Post moar vids!

I enjoy watching vids of gameplay on the forums u guys should make more vids :stuck_out_tongue: just a suggestion, try not to play boring ships like styx pls :smiley:

I dont know what section this goes in so i just put it here

What ships aren’t boring?

I want Mauler and Tackler gameplay



I want Mauler and Tackler gameplay




Let us enjoy the interceptor gameplay. :lol:

I would if I could. 


Kinda wish I had shadow play or something better then Bandicam. 

Buy something, FOR US :lol: !!!

I want Mauler and Tackler gameplay



When I start playing more again, I will see what I can do. Any Tier in particular?

I want Mauler and Tackler gameplay




There are a bunch of fed engi gameplays by ZappBrannigan, search in the forum, he made a topic for that.

Let us enjoy the interceptor gameplay. :lol:

Short Description:



Kite Solo PvP T3 RU Server 05 07 2014

I want Mauler and Tackler gameplay




Tackler with gauss…boring as hell.

Tackler with gauss…boring as hell.

Slow beams, extra fun points for understanding how annoying you are to everyone on enemy team :lol:

Interceptor rules!

Working on it !

Interceptor rules!


What patch number was that? 

Those are the orginal RFB with out cool downs it seems. I love the stuff on the left top hand corner! 

What patch number was that? 

Those are the orginal RFB with out cool downs it seems. I love the stuff on the left top hand corner! 

More than a year old so I can’t really remember.

When I start playing more again, I will see what I can do. Any Tier in particular?


T5 and / or Sec Con in particular … but anything that shows Fed Engineers being useful would be great.


I’m short on credits so even though I have lion and osprey unlocked I cannot buy them yet. Would appreciate any vids so I can roughly work out whose contract vouchers I should be hoarding while grinding them credits.

More than a year old so I can’t really remember.


Yep, brought back some good memories. 


Like taking those RFB and put them on a frigate when it had 6 guns? I dont even remember the DPS on that…

Yep, brought back some good memories. 


Like taking those RFB and put them on a frigate when it had 6 guns? I dont even remember the DPS on that…

Actually I always was a fan of the Assault Plasma Cannon from the early beginnings and I still use it for mid range combat on my Interceptors.

Yep, brought back some good memories. 


Like taking those RFB and put them on a frigate when it had 6 guns? I dont even remember the DPS on that…

they look more like Assault Plasmas (current plasma gun) than anything else.

If only current plasma gun were that awesome (in terms of RoF and aesthetically, idc about the dps)