Premium Refit

Idea is basically to be able to convert any normal ship into a premium variant.

This would be intended for those who have a ‘normal’ ship that they prefer.


This wouldn’t have any impact on combat performance, but would provide all the benefits of primary GC ships such as free synergy, free repairs, and an additional +1% overall synergy gain.

Good idea, as long as the price is similar to normal premium ships

I’d use this on all my crafted ships. Like omg.

There’s this “new” tanks game, which offers a VERY similar, or EXACT thing. You can make your favorite normal tanks into kinda “premium” where they will give more credits and exp, not sure if they have reduced repairs. But would love to see this here as well.


I can’t see how this would go wrong, ppl will spend more money on gold to make their favorite ships as premiums. I mean the other game offers this option with gold, not sure if it would be the same here.

You have exactly that function in War Thunder. It’s called “Talisman” and they had it as long as I remember playing it. You can buy it for gold or win (don’t remember how but I won talisman for Pe-2-83 a while ago)

Exactly why we need this. And instead of making them “Premium” it could make them have a new status (that is functionally identical) called “Platinum” or something of the like. X3

Interesting, I’ll discuss it



And instead of making them “Premium” it could make them have a new status (that is functionally identical) called “Platinum” or something of the like. X3


or Hunter

Yes, this is a really good idea. Would be useful for manufacturable ships too.


or Hunter

Don’t say that word near Fox or he will get unnecessarily excited.