Point with Sector Conquest?

Ur CEO doesn’t even meet the minimum recruirements to join ESB. lawl. 200 rating lower…


ah i never noticed that before now. 

we got like half a page and lower. 


And yet we spent about 2k-5k Points to get an GS-Sector for sure. 


And about Wynny: He is Engineer in pretty much every battle, that lets your rating not really rise. 

And how much “lawl” is there left when you meet him with a full Squad?  :Dwop


@Neo: You should really give it a second try in a full Squad. I synergized pretty much all my T5s in SecCon (3 left to go) 

And we win about 90% of the Matches… NOVA and SYN can be a problem tho. 


I know WPK can do that, too. 


btw.: Rakza helped us out yesterday, I guess he had fun  ;)wt

If they are looking for pilots with certain rating or qualifications, it doesn’t mean that this applies to every single person in their corporation. Your views are very narrowed, please observe what you are saying before you shame yourself again. They may look for whatever they like, and if currently the focus is getting in high DSR killer players, than they are allowed to do that.


It’s same as with job offerings, a qualified worker in one field is not the same as the manager, and being the manager or any kind of real recruitment officer or instructor usually involves getting to know less skilled pilots, meaning your stats will probably drop a little while instructing them.

And yet we spent about 2k-5k Points to get an GS-Sector for sure. 


And about Wynny: He is Engineer in pretty much every battle, that lets your rating not really rise. 

And how much “lawl” is there left when you meet him with a full Squad?  :Dwop


@Neo: You should really give it a second try in a full Squad. I synergized pretty much all my T5s in SecCon (3 left to go) 

And we win about 90% of the Matches… NOVA and SYN can be a problem tho. 


I know you can do that, too. 

i have several times. he is mostly using Command Ships. not engineerings. ;]

SYN is actually much easier to kill compared to the nova squad, only nova squad when nuclearharvest and those is in there. but its not really that big of a deal. im friend with them so we just have some fun basically. 


but again, its just a few really good members. they often do squad and its normaly just 1 squad alone. the other nova / syn players goes off alone. 

If they are looking for pilots with certain rating or qualifications, it doesn’t mean that this applies to every single person in their corporation. Your views are very narrowed, please observe what you are saying before you shame yourself again. They may look for whatever they like, and if currently the focus is getting in high DSR killer players, than they are allowed to do that.


It’s same as with job offerings, a qualified worker in one field is not the same as the manager, and being the manager or any kind of real recruitment officer or instructor usually involves getting to know less skilled pilots, meaning your stats will probably drop a little while instructing them.

it was a joke lmao.


i mean, i can just make a corp and be 800 rating and ask for 1500 rating right. 


obviously trolling. 

i have several times. he is mostly using Command Ships. not engineerings. ;]


Only If he knows that were going to win, or we have an other dedicated healer in our Squad  :taunt:

Afterall: He has created one of the most feared Corps on the Servers.  :beee:

it was a joke lmao.


i mean, i can just make a corp and be 800 rating and ask for 1500 rating right. 


obviously trolling. 




“Trolling” - The art of deliberately, cleverly, and secretly pissing people off, usually via the internet, using dialogue. Trolling does not mean just making rude remarks.


Learn what a troll is first. You were just being rude and making fun of him. 


And we already have a corp CEO that is very close to what you described, you can find his corp owning most of the sectors on the map. We most certainly do not need another one.

And we already have a corp CEO that is very close to what you described, you can find his corp owning most of the sectors on the map. 




read that twice.


i cant find annoyone who “you” have as CEO that is owning most sectors. cause wolfpack dont even got 1 sector?


i know you ment us. but hey. no hard feelings. 

I am not sure which corp you are from, so you will have to be more specific (SQ42?). My post was aimed at a certain empire corp, do some research and you will know. If you would also read what I wrote earlier, you would also understand why we don’t have and don’t even want to have a sector at these present conditions. And there are some hard feelings already, so please watch your language, it is quite bad and provocative. It is not a pleasure to read by far, and you are not presenting yourself and your corp in the best image with it.

you aimed at THE CORP. i believe.


also what you wrote ment that we could find You’re CEO owning the most sectors. here read it again.


And we already have a corp CEO that is very close to what you described, you can find his corp owning most of the sectors on the map. 


“We” = WolfPack. already have a corp CEO that is very close to what you described, you can find his corp owning most of the sectors on the map. 

Oh no no, “we” is meant figuratively speaking as a community. I thought that was pretty obvious, I never talk about something that is not true and have stated several times how I feel about the sector situation.


“We”, as a community allready have a perfect example of what you described (your own corp, actually, your CEO doesn’t meet the standards to join his corp as well, and you were making fun of Wynny, oh the irony…). So next time clean out in front of your doorstep before you dump into another.

Ur CEO doesn’t even meet the minimum recruirements to join ESB. lawl. 200 rating lower…


ah i never noticed that before now. 


ESB requirements: 


A total of 1000 + battles

Rating victories and defeats 1.65+

Rating downed ships 1600 +

The average number of downed ships 4.50 +

or the average aid per Battle 8.00 +

The presence of the ships T4



90% of the community doesn’t even meet the minimum requirements.

Doesnt matter if you are a DSR xxxx, one does not simply join ESB.

Also please if you’re going to discuss anything or have an argument, at least be respectful and keep it civil and serious, or I’ll bring out the ban hammer.

btw.: Rakza helped us out yesterday, I guess he had fun  ;)wt


Nobody mess with my Guard ! Especially when I have to protect the Engineer !

Doesnt matter if you are a DSR xxxx, one does not simply join ESB.





Nobody mess with my Guard ! Especially when I have to protect the Engineer !


Im still laughing when I think about the Anomaly Kills  :lol:

Doesnt matter if you are a DSR xxxx, one does not simply join ESB.

ESB only really has 3 requirements:


  1. Speak russian.

  2. SR over 1600.

  3. Be noticed as an excellent pilot and be invited in.


That’s it.



As for the topic, just close it. Nothing productive can ever come out of this, unless the solution favours the small corps that win. As it is (and always has been, unfortunately), any in-game corp ratings highly favour zerg corps. Cannon fodder. And rewarding the cannon fodder is promoting bad gameplay. “Oh, we’re gonna lose this, let’s just rush a Beacon and be done with it.” Yeah, exactly the mentality we want pilots to have.

ESB only really has 3 requirements:


  1. Speak russian.

  2. SR over 1600.

  3. Be noticed as an excellent pilot and be invited in.



Damn! When I joined I only met the 3rd Requirement (if any of them at all). 

How is that possible?


On a serious note: Only the 3rd Requirement is the “real” Requirement. Nothing else matters. 

On a serious note: Only the 3rd Requirement is the “real” Requirement. Nothing else matters. 


Flying a Guard discredite me xD

Damn! When I joined I only met the 3rd Requirement (if any of them at all). 

How is that possible?


On a serious note: Only the 3rd Requirement is the “real” Requirement. Nothing else matters. 

thats something like what i would said. 

Yet, you may have noticed that the map is more “colorful” regarding corps than before… and it is highly unlikely that most of them became competitive after christmas. 

It looked horrible when it was almost completely empty.  It made the game look like a ghost town, which is bad for PR.


Ur CEO doesn’t even meet the minimum recruirements to join ESB. lawl. 200 rating lower…


ah i never noticed that before now. 

When ESB posted that 1600+ requirement, only about a dozen players in the game met it and not all of them ESB.  The most important requirement is “Invite only.”


i have several times. he is mostly using Command Ships. not engineerings. ;]

SYN is actually much easier to kill compared to the nova squad, only nova squad when nuclearharvest and those is in there. but its not really that big of a deal. im friend with them so we just have some fun basically. 


but again, its just a few really good members. they often do squad and its normaly just 1 squad alone. the other nova / syn players goes off alone. 

Maybe he died in the engineer because everyone knows that the best way to hurt a team is to take out it’s engineer.  When ESB looses an engineer some of them get skittish and worry about their DSR more.