Poll: Attacked Sector Squads/Wings

What would the community like to see reguarding squad/wing play in Attacked Sectors:


Original Ideas:[http://forum.star-conflict.com/index.php?/topic/25437-squad-are-cool-but-we-need-fleet-for-the-open-world/](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/25437-squad-are-cool-but-we-need-fleet-for-the-open-world/)


Now, we all know that if you’re in a squad and undock from your station, your squad does not launch with you.  Is this a problem for most?  Or is it easy enough to warp to the right sector and hit undock.


Also, since there are multiple AS servers, you don’t always get to the right one.  So even if you ARE at the right station, you still cannot join your comrades.  I had one instance where one of my squadmates was at the Empire station on the EU server.  I am from the US and for LITERALLY over 15 tries, I got RU server EVERY TIME.  I was never able to join my comrade.  PLUS, I had to restock my ammo EACH time…


So it becomes expensive if you’re trying to get a full squad to play in AS.


Furthermore, if you wanted to play with a full wing, the developers are afraid this will break AS.  I, and many others, disagree.  We see it as a valid option for teamplay.  If you cannot join AS in a wing, what prevents you from doing it anyways even if it takes some time to organize?  It is inevitable if people want it that badly.


So, should squads of 2+ players be able to launch into the same station’s sector at the same time in the same server?  Why might this cause issues, and will it be beneficial for the game in the long run?


Some players ONLY like AS, some only like PvE/P.  But those who like AS are growing increasingly frustrated that they cannot easily play with their friends in the lowest-stress option in the game.  And let’s face it; it really is the LOWEST stress option.  So give all players the ability to make it more fun by playing with their friends easily.


Let’s also consider how cool it’d be for interstellar wars between wings to happen.  Say a Jeri wing invades Federation space (allowing cybers to flow through the border).  They make it all the way to the Fed station, where all pilots at the station are alerted that the invasion has happened. Pilots can undock to counter the threat.


Enemy forces die, and they can use duplicators to revive at THEIR station.  So change duplicators to only work if you’re in your home space (no Jeri in Fed space would be able to revive in fed space, and will be resurrected at their home station again).  If you die while still in jeri space you spawn how duplicators will normally spawn you.


I can see farming, but damn…I can also see some pretty awesome fights taking place.  And it’s not like “Wow, I’m getting farmed…I guess I’ll keep getting farmed” since you can join any game mode you want.  Good pilots are likely to take the challenge, in fact most would I think. I mean, you undock and you’re in the fight. How cool is that?

And, this might need a new topic, but what if the stations themselves actually had hitpoints?  The station gets destroyed, preventing ships from undocking into open space for one hour.  In the meantime, the attacking force can “steal” the resources in those sectors for double their original value.  But only while the station is still down.


Engineers can repair the stations with auras/eclipse, but it’s really really really slow.


Idk, just had the highdea…


Also, since there are multiple AS servers, you don’t always get to the right one.  So even if you ARE at the right station, you still cannot join your comrades.

I don’t think they’re ever going to fix the groups getting separated. I’ve made like 3 topics, maybe the moderators are not forwarding the issue in the right way, like the message isn’t clear enough to the developers. That’s my guess anyway.

I don’t think they’re ever going to fix the groups getting separated. I’ve made like 3 topics, maybe the moderators are not forwarding the issue in the right way, like the message isn’t clear enough to the developers. That’s my guess anyway.


Even still, if you cannot jump into AS at the moment your squad does, they need to make squads jump to the right server if players engage at separate times.  It’s ridiculous that it’s not figured into the…MM? Whatever it is lol

they should get really nice servers and make it so that all the invasion servers are U.S. EU people, you have 120 ping on u.s. servers, ru people, you have 150 ping on U.S. servers. U.S. people have 240 ping on RU servers and packet loss often while on european servers, a lot of my friends tell me they are the most unstable. We want invasion. Or at least add a feature so that you can chose the region of the servers. 

Or at least add a feature so that you can chose the region of the servers. 


Gat damn.  ^ This.

But the problem is, servers cost rubles. we need servers instead of pay 2 win items devs. please. please. you may not like me, and trust me, it’s mutual, but please. i think everyone in the game can agree that this is something we want. 

you can have up to three full wings on one server without lags


if your squadmate works for a different fraction it is sensefull that you dont start at the same side


Please have one proposal per thread

you can have up to three full wings on one server without lags


if your squadmate works for a different fraction it is sensefull that you dont start at the same side


Please have one proposal per thread


Sorry, what?


Let’s say I am docked at Jericho station.  My friend is docked at Empire.  We want to play in AS…

Now what EXACTLY is the difference between being at these two sectors besides the visuals?  As far as I can tell, the enemies you face are about the same difficulty, the sectors have about the same types of resources which are in lower quantities and values near the station sectors, and the AI is about the same everywhere you go.


So why shouldn’t you be able to undock into the same space since practically nothing is different from which loyalty vouchers you get?  And plus, if the devs are truly considering changing the currency system in the game, loyalty vouchers would be the first to go since they are bottlenecking upgrades from MK II to III.


And, I do not feel I need to make another topic for this, since the issue would arise if my OP was implemented. Ships would HAVE to be able to undock into the same space; there is no way around it, especially if the pilots in question do not have R10 and cannot travel between stations to link up with their pals.  Sure, they can spend credits, but why spend credits to join a squad or wing in AS. That does not make sense, especially since they cannot regain those resources easily without going to PvE or PvP because of credit gain differences.

ouh i guess it didnt read it properly


thanks for the input - forwarded to Devs

ouh i guess it didnt read it properly


thanks for the input - forwarded to Devs


:wink: Thank you, my good Sir!