Poll for corporations

would love to make polls for our corporation to ask questions for every member,

would love to make polls for our corporation to ask questions for every member,

google forms are one of the best tools out there, available online for average user.

You can also get your own forum and make the polls there. 

motd from corporation cannot be copied


only normal chat can. so its waste of time telling 140 ppl that and they cant even copy the message of the day. if i write it in corp chat its really annoying to copy paste it and 1/10 of everyone will see it. if not less 

and we had a forum, but ppl didn’t really bother looking into it since they could not copy the message of the day. even with tinyurl its still annoying 

 create Steam Groups for corporation management purposes

so ur against having officers and ceo avalible to make polls for corporation Xkostyan?


this doesn’t sound like you 

so ur against having officers and ceo avalible to make polls for corporation xKostyan?


this doesn’t sound like you 

I am not against that, but it will be redundant for the most part and if it ever implemented should go on the bottom of priority lists to do. Even if there is a in corp polls there are still needs to extract that data into out of the client tools, making graphs or spreadsheets, so at the end it is much easier to manage such events when all of your members just input that data outside of the client. As i said, Google drive Forms is very flexible and easy to use tool, available for free and can be easily enforced via steam notifications if you have Steam Group for your corporation, obviously not everyone uses Steam, but in NA majority people converted into running all gaming needs via it, or you can enforce a notification with link via TeamSpeak to everyone logging in, your members should be using it anyways. 

P.S. If corporation does not have any of those (TS or and personal forums) chances are you don’t need pols anyways.

chances are you don’t need pols anyways.

I have a feeling he wants to make a poll about A1MA.

I have a feeling he wants to make a poll about A1MA.

more like if there is annyone annoying or spamming etc, and people being able to give custom answer back instead of only yes and no and or what answers we add

also asking for what members want of Gold, credits or artifacts was one of the main reasons. 


also making a spreadsheed and a little bit of grapichs to a poll. i mean its same as daily poll where you get 10 gold for answering a question, just that next time its our questions within all corporation members . pretty easy when its already inside the game. just adding it to Corporations should be max one hour work for the dev’s if they really wanted.