Premium License Users Should Have One Additional Cancellation Attempt On All Existing Assignments

Premium License benefits could be better. One additional attempt to cancel a contract, any contract, would be nice to have. So, two attempts instead of just one attempt daily.

Added for review.

We’re wroking under new quest system and if we succed in making missions optional and skipable it will be for everyone. Premium License purpose is only in boosting your ingame progress by additional rewards.

On 3/13/2017 at 2:42 PM, CinnamonFake said:

We’re wroking under new quest system and if we succed in making missions optional and skipable it will be for everyone. Premium License purpose is only in boosting your ingame progress by additional rewards.

We have been discussing this for almost a year now. I don’t believe a word you say anymore!  ![:576a55a9bca5d_):](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/576a55a9bca5d_).png “:576a55a9bca5d_):”)