creation of a corperation with the single purpose of helping new players through early-game and into main-game. A website, TS3 or Mumble would also be benificial, but not an absolute nessessity. As a college student (currently without a job), I cannot accomplish this on my own. If you are interested, or have anything to add/change, please leave a reply.



I have not started such a corp yet. I am looking for feedback and help before launching such a corperation.

First, set a requirement of time in battle.  It will weed out people instantly looking for a corp and not committed.  Don’t use rank or DSR.  Rank gets higher faster with cash, not skill, yet stays low by changing factions.  DSR can be manipulated by avoiding fair dogfight.  Tonight I killed a pilot, and I wanted to congratulate them on the good dog fight.  Hours in battle can show experience of mechanisms.  I’ve seen a lot of strategy styles in T3, half the battle is just experience.  I wish I could see the full map without hitting tab and missing the action in order to see the warning signs.  If you’re wanting a training corp, make sure “qualified” members are kicked out and up.  If you’re wanting a new corp, keep them.  Don’t forget to win the mission!  Getting your corp a lot of kills and a high DSR may result in pride, but creating a win/loss threat will probably scare the corps more.


Disclaimer, I play solo, at least so far.

First, set a requirement of time in battle.  It will weed out people instantly looking for a corp and not committed.  Don’t use rank or DSR.  Rank gets higher faster with cash, not skill, yet stays low by changing factions.  DSR can be manipulated by avoiding fair dogfight.  Tonight I killed a pilot, and I wanted to congratulate them on the good dog fight.  Hours in battle can show experience of mechanisms.  I’ve seen a lot of strategy styles in T3, half the battle is just experience.  I wish I could see the full map without hitting tab and missing the action in order to see the warning signs.  If you’re wanting a training corp, make sure “qualified” members are kicked out and up.  If you’re wanting a new corp, keep them.  Don’t forget to win the mission!  Getting your corp a lot of kills and a high DSR may result in pride, but creating a win/loss threat will probably scare the corps more.


Disclaimer, I play solo, at least so far.

Time in battle would be less than 18 hours. The whole point of this new corperation is to:

1)Let them (new players) experience a corperation and its mechanics.

2)By having many players at about the same level, squads would be a useful mechanic for them to learn teamwork and strategy.

3)By working together, and with some guidence from experienced players, to quickly level up factions and subfactions.

4)When they leave, to take what they have learned with them and to help spread it.


All of the Corperation Ranking is not going to be a concern here. If you want to be competitive like that, go join The Wolf Pack, NASA, Steel Mauraders, Rage, AWG, etc. My plans for this new corperation are, in essence, to make the learning process of this game faster and easier. Now, I understand that there are people who would prefer to lone-wolf it, and I wish them the best of luck. However, there are people who struggle with that, and often cannot join a corp because of the Corp requirements. I just want ot help new players, and this is me trying to do just that.

Then my suggestion would be for them to read a well written tutorial.  I’ve had matches and wondered how the people got that far along.  Maybe recruit people with the right dsr vs win/loss vs damage dealt ratings.  Once someone excels, they should join a corp focused on wins and not learning.  Just make sure they understand it’s graduating and not banning.  I don’t know.  Essentially, you’re wanting to be a teacher for elementary students, they have some of the basics, but they need prepared for the real stuff.  I might try avoid focus on the “this is what it’s like to be in a corp” part, because it’s not for everyone, and corps are defined by their leaders like every leadership body.  Focus on double teaming and the mission objectives.  The mission objectives help a lot for the final score.  Hopefully gaijin will fix DSR to reflect the mission, my kills suck at detonation, but I presume I average at least one plant per mission.  Combat recon’s defend and kill, first defense unless you’re rushing.  Beacon Hunt’s teamwork, staying together and watching the map.  You have to know when the abandon your beacon safely for the next, and when to skip a lost beacon.  I hate turning away.   Domination’s teamwork, more so than some others.  The free-for-all helps, but it’s best to abandon a safe beacon and form a line.  You must be careful that the “abandoned” beacon isn’t left for the other team.  It seems capture the beacons is either rush or annihilate, those are the two options.


Aside from Detonation, the funnest games for me tend to be the spread out combat recons.  Stop the rushers, rush in, join in any dogfight, etc.  A tight ball to fight requires more teamwork than is normal without full on squad vs squad.  Maybe they die or run, maybe not, it depends on your team and theirs, who’s crazier!

This sounds like the ‘University’ type corporations ran in other games. There’s upsides and downsides to them;


Positive :

  • They provide prestige and exposure to those running them
  • They’re good for the community
  • New players who are serious have a place to start out
  • It can help people learn the game in a more organised way
  • They can be fun



Negative :

  • They’re hard work to get right
  • You need to offer a comprehensive, regular set of ‘courses’
  • Can be seen as ‘newbie’ corporations by more organised corporations
  • Rely on the support from active top corporations to make work long-term
  • Graduates will stream on to active corporations, requiring constant new students
  • Getting good trainers/teachers who don’t mind staying in the corp can be challenging as they could be flying for competitive corps


The WolfPack wish you good luck. If you do decide to go down this route - we’ll try to support you as we are interested in being an active part of the Star Conflict community.

In EVE “University” is something that have it’s reasons, because there are many things that are just to hard(or impossible) to do alone, or that are way more beneficial to do togeather with other players. In SCon its not really the case.

Some have also mentioned, that DYN somewhat resembles University.

Sounds like you want to do something similar to Eve University in EVE. 

It is a great idea and I would be up for it, but it has to be done right. You can’t just launch it for the sake of launch. You should plan on how you would want the corp to be run, whether it would be fully neutral (ala Eve University) and such

it would be fully neutral

Neutral to what? You cant pick a “side” in this game, aside from that “imaginary” faction side.

I for one like the idea of this Corporation!


If you do get this started, allow me to say now that if you ever want a pilot to drop down to T1 and fly with the rookies to show them the ropes, give me a call. I do try my best (and fail a lot, admittedly, but I try) to help people out, answering questions on chat in downtime, etc.


Having a Corporation that’s dedicated to tutoring people could well be awesome. I can see this going so far as to make private matches and stuff - “Okay, see Quinn there? He’s kitted his Gunship out as a ‘Hull Tank’. Look how he can attack a higher level ship head on and win, just because of what passive modules he picked.” or “Twiddlez is flying an Engineer. I want you to try and attack Quinn over there at that beacon. When your shields go down, fly back to Twiddlez as fast as you can. Do you see how your shields and hull are healing up? That’s what Engineers are for. Keep flying back to the Engineer to heal and he can’t kill you.”


…hell, it’s a great stepping stone for people who do want to enter the ‘big’ Corporations later! Corps like NASA, the Wolfpack, Rage and so on all benefit because they know that the up and coming pilots are being taught, at the very least, the fundamentals of how to work as a squad and how the different ships work. Maybe even some stuff on how to build your implants to fit a role. In return, those pilots get a feel for what the big corps represent - they get to fly with the big boys in lower tiers, get to know them and get a feel as to whether they’d enjoy flying with them more. Everybody wins.


I don’t see a “newbie” Corp going beyond T2 though. Not really. I think that once pilots hit Rank 6 and start getting into their stride there the Newbie Corp should do one of two things; ask them to start looking for new T1 / low T2 pilots to train up, or say “congratulations, you’re awesome and we have nothing more to teach you! Time to move to a new Corporation!”


Wow, I’m getting kind of excited by this idea!  :lol:

In EVE “University” is something that have it’s reasons, because there are many things that are just to hard(or impossible) to do alone, or that are way more beneficial to do togeather with other players. In SCon its not really the case.

Some have also mentioned, that DYN somewhat resembles University.



Sounds like you want to do something similar to Eve University in EVE. 

It is a great idea and I would be up for it, but it has to be done right. You can’t just launch it for the sake of launch. You should plan on how you would want the corp to be run, whether it would be fully neutral (ala Eve University) and such

There is no “neutral” in SC. The corp is on the same side as the CEO. As for DYN being a University type, DYN is practically dead. I am in the process of recording everything on our website and telling everyone that they should consider looking for new employment in SC. I am not going to jump right in, that is why I started this thread. Currently just a concept, but I would like to see this to its logical conclusion, be it just being a concept to a full blown corp. And being that such a task is too large for my, any help would be nice, be it slapping me and saying I am crazy to offering to be an officer, get a basic outline out, etc.


This will be a lot of work. Private matches were one way I was considering on helping to teach. The only problem would be communication (I am a slow typer). Then you would have experienced plyers with fully equiped ships, set up times, possible language barrers, etc.


With this being a “newbie corp”, I would urge members to leave once they have 3-4 T2 ships with decent equipment and such. That puts them in the main player base, decently well off, and ready for other corps to quibble over.

There is no “neutral” in SC. The corp is on the same side as the CEO.

Actually, a CEO can choose not to align with any faction and thus his/her corp will be unlisted. Points will be awarded to factions in sector conquest based on the contracts of individual pilots, as if they were independents.

SCon E-Uni would be nice.


  1. Experienced pilots best suited to be mentors are already in corps.
  • you’d need to talk with corps on the possibility of player loans for the purposes of mentoring


  1. Neutrality
  • as in you dont use your Aces as slave labor to ‘influence’ sectors. I say the Uni should be strictly custom battle oriented or as much as possible


  1. Put a curriculum down on black and white
  • stick to it and kick people out as they progress. beginner corps with low to no admission requirements can get really big really fast and diluting the effectiveness of teacher to students ratio. and eventually doomed to corporatization. keep it small and personal. work in batches.


  1. Mandatory voice comms
  • typing to teach will take forever.


I was first batch when MM started E-Uni way back when stargazer, beth et al. actually ran the thing themselves. Before the Uni succumbed to being ‘just another big corp’. I’d love to see a reincarnation here in SCon, make it the way it was supposed to be.



[edit] lol forum replaced n.oob.s to ‘Aces’

“Hello kids,” he said, smiling brilliant.


“This kind of idea is something that has been talked about in The NASA for weeks, because there’s well… A big gap in knowledge these days and we have friends who are starting to play and what they have to say about the players in game is a bit embarrassing.”


(I’ll say)


“Hey, shut up.”


"Anyways… We wanted to help curb the trolliness and help foster the teamplay earlier to retain the playerbase. The desire became to help pilots early so they become more formidable later when they end up facing the top players in higher tiers. That’d be a pretty swell thing to do, our engineers at The NASA thought, since The NASA does what it can to create a learning culture within the corporation.


'Why, Little Kine, think of how many Einsteins died in the fields. However that quote goes,  ha ha. You’re a great kid," he said, ruffling Kine’s hair.


"How were they going to do it? How could they build a machine that would take a man through space and time and retain his knowledge intact enough to distill upon yet another man in space and time?


This is more or less where things tie in to your current discussion. What I’m trying to say is we would be interested in helping you, you bucking Space Cadet. "

Well I think this may be a fine concept! I am a lone wolf myself, and preferred to learn on my own. Untill I  reached the end of T3, I focused on improving skills and upgrading my ships. Many may not be inclined to go this way, it takes longer to reach a certain skill level without proper guidance. It cost more, for buying useless or improper modules, and even ships sometimes.

But, a hard lesson is a lesson better learned. Not everyone is as hardheaded as I. Now I have over 1000 kills, I believe I’ve been killed at least twice as many times. Some may not enjoy such humiliation, in particularly, when their just starting out. Even now I could use guidance. I now have clue on how much I still need to learn(to be elite). As that is not my ambition,(to be elite) I am not opposed to flying T1 or T2, I do sometimes anyway because I’m not as effective as I can be in T3. Many good points are made above, there is little I can add to that.  The idea does interest me. I will follow this post, see how it progresses. If it gets off the ground, perhaps  I can assist in some fashion. Better newbies make a more exciting game. If done right, everybody will win.

Currently, my plans are on hold due to the end of the summer semester and finals. I will admit, with the game still in “beta” status (which means future updates could radically change different parts of the game), I am wondering if it should wait until SC leaves “beta” and has a full release. I am still learning everything that the last update brought.

There is no beta, not when it’s been available to the paying public for a year.

Star Conflict is still techically in beta status.

Currently, my plans are on hold due to the end of the summer semester and finals. I will admit, with the game still in “beta” status (which means future updates could radically change different parts of the game), I am wondering if it should wait until SC leaves “beta” and has a full release. I am still learning everything that the last update brought.


My advice - for what it’s worth. I would have your resources, the foundation and all the rules/guidelines/activities both planned and in place prior to release.


Assuming that an increased level of marketing will occur, we should see an influx of new players around that period and this kind of project kind of needs to be ready to receive them. It will be your chance to actually make this work.

Star Conflict is still techically in beta status.


jrisom, just because you opt out of beta updates on Steam does not mean that the beta game you are playing is not a beta. Current SC version is (July 26 2013). Look in-game next time.
