Premium Ships and Invasion

I never feel the grind. Only thing I get low one is credits when I splurge on sales and loyalty vouchers cuz you know. They are loyalty vouchers. But lacking these things doesn’t make me discontent. How about you play for pure enjoyment? The next ship will come when it comes and the next upgrade will come when it comes. It does not matter if you are already playing a fully synergized ship.

Just enjoy what you love.

It’s too bad I can’t follow my own advice.


I do enjoy the game, i even play it too much as it is :P. Unlocking ships i can wait, it’s not like i want any of them that badly. It’s upgrading my gears that i find a major slug, i have lots of ships i’m upgrading and too few vouchers to do it (and i do keep all my ships equiped now that i have some missions to send them in). It may not seem like much improvements from green to blue and purple, but that stack up and do make a difference for both PVP and PVE. 


I wish i could enjoy my full synergy ships more; they are fun to fight with, but credits and synergy wise i’m wasting time using them. There really should be some gameplay element that make using those old ships worthwhile other than clubbing new players with them.