Propose a backstory!

This is part suggestion, part community challenge / project. The goal is to try to get player made ship backgrounds and pool them here for ease of access. This is to show the Devs people want this stuff, but also to give some ideas for what form that background could take.

The only “rules” are as follows:

  1. Keep it brief. This is a summary of the ship, not an essay.

  2. Be mindful of class and tier. Saying the Lynx-M is the Federation’s greatest fighter sounds bizarre on a T1 ship!

  3. Try to do all of the variants at once. If you write about the Anaconda, try to write about the Anaconda Mk II and Anaconda M as well. This gives consistency within the hull types if ideas from multiple players are used.

That’s it! No other rules! No need to stick to the lost canon, or my head-canon, just go with what you think sounds right!

I’ll try to keep an accurate index in the post below.



Tier 1 Interceptors:

[Suggestions by capnnic](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/21850-propose-a-backstory/?p=241300)


Tier 1 Fighters:

[Suggestions by StarSabre](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/21850-propose-a-backstory/?p=241179)


Tier 1 Frigates:

[Suggestions by StarSabre](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/21850-propose-a-backstory/?p=241179)


Tier 2 Interceptors:


Tier 2 Fighters:

[Suggestions by JasanQuinn](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/21850-propose-a-backstory/?p=241187)


Tier 2 Frigates:



Tier 3 Interceptors:


Tier 3 Fighters:

[Suggestions by JasanQuinn](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/21850-propose-a-backstory/?p=242168)


Tier 3 Frigates:



Tier 4 Interceptors:


Tier 4 Fighters:


Tier 4 Frigates:

[Suggestions by StarSabre](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/21850-propose-a-backstory/?p=241179)


Tier 5 Interceptors:


Tier 5 Fighters:


Tier 5 Frigates:





Tier 1 Interceptors:

[Suggestions by capnnic](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/21850-propose-a-backstory/?p=241300)



Tier 1 Fighters:

[Suggestions by StarSabre](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/21850-propose-a-backstory/?p=241179)

[Suggestions by capnnic](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/21850-propose-a-backstory/?p=241659)


Tier 1 Frigates:



Tier 2 Interceptors:

[Suggestions by capnnic](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/21850-propose-a-backstory/?p=241300)


Tier 2 Fighters:

[Suggestions by Jacxis](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/21850-propose-a-backstory/?p=241332)


Tier 2 Frigates:



Tier 3 Interceptors:


Tier 3 Fighters:

[Suggestions by Jacxis](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/21850-propose-a-backstory/?p=241332)


Tier 3 Frigates:



Tier 4 Interceptors:


Tier 4 Fighters:


Tier 4 Frigates:



Tier 5 Interceptors:


Tier 5 Fighters:


Tier 5 Frigates:





Tier 1 Interceptors:


Tier 1 Fighters:


Tier 1 Frigates:



Tier 2 Interceptors:


Tier 2 Fighters:


Tier 2 Frigates:



Tier 3 Interceptors:


Tier 3 Fighters:


Tier 3 Frigates:



Tier 4 Interceptors:


Tier 4 Fighters:


Tier 4 Frigates:



Tier 5 Interceptors:


Tier 5 Fighters:


Tier 5 Frigates:



After aquiring the Centaur projects, the Legion forged a solid and capable engineering frigate whit an enormous firepower which was immediately put on service as substite of the now outdated styx.




Further development of the Cerberus lead to a complete redesign which, under request of the emeperor itself, emphatized the purity and power of the empire.




To do.




The first gunship whit an overdrive mode, now used as training ships for new recruits, was once one of the most versatile ships of the Direktorium Era.


Hercules Rage:


To do.


Hercules arrow:


It was too noticieable to hide, but the lack of a command ships on the battlefield showed one of the many faults of the Imperial army at the point that the Wardens decided to stole a bunch of Jericho fighters, and adapt their systems on the chassis of the hercules.


Lynx Mk. II:


Learning the secret behind imperial gunship the armada managed to give life to the first federate gunship by using the lynx chassis




Now used as military freight transport, this ship once composed the main force of the endless Direktorium army


Iron Harpy:


The Legion variant of the famous harpy. Whit an enhanced disintegrator laser and better module organization, the ship managed to show best results during tests.


Steel Harpy:


On the line of the Legion, the Warden produced their own harpy variant but it was soon outshadowed by the development of the Hydra project. 



More to come…

Check any grammatical mistake i did, as english isn’t my native language.

  1. Try to do all of the variants at once. If you write about the Anaconda, try to write about the Anaconda Mk II and Anaconda M as well. This gives consistency within the hull types if ideas from multiple players are used.

Consistency is something the variants are NOT. Federate Mk2 ships should be the same role as the original. But then you have things like the Ana-2, Grizzly-2… And then you have Engineers in that segment, as well… Raptor-2 and the T2 one, as well. On the Jericho lines, similar events. Empire Fighters, as well… There are too many inconsistencies to work with.

Consistency is something the variants are NOT. Federate Mk2 ships should be the same role as the original. But then you have things like the Ana-2, Grizzly-2… And then you have Engineers in that segment, as well… Raptor-2 and the T2 one, as well. On the Jericho lines, similar events. Empire Fighters, as well… There are too many inconsistencies to work with.

That can be worked around; there would be reasons to make those kinds of changes.


Anyway, throwing in the first of my own concepts:




The Deimos is one of the most successful gunships ever produced for the Imperial Army. No less than thirty seven models of this ship have been produced, and it remains common in rear-line fleets even today. Design elements of the Deimos persist even in modern Imperial fighters.


Deimos 2:

The Deimos 2 was developed by the Legion in response to Jericho’s technological advances during the Third Bartle War. It has since been decommissioned by the Legion, though it remains popular with Imperial mercenaries.



The E19-ß “Phobos” Gunship has only recently been declassified by the Wardens. However, the designs for its sister ships, the “Phobos Aura” and “Phobos Anomaly”, remain a closely guarded secret by the Order.

May I include my own homecooked version of Pandora Anomaly’s history, along with how the guard pulsar module works?

May I include my own homecooked version of Pandora Anomaly’s history, along with how the guard pulsar module works?

This thread is really just for ship backstories. Your concepts would be a good thing to post in the writing board though.  :)wt 

The community creating the lore. So many things wrong with this game.

The community creating the lore. So many things wrong with this game.


sad but true

Black Swarm: The Black Swarm was pioneered by the strange humanoid dolphin race found in sector WX-23, using their strange technology the ship runs exclusively on fish, and is all but un-pilotable to those who don’t have flippers.

Here come my proposals.


Swift and variants :

-Swift: In service since the formation of the Federal Army, the Swift is now mostly used in training schools, by small corporations, by amateur aerospace racers, and by daring mercenaries.

-Swift-M: The Armada saw fit to induct a sizable number of Swift units to their interdiction fleets. The Swift-M is a common sight in Federation border patrols.

-Swift Mk.3: A widely-used craft for its time, the Swift Mk.3 remains a popular choice for mercenaries and aerospace racers alike. It has seen much action since the earliest incursions into the Precursor sectors.

-Kite-E: An attempt to revitalize the Swift frame, the Kite-E was a limited production type for the mass market. It is coveted by collectors and aerospace racers alike.


Hawk and variants:

-Hawk: Originally designed to contend with Imperial reconnaissance units, the Hawk was among the first Federation craft to ply the Precursor sectors for its secrets.

-Hawk-Eye: Building on the Hawk’s success, Vanguard engineers made refits to the design. Though it performed well in combat, the Hawk-Eye saw limited mass production, and was decommissioned early.

-Hawk-M: This overhaul of the Hawk frame proved to have excellent hit-and-run capabilities. It remains a mainstay of the Armada’s raiding fleets.

-Blade of Aressa: Built as a weapons testbed, the Blade of Aressa surpassed expectations in such a way that Armada engineers went forward and used it as a prototype for their own Hawk variant.

-Superkite: In the wake of the Kite’s mass production, Federal engineers still believed that the Hawk frame’s capabilities could be pushed further. The prototypes for the Superkite met with ill fates during testing, and the type saw limited production.


Dvergr and variants:

-Dvergr: The original Direktorium design, while capable, was quickly superseded by Imperial design refits. The Dvergr is now a rare sight in Imperial space, only being used by low-end contractors.

-Dvergr 2: The Dvergr 2 was the mainstay of Imperial interdiction and reconnaissance units during the Empire’s first wars against Jericho. Though an aged craft, it is still put to good use by many mercenaries.

-Dvergr Knight: Hastily given overhauls by engineers of the Wardens Order during the First Bartle War, the Dvergr Knight served alongside the Dvergr 2 and earned its reputation as a capable interceptor. Many Imperial aces of the period earned their wings with this craft.

-King Dvergr: Designed by Imperial veterans and aces, the King Dvergr was an excellent reconnaissance unit and a superb dog fighter. However, it did not see widespread use as its production was cut in favor of the newer Dwarf frame.


Trooper : Originally an armored personnel carrier, the Trooper was refitted by Imperial forces into a line warship near the end of the Third Bartle War due to its limited success. It has proven to serve better in its new capacity.


Developed as the successor to the aging Lynx and Lynx-M tacklers, the Fox is a highly reliable fighter that served as the Federations main fighter until the development of the Wolf gunship. While the Lynx series comprised of both tacklers and gunships, the Fox series was designed specifically as a tackler. The Fox also featured a different gun placement as compared to the Lynx: the latter’s gun turrets were positioned on the top and bottom of the wings, but the Fox shifts two of the turrets towards the front of the hull to minimize blind spots.



A revitalization of the Fox, the Fox-M features several improvements over its predecessor, including improved shield generators. While uncommonly encountered, the Fox-M remains in service today, primarily in the planetary defense forces of fringe worlds, and in the hands of mercenaries.



In response to the new Imperial and Jericho fighters, another plan was made to revitalize the Fox-M frame. However, these upgrade plans were soon mired in development hell, as the various personnel involved had vastly differing ideas. Part of the development team broke off and developed the Rhi-No, incorporating some advanced features that were originally planned for the Fox-M but scrapped due to budget issues. Despite its success, the Rhi-No was not slated for mass production.



In light of the changing requirements for a new fighter, the Fox Mk. II was originally planned as a gunship. However, difficulties in modifying the Fox hull caused part of the development team to break off and develop their own tackler (the Rhi-No). The remainder of the team returned to the sketchboard and drew up plans for a new frame: the Wolf. Plans to create a tackler variant (nicknamed “Project Parallel”) were drawn up as well.


Silent Fox

The doomed Fox Mk. II project never saw the light of day again as the Wolf project was given the green light. However, things changed when a test platform was desperately needed for Project Parallel, following the total loss of several prototypes in an accident. The redesigned tackler modules proved compatible with the Fox frame with minor modifications, and the Fox Mk. II project was finally revived. Renamed the Silent Fox, it was eventually set for mass production, complementing the new Wolf gunships.



EDITED: modified slightly to fit with the Lynx backstory.

Lynx and variants :

-Lynx: During its formation, the Federal Army saw the need for a suitable craft for small-scale actions against Imperial fleets and installations. The Lynx was quickly developed and deployed with moderate success, employing the best stealth technology of its time.

-Lynx-M: Further refinements to the Lynx design and modifications by Armada engineers gave way to the Lynx-M, which gradually replaced the original model. There are more Lynx-M fighters than any other variant in the line to this day.

-Lynx Mk.II (Taken by Star Sabre, so I’ll spin my own variation of his description): Though the Lynx performed well in guerrilla actions, it quickly became apparent that the Federation needed dedicated attack craft to complement its fleets. The Lynx Mk.II was a modification of the original frame designed to support combat systems based on those found on first and second generation Imperial fighters.

-Tiger M15A3 : A refinement of the Lynx based on the Lynx Mk.II, the Tiger M15A3’s design emphasized increased operational time. It has never seen widespread use outside of special interdiction units.

Remember, just because someone else has done a ship doesn’t mean you can’t - multiple backstory options means more choice if the Devs decide to adopt our concepts. ;)wt


I’ll update the ship list when I remember where in the ship tree all the ships are…  :facepalm:

Master list updated. Time to celebrate with a few more of my own concepts!



Following the Third Bartle War, the Imperial Army sought to reverse engineer captured Jericho craft in order to produce a line fighter capable of matching, if not exceeding their specifications. Originally intended for wing officers only, the Prometheus proved so successful that entire Army squadrons were issued with the craft. It remains one of the most common front line fighters in the Army.



Having played a pivotal role in the Prometheus project, the Legion continued to refine the design for their own ends. The resulting fighter proved one of the most successful Legion Command craft ever built, and remains popular in Corporations that enjoy the Legion’s backing.


Prometheus Fire:

Following a clash between Army and Warden fabricators known as the Eighteen Minute War, the Wardens officially adopted the Prometheus as their line fighter. However, perhaps out of spite the ship was radically reworked from the ground up into a gunship. Equipped with the finest Wardens technology, the Prometheus Fire remains in service as a front line fighter.



No official record of the Nukem exists. No shipyards or weapons labs have any record of its construction or development, and neither the Legion nor the Wardens have ever produced them. They appeared mysteriously during the later days of the Third Bartle War, reportedly comissioned by the Emperor himself, and were decomissioned shortly after the war’s end. Copies of the Nukem are occasionally produced in limited runs, but the fate of the originals is yet another mystery…


Desert Eagle:

Designed to replace the antiquated Mons-98, Olympian Aerospace threw everything they had into the production of the Mons-103 “Desert Eagle”. However, Federation agents sabotaged their plant and stole two of the three prototypes. The Imperial Army subsequently rejected the Desert Eagle and production was scrapped, yet numerous Desert Eagles have since appeared for sale on the black market…

Let’s give the Jericho and the higher tiers some love!



The first of the new era of Jericho starships, the Inquisitor’s internal workings are a mystery to all but the most senior members of the Inner Circle. Using Precursor technology, House Liu was instructed to produce a warship capable of engaging and destroying multiple enemy ships at once. The resulting ship was a success beyond all expectations.


Inquisitor AE

Raid commanders took the Inquisitor prototype entrusted to them and reworked it into one of the most formidable missile frigates ever conceived. Nano-replication technology ensures the ship has a near unlimited supply of ammunition, allowing it to perform long range bombardment of enemy positions for days, if not weeks at a time.


Inquisitor type S

The Tech Guilds have achieved what many believed impossible; improving upon the Inquisitor. It is unknown how many “type S” prototypes exist, but they are truly formidable weapons; ships of unmatched power that are entrusted only to the most loyal of Jericho’s pilots. The ships are designed to self destruct if lost to prevent their inner workings falling into enemy hands.

Zealot and variants:

-Zealot: Developed as a response to the Direktorium’s (and in turn, the Empire’s) strike craft, the Zealot was a testbed for various area manipulation and control technologies. Many early Jericho frigate designs incorporate a lot of technological elements from the Zealot.

-Zealot AE: The first true mass-production model of the Zealot, the Zealot AE was used in major forward-assault operations during the First Bartle War. It served as a mainstay of many families’ fleets for centuries.

-Neuron Zealot: Though the Zealot AE was successful, many Techs engineers believed the design was lacking, and converted it for the Techs’ own purposes. The Neuron Zealot, in contrast to its predecessor, was produced in limited numbers and employed only in defensive actions.

-Palom: The Palom served as one of several prototypes for a mass production version of the Zealot. Though a fine ship, it was bested by the frigate that is known today as the Zealot AE as a candidate for mass production. Thus, the Palom instead became a black market product, and a very rare sight in Jericho space.

Rise from the grave! (in other words, I’m bored, and reading other topics is starting to piss me off)

-Castor - While the Prometheus was enjoying much fanfare among Imperial pilots, many factories and development teams in the Core Worlds had already put Project Castor into action. Though not as popular as its predecessor, the Castor currently enjoys its reputation as a powerful fighter.
-Argonaut - The Wardens Order produced no less than eleven redesigns of the Castor, and only two managed to surpass their own expectations - one such variant, Number 10, was subsequently designated ‘Argonaut.’ Supposedly in dissatisfaction, information on the Argonaut was eagerly declassified by the Order, and it sees very specific use by both Imperial aces and loyal mercenaries.
-Spartacus - Still fresh from the Prometheus’ drawing board, the Legion took the Project Castor design and managed to produce yet another remarkably solid front line fighter, the Spartacus. Many former Prometheus pilots are said to have made transitions to this new fighter with relatively little difficulty.
-Orelus - Originally the 11th Castor variant developed by the Wardens, the Orelus’ design is said to have caught the eye of the Emperor himself. Little is known of the Orelus, besides the fact that many of the models produced serve in the fleets of Earth’s elite.
-Loki - The Empire’s Weaselworks development team collaborated with Klauss Inc. and the IH Group to produce a viable and accessible alternative to its Legion’s own Spartacus and Aura fighters. The result was the Loki, which quickly became a favorite of the more eccentric Imperial commanders.