practice ship builder

something like talent tree builders on MMORPG games. in browser at the SC web you can select any ship you want and add any guns/passive/active modules to check how this build would look like (made via some cool tab with stats). Also selection of implants would be good. 

Thats not a bad Idea. But to actually make one would require some effort, but its certainly doable, as its just a glorified calculator. 

Wouldn’t mind doing it myself, but that’d be a massive headache. Base stats of every ship, every Synergy level, every module and what they do, every slot layout… Jesus Christ, it’s a crapload of info. I’d be willing to do it, but NOT until release.

Wouldn’t mind doing it myself, but that’d be a massive headache. Base stats of every ship, every Synergy level, every module and what they do, every slot layout… Jesus Christ, it’s a crapload of info. I’d be willing to do it, but NOT until release.


Good idea, Its too early to make one. Lets wait until release. 

I am working on something like this at the moment.

I am working on something like this at the moment.

Will it be in English or Russian? <.<

Can we please get a spreadsheet?  You get an upvote anyway.

Will it be in English or Russian? <.<


It will be in numbers.

The Japanese ones. Error gets his information from the Jericho faction.

Coding-wise [ignoring gui stuff], it shouldn’t be too hard to make an in-game one. In fact, it’d be pretty neat if you could make a ‘card’, with a simple 2d representation of the ship with the stats and stat alterations from the different equipment that you can then send to people. Corps could use it to share info on their own ships in-corp and improvements to others’ ships. Then again, that ‘card’ would just be a bonus.

I just want something to import numbers into to better gauge survivability HP vs the human skill factor.  I don’t want to buy an Mk.III module I don’t want to use because the compromise is insufficient.  Factoring in ship bonuses into weapon and module effects turns into a nightmare to do by hand.

It will be in english, but it’s just a fun project so I don’t know when it will be finished.

It will be in english, but it’s just a fun project so I don’t know when it will be finished.

Shiny. Then all I need are those base ship stats (something I can’t get, anymore due to Synergy issues). Otoh… Can I make an alternate account and check from there? Or does having 2 accounts cause trouble?

You are allowed multiple accounts.  I read it the other day on the Russian forums, there’s no issue.

You are allowed multiple accounts.  I read it the other day on the Russian forums, there’s no issue.

Guess I already know how I’m gonna spend my weekend, then…


Imma have to leave out Synergy levels unless it’s the max one, though…

There used to be a csv data file provided by the devs for the wiki but they abandoned that long ago: [](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/19945-star-conflict-wiki-discussion/)

Might be easier to push for an update of that data rather than note all of it down manually. You can also grab it directly from the client but don’t get caught. :wink:

Having already written a dps calculator myself, I can already tell you that the real fun starts when you’ve got to figure out all the formulas (both those used for the UI and the real ones the server uses). Between bonuses from implants, ships, passive modules, active modules, ammo and boosters you can have loads of fun. :slight_smile: