Point with Sector Conquest?

Damn! When I joined I only met the 3rd Requirement (if any of them at all). 

How is that possible?


On a serious note: Only the 3rd Requirement is the “real” Requirement. Nothing else matters. 

Come now, you HAVE to speak russian in there. I was in Nova for, like, 2-3 weeks and hated all the russian in there. There were barely no english speaking pilots… I can only imagine ESB to be worse on this matter…


Flying a Guard discredite me xD

True, if you had a Gunship or Engineer, you’d likely be accepted.


O ryngton , don t comment on my posts. I’ve  never see n you in battle , nor  in S ector C onquest. R ead the  topic. G o play T ier 1 .

Now that we got grammar and spelling out of the way…


You post here, on this forum, and expect to not get replies? Dream on, dove. Just because YOU think it’s a good idea, doesn’t mean it’s a GOOD idea. It isn’t. Go back to your little zerg corp and continue farming credit sectors, that seems to be what you do best, anyway.

Maybe he died in the engineer because everyone knows that the best way to hurt a team is to take out it’s engineer.  When ESB looses an engineer some of them get skittish and worry about their DSR more.

No, when you kill their engi, they run away like cowards. It’s the most effective strategy against them because they LOSE a healer. In doing so, you’ve scared them into a half-baked defence that’s not 100% effective due to the lack of an Engineer. And considering they can’t self-destruct to get a new Engi without losing SR, nowadays, it hurts them even more.

True, if you had a Gunship or Engineer, you’d likely be accepted.



You don’t want to see me in a Gunship (My flying ability is too damn high).


And for the Engineer… Some people still have in memory what happens if I die in an Engineer…

lol my topic was pretty okay, 


everytime you post a comment its pure hate, you cant play t5. you never play sector conquest. you are in wolfpack and play t1 and t2.





should wish i was that good. 


i also said stop commenting on my posts. do i care if you like my posts or not? all you do is making things negative. 


and stop this. :




also my english is bad. you got a problem with that? 


i also said stop commenting on my posts



I am the one who will forbid or not someone about posting here, not you.



If you keep fighting like kids the topic will be closed.

I am the one who will forbid or not someone about posting here, not you.



If you keep fighting like kids the topic will be closed.

sounds like someone wants to be better than others.


but okay :frowning:

sounds like someone wants to be better than others.


but okay :frowning:


I just want to keep the thread civil. I guess you also want it too.

You realise WPK is most active in T3, and are vocal about wanting T4 and T5 to be viable for PvP, right?

Seriously, I’ve seen a lot of Corps who talk big, but their squads melt when they face the Pack. We are strong because we don’t zerg - when I’m in a squad I know my job and I do it. That kind of attitude seems rather absent in some corp squads, who seem to either fail to grasp the bigger picture, fail to optimise, fail to communicate or all of the above.

The issue WPK and others have is that these traits win us games, yet don’t win us sectors. Quality of pilots should be more important than corp size; a Corp should not be able to lose every battle and get more rewards than a small corp who win every game, yet they can and do.

While this corpse is still warm: 


What about adjusting Points-Distribution to Efficiency Points? 

Like the following: 


Win: +1 pt.; Loose: 0 pt. 

Per 200 Eff. Points in battle +1 pt. (Example: If you gained 550 pts in a battle you won: you would earn 2+1 pts. for the match)

Maybe with a hard-cap. 


This Mechanic would punish useless Zerglings and motivate the players to perform better in battle. 

End the stop gaps, make it corp vs corp battles.