Premium T4 Purchase

Hello All,


So, this thread could have been filed in almost any of the different Forum categories. I am planning on purchasing a T4 premium, while they are on sale. Right now I can only do so for Empire.


The options are:

Atlas (LRF, rank 12)

Leonina (Recon, rank 12)

Orelus (Gunship, rank 12)



I have a few questions:

  1. these three ships, although all Rank 12, are under the columns for 10, 11, and 12 (respectively). If I buy the one in the rank 10 column, even through it is listed as rank 12, will I still get the 4th ship slot and access to Sector Conquest?


  1. Of these three, do any have any glaring or distinct advangates/disadvantages?


  1. For open world play, I have found that I absolutly need to be with a group when in my interceptor, but I can take on a few mobs with my rank 9 LRF (due to sniping 1/2 of them at distance.) How does a gunship perform? I don’t know if the Tank and spank tactic of a gunship works in open world play…


  1. Anything else to consider with these ships?


Thank you for your responses!




Get the Leonina

Get the Leonina

Thank you for the suggestion. Could I ask for an explanation as to why you feel this is the superior choice?

Thank you for the suggestion. Could I ask for an explanation as to why you feel this is the superior choice?

It has 3 hull slots, which can be 3 Mk4 hull regen, for good survivability, it can warp, also when you are low on health, warp away.

It has 3 hull slots, which can be 3 Mk4 hull regen, for good survivability, it can warp, also when you are low on health, warp away.


Will unlocking this unlock the 4th slot and the Sector Conquest?

Leonina from far. 

Yes you can play with it in sec con. 


In invasion, it’s the best interceptor. You can travel easily with warp, and it’s a premium ship so you have the free reconstruction. Leonina is tanky and powerful (Hull regen + shield drain in invasion is almost perfect). 

Wanna kill a group? Launch shield drain on those frigs, change of target, and kill them with rockets and pulse laser + the - range + damage amo. 

And you can flee like you want. In Gunship or LRF it won’t be easy. 

Leonina from far. 

Yes you can play with it in sec con. 


In invasion, it’s the best interceptor. You can travel easily with warp, and it’s a premium ship so you have the free reconstruction. Leonina is tanky and powerful (Hull regen + shield drain in invasion is almost perfect). 

Wanna kill a group? Launch shield drain on those frigs, change of target, and kill them with rockets and pulse laser + the - range + damage amo. 

And you can flee like you want. In Gunship or LRF it won’t be easy. 


Really great info!


Up to this point, I haven’t changed modules around a whole lot due to the cost and the fact that most of the ships I currently have, I am trying to level past… No MK4’s yet…


For sector conquest (not sure if it’s PVE or PVP to be honest) will this ship do alright? If so, I will proceed to purchase it!

For sector conquest (not sure if it’s PVE or PVP to be honest) will this ship do alright? If so, I will proceed to purchase it!

If you are not sure what sector conquest is, especially at the level if it is a PvE or PvP mode, you are not ready to do sector conquest, while ship can perform well, chances are you do not know yet how to use it. Take your time, don’t rush things, you will get way more enjoyment from the game.

If you are not sure what sector conquest is, especially at the level if it is a PvE or PvP mode, you are not ready to do sector conquest, while ship can perform well, chances are you do not know yet how to use it. Take your time, don’t rush things, you will get way more enjoyment from the game.


I just don’t know much about it because I can’t access it yet. I do fairly well in PVP modes and have been doing a bit of open world. I haven’t bothered to do much research about it yet because, up until today, I was a few levels off from being able to access it.

Sector Conquest is hight end PVP. 

There’s truly good players. 

But yeah, as fight there aren’t 12/12, a small recon with 9k sensor is really, really helpful. And his speed help you to win the objectives. 

Sector Conquest is hight end PVP. 

There’s truly good players. 

But yeah, as fight there aren’t 12/12, a small recon with 9k sensor is really, really helpful. And his speed help you to win the objectives. 


Well, swifter, since we are both in GOD, I can’t wait to join the battle with you.


That is kind of what I figured Sector Conquest would be.

Well,  I’ll maybe use my leonina :stuck_out_tongue:

You know, you could just wait for an Empire T4 bundle to hit the store, and then you could get ALL of them at a discount, plus a unique sticker.

You know, you could just wait for an Empire T4 bundle to hit the store, and then you could get ALL of them at a discount, plus a unique sticker.

With the current sale, the T4 would only cost 4k golden standards… The T4 packs are around 16k… Not interested in front that much dough.

For sector conquest, you need a corp and then you need to know what you’re doing.


For Invasion, if you’re purely farming then you just want a recon because of it’s micro warp drive.  Premium helps if you die, but you can’t know if your enemy is still around.  If you’re in a squad they can help tell you but if you’re solo you just have to wait and hope you don’t get killed ten seconds later buy the same biomorphs that killed you before.  If you’re interested in a premium ship for invasion, Leonina would be the best bet.  Other ships have their niche, but the MWD as a cruise control aversion and a GTFO option make it the best as far as premiums go.  Given the nature of bots, regenerative hulls let you be relatively care free about healing your hull.  You must manage your energy levels, of course.


Of course, for sector conquest, you need a corp and then you need to know what you’re doing.

I think commands are good for invasion… Is that just me?

My diffusion shield can tank continous fire from biomorphs and the gravi-scanner allows me to move at interceptor speed. Not to mention I can use Valkyrie for convience or to take out a tough target.

My diffusion shield can tank continous fire from biomorphs.


But only for 8 seconds. So if you have a Hunter + 3 Morphs, you’re kinda screwed unless you can crit all of them.

But only for 8 seconds. So if you have a Hunter + 3 Morphs, you’re kinda screwed unless you can crit all of them.

diffusion shield is not 8 seconds

diffusion shield is not 8 seconds


Then perhaps you would like to finish your statement and tell me how long it actually is?


I don’t fly commands often, so I don’t know the number off the top of my head, and I really don’t care enough to go check.

I don’t fly commands often, so I don’t know the number off the top of my head, and I really don’t care enough to go check.

This is the problem with majority of people around here, they argue or suggest for the sake of saying something, with no facts, knowledge of the game, or any effort to even doublecheck stuff before posting about it.