Poll: Increased difference in ship ranks in PvP battles

The hatred toward the nerfs is getting old.


When you guys are saying that, its like saying we want to spawn camp and not ever get killed. We want to be like [@Milfeulle](< base_url >/index.php?/profile/236752-milfeulle/) and anger everyone until no one is left with broken ships that you can only get if you pay for them. And if you don’t, then you wont get them broken. They will be balanced which is what is supposed to be happening.


As far as MM with lower ranks, do what you need to make sure we don’t wait more than a minute. I have spent over 80% of my time in this game waiting in queue. That is ridiculous. Look at your in game stats and in battle stats and see for yourselves.


Also, its not the ships or ranks that determine the outcome of a match but the players.


I agree!

On 18.9.2017 at 4:44 PM, Oregyen said:

Free yourselfes from the format, get rid of module differences, stop trying to find the “magic” matchmaker, equalise until the real difference is skill, the only difference that truly counts. Promote teamplay, while at the same time, remove ALL matchmaking from squadgames and make sure that there is enough variability for squads not constantly facing the same squads, by having a larger pool of players that squad. Promote teamplay and not scorescreenxxxxs, the point is winning and not having the best numbers, and above all, have fun, because you are challenged as a player, and getting better every week. …

But the question remains : how?



Ah - I saw your suggestions in the thread: [Making Balance Together!](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/33868-making-balance-together/&page=2)  Nice ones!



6 hours ago, avarshina said:

Ah - I saw your suggestions in the thread: [Making Balance Together!](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/33868-making-balance-together/&page=2)  Nice ones!

I do not have much faith. They are asking us for something that was already made in the past, just with slight changes.

I really hope that this max rank thing and simplification can work, like I wrote here:




12 hours ago, Koromac said:

I do not have much faith. They are asking us for something that was already made in the past, just with slight changes.

I really hope that this max rank thing and simplification can work, like I wrote here:



Well we have that - or we had that ( I am really not sure) that the highest ship in the battle determines up to which rank the Crew implants are working for every ship - regardless of its actual rank!? (Which I found a good thing down in T3 because the great r8 ships benefitted at least from the r9 crew implants ‘Beta-Accellerator xyz’ against their r9 and up competitors!)




On 15.9.2017 at 4:06 PM, xKostyan said:

…  look past rank number above the ship, and until you (devs)  invest resources into changing a Ship tree to reduce a total amount of ranks visible to a player, …

I also go with Kosty here: Ship Tree Evolution!!

I’d say cut the old ship tree at rank 5 - after that leave only individual ships in ship evolution roundel like Ellydium ships, so players can get (by Credits, DLCs, GS) the ships they want and develop them until highest ranks/tiers whatever. All the same ship evolution roundel model (dependent on the station player docks in), but with different base stats and later custom add ons like pirate engines or alternative Empire hull plates etc for later upgrade options and diversity that come with new skins and DLC/GS pay options.


On 15.9.2017 at 7:23 PM, FilthHound said:

… you should put more effort into making it a proper entry-level part of the game. Perhaps make a set of quests or create a couple of exclusive PvE/tutorial missions to better familiarize new players with the mechanics of the game. And only after that, let them join the intermediate level of r6-r10.  …

Yes, a reform of the ranks/tiers would lead to Tier System Evolution!

Give the new players tutoring missions into every plane of the game:

  1. easy > flight school tutorium
  2. medium > Tournament & Conquest (dreadnought) & Spec ops Destroyer  tutoriums (maybe dependent on  if they join a corp.)
  3. hard > SC leagues & Spec ops Defiler tutoriums


After each of the tutoriums new systems in open space can be explored, new ships can be unlocked , new weapons etc…

Each new level (easy, medium, hard) can have new payed for licenses (that stack)

And why this constant change in the specs of AI bots? Same ships in CO-OP have up to +400% buff/dmg?? ![:016:](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/016.png “:016:”) ![:018:](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/018.gif “:018:”) ![:blink:](< base_url >/uploads/emoticons/blink.gif “:blink:”)

Correct that please, it should be all the same specs regardless of battle mode! Vary with ship type or number of ships or aim bot accuracy , etc, but not + 400% buff


P.S.: And please make a Old School license (180 days 15k GS) for an old school PvP mode! Old school mode > special server service > special pay plan!