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[ad hominem]

The problem with some of the people around here is they would rather take cheap shots at others character than answer/discuss the topic.


I know the module has a time limit. I also know it is highly unlikely one can solo an entire group of morphs during its duration as the sheer amount of damage would drain even the most robust energy supply. That was my logic.


Now would you care to discuss how this might actually be possible, or would you rather try your hand at another snarky response?

Now would you care to discuss how this might actually be possible

here is how most of discussions looks like


here is how most of discussions looks like

[snarky picture]


Sadly, this is true. We do have an overabundance of self-proclaimed “doctors” who condemn others for their unconventional playstyles and builds simply because they don’t line up with how they think the game ought to be played.


But back to the other off-topic, do you or do you not agree that it is impossible to tank an entire morph squad using the Command diffusion shield?

First you accept the the possibility of Diffusion shield tanking bio-morphs, but take some number of thin air for a reply:

My diffusion shield can tank continous fire from biomorphs

But only for 8 seconds.

Then you refuse to participate in conversation based on facts of the game, going betatrash style:

I don’t fly commands often, so I don’t know the number off the top of my head, and I really don’t care enough to go check.


And after you suggest to “come back” to the topic of possibility of Diffusion shield tanking biomorphs, while it was never a topic and expect “constructive” discussion:

But back to the other off-topic, do you or do you not agree that it is impossible to tank an entire morph squad using the Command diffusion shield?

Sadly, my wife makes more sense.

You need a good mix to of energy regen and strength plus dodging. Energy regen should be higher when facing dps like biomorphs and strength should higher when facing bursts.

Energy regen needs to be high to slow down the rate at which you lose capacitor but you still need a moderate amount of energy strength to last the full 15 seconds.

  1. First you accept the the possibility of Diffusion shield tanking bio-morphs, but take some number of thin air for a reply:

  2. Then you refuse to participate in conversation based on facts of the game, going betatrash style:


  1. And after you suggest to “come back” to the topic of possibility of Diffusion shield tanking biomorphs, while it was never a topic and expect “constructive” discussion:

Sadly, my wife makes more sense.


  1. Diffusion cancels damage at cost of energy, even if only for 1/10000000 of a second so tanking against morphs is possible; the real question is, for how long is it possible? The number was in reference to a false memory of diffusion sheild’s duration.


  1. I really didn’t care at that point, as I suspected you weren’t looking for a logical discussion, but a fistfight in which you could hit people with numbers.


  1. I wasn’t looking for constructive criticism as I knew you wouldn’t give any. I was baiting you. You proved my point marvelously.
  1. Diffusion cancels damage at cost of energy, even if only for 1/10000000 of a second so tanking against morphs is possible; the real question is, for how long is it possible? The number was in reference to a false memory of diffusion sheild’s duration.



It depends on how erratic your flight pattern is and the ratio between regen/strength 

Take any ship, even an interceptor, find the right spot, and you can solo a group of four hunters easily.  They’re still bots with the bugs and flaws of bots.