Premium Ships and Invasion

Should premium ships be allowed in any sectors in invasion? It seems very pointless to have premiums below rank 10 because they can’t go anywhere. Keep stats the same, but premiums are allowed to travel anywhere at their own risk.

All ships should be able to go anywhere. it’s stupid that you can’t.

The system is set up the way it is for a reason. Personally, I find that the best solution for any invasion problem is to remove invasion entirely. Bring the game back to the days when most people did PvP.

The system is set up the way it is for a reason. Personally, I find that the best solution for any invasion problem is to remove invasion entirely. Bring the game back to the days when most people did PvP.


Nah, because then I wouldn’t be able to have the big invasion battles, and they’re more fun than Pvp, because you don’t have unbalanced matches. Like the battle between CDF and GoD, that was tough, but extremely fun.

can you imagen a T1 premium in the frontier sectors======== 2 second lifespan against the mpc’s, and 1 second against players

The system is set up the way it is for a reason. Personally, I find that the best solution for any invasion problem is to remove invasion entirely. Bring the game back to the days when most people did PvP.



Nah, because then I wouldn’t be able to have the big invasion battles, and they’re more fun than Pvp, because you don’t have unbalanced matches. Like the battle between CDF and GoD, that was tough, but extremely fun.


[](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/25782-giant-battle-cdf-vs-godscorpvip/)


When’s the last time you had a battle like this in PVP DirkDecent?  I for one have never had one…



To the orignal suggestion: I think maybe open up all sectors to t3 premiums and above.  Anything lower than t3 will just die



perhaps raise the places it can go by one level then? t2 prem in r7+, r7 prem in r10+. no change to t1 or t4-5


perhaps raise the places it can go by one level then? t2 prem in r7+, r7 prem in r10+. no change to t1 or t4-5

That might work yes


When’s the last time you had a battle like this in PVP DirkDecent?  I for one have never had one…



Before the PvP population dropped… (A.K.A any time before Invasion was a thing)

In the first 3 months of me starting this game, every game was intense, balanced, and not to mention fun. But those were the days when there were no less than 2k players on at any given point, most of the time there were about 3-4k online.


If you put more players into PvP, most of the problems with balance and game-size will be fixed. As much as I like invasion, it wasn’t a good thing to add to the game at the point in time when it was. The player base is far too small. More effort/money needs to be devoted to promoting this game all across the world (mainly US and EU, as the majority of the player base is RU atm).

Before the PvP population dropped… (A.K.A any time before Invasion was a thing)

In the first 3 months of me starting this game, every game was intense, balanced, and not to mention fun. But those were the days when there were no less than 2k players on at any given point, most of the time there were about 3-4k online.

If you put more players into PvP, most of the problems with balance and game-size will be fixed. As much as I like invasion, it wasn’t a good thing to add to the game at the point in time when it was. The player base is far too small. More effort/money needs to be devoted to promoting this game all across the world (mainly US and EU, as the majority of the player base is RU atm).

Tha was only in t3 though. At least now t4 and t5 are somewhat more playable. The population os also spread out this way, not just because of invasion.

Tha was only in t3 though. At least now t4 and t5 are somewhat more playable. The population os also spread out this way, not just because of invasion.


If by playable you mean 3v3 games that are always unbalanced, you would be correct. There was a time even before T5 existed where all tiers had large, balanced games. I know it isn’t just because of invasion, but with the player base as low as it is, invasion takes out a significant percentage of players.

If by playable you mean 3v3 games that are always unbalanced, you would be correct. There was a time even before T5 existed where all tiers had large, balanced games. I know it isn’t just because of invasion, but with the player base as low as it is, invasion takes out a significant percentage of players.


EU evening times you get comfortable 5v5 games.  Now, balance is a totally different issue.


I agree Invasion takes out players from the PVP queue, but I do believe it has attracted players to the game also.

EU evening times you get comfortable 5v5 games.  Now, balance is a totally different issue.


I agree Invasion takes out players from the PVP queue, but I do believe it has attracted players to the game also.


5v5 is still small. I’m referring to the days when even US players in any tier could get an 8v8 or larger game that was pretty balanced at any time of the day.

EU evening times you get comfortable 5v5 games.  Now, balance is a totally different issue.


I agree Invasion takes out players from the PVP queue, but I do believe it has attracted players to the game also.


It’s sad the devs haven’t fully integrated all the game modes so they relate to one another, all they did is make each mode better at grinding certain stuff than others. In fact we feel forced to try/do each of them depending on what we are looking for to progress. The game is just a massive grind with different flavor rather than an engaging game :(. Well, i hope we get something good in that next season… 

It’s sad the devs haven’t fully integrated all the game modes so they relate to one another, all they did is make each mode better at grinding certain stuff than others. In fact we feel forced to try/do each of them depending on what we are looking for to progress. The game is just a massive grind with different flavor rather than an engaging game :(. Well, i hope we get something good in that next season…

I never feel the grind. Only thing I get low one is credits when I splurge on sales and loyalty vouchers cuz you know. They are loyalty vouchers. But lacking these things doesn’t make me discontent. How about you play for pure enjoyment? The next ship will come when it comes and the next upgrade will come when it comes. It does not matter if you are already playing a fully synergized ship.

Just enjoy what you love.

It’s too bad I can’t follow my own advice.

Here is my angry side!

In fact we feel forced to try/do each of them depending on what we are looking for to progress. The game is just a massive grind with different flavor rather than an engaging game :(.

Don’t you ever dare speak for me or anyone else without consent! “We” is you. Your opinion is not fact. End of it!

[](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/25782-giant-battle-cdf-vs-godscorpvip/)

When’s the last time you had a battle like this in PVP DirkDecent? I for one have never had one…

I’m not able to see nothing interesting at all in those so called “invasion battle”. Had some, for a while but far far from being attractive.

Instead of going in invasion, come to pvp with squads, we always try to go in que with bigger squads, (any tier from t3 and above). Or join sector conquest with a 4 men team and most important: jeez go in que for sector sweep!

Pvp is the real challenge we had multiple times battle far better than that. That’s just a waste of duplicatorand afther a while it became nonsense.

i am for all ships anywhere. if you enter a sector above your rank, you should be warned, but accept the risks.


invasion is a nice addition, but thats it. you can have some nice battles there, it gives the game a little bit of the feeling of freedom, and the ability to explore a bit, test a ship, play on your own, etc. but ultimately, it wont retain players and should not be compulsory.


the instanced battles are still the core. invasion is just a timeout.

i dont think it ruined anything however. it does increase immersion imho, and basicly, without commerce or exploration, it will always be just a “basic feature you should have, but not build your dreams upon”.

exactly what i was trying to say, drop the rank restrictions for all sectors. if they wants “walk” to next station, they should have the chance, at the risk obviously.

it would however mean that low ranked tacklers would sneak into high lvl sector for good loot. might get things bit out of balance. but then again, what if pirates got them…ahem… hehe

exactly what i was trying to say, drop the rank restrictions for all sectors. if they wants “walk” to next station, they should have the chance, at the risk obviously.

it would however mean that low ranked tacklers would sneak into high lvl sector for good loot. might get things bit out of balance. but then again, what if pirates got them…ahem… hehe

a FX-1 Based NPC will pretty much 1 shot a low level ship anyway, no issue