[POLL]Remove the self-inflicting damage from Halo!

Doesn’t matter how small the trigger range is. If you can hit easier with coil as with meson/blaster, then you have an easier weapon. Not to count the advantage of small corridor uses.

Coils deal much more self dmg? Sorry, but there you claim BS. The mechanic state the opposite of this. Or do you refer to ‘relative self dmg’? Then it may be true, but only then. Else the dmg is lower AND the mechanic in itself is against your theory.

So comparing to weapons that need to hit direct, it’s indeed non-skilled.

Remove self dmg from EM torps too? XD they are fine with it as they are (actually i liked when coil mortair dealt self dmg, both using it and fighting against it…it was some factor you had to take into account and not just pew pew; fighting coils required a different aproach than other weapons)


Besides that, it’s not actually any easier to hit coils than it is to hit with mesons or coilgun. You ever hear about that thing called projectile speed? How about spread? Also, y’know, sheer number of projectiles?

The Halo now has less splash damage… I am sad. I have to target the cruiser missiles and turrets more closely now, and I can’t take them all out together… :[

Doesn’t matter how small the trigger range is. If you can hit easier with coil as with meson/blaster, then you have an easier weapon. Not to count the advantage of small corridor uses.

Coils deal much more self dmg? Sorry, but there you claim BS. The mechanic state the opposite of this. Or do you refer to ‘relative self dmg’? Then it may be true, but only then. Else the dmg is lower AND the mechanic in itself is against your theory.

So comparing to weapons that need to hit direct, it’s indeed non-skilled.

“Coils deal much more self dmg? Sorry, but there you claim BS.” i sayed dealt. Doing the math, for you to understand: brave has 135719 survability without any boost, naga has 29720 in same conditions. Halo launcher mk4 deals 3720 dmg (and dps) without any boost, coils deal 1194 dmg and 1672 dps. Each halo shot is equal to a 2,74% of brave’s total health, where each coil shot is equal to 4,02% of naga’s total health and each second is equal to 5,63% of naga’s total health. Applying same values over inquisitor S: 3,63% per shot, 5,08% per second. And for archdragon: 6,19% per shot, 12,99% per second. Yes, frigates recieve next to double dmg from coils than destroyers from halos. You can do the math and stop calling BS.

And yeah sure, theres absolutely no difference between firing a fast interceptor dodging at 3km with a weapon that has 3km/s proj speed vs a weapon that surpasses 10km/s, because sure that 80m blast radius is gonna do all the job aiming for you, even compensating for all the spread. By some reason coils arent very popular to take out interceptors…oh almost forgot that interceptors recieve less dmg from explosive dmg…all you got left is the hope to have a mobile wall (that follows the interceptor) to trigger the coil blast, cause any decent interceptor pilot wont stay near a wall after recieving a few shots nor fly constantly in small corridors.