Point with Sector Conquest?

Every income from each cycle happends at the main cycle. every 12th hour.


you basically increased (not including artifacts) the amount per cycle by x2. for each artifact sector gives around 30-45 until its depleted. 


So thats less income than before. every time i wake upp after 8-12 hours sleep, i have got one cycle from the main when i login. and i get the next one 12 hours later.


Not to criticice but


1 : Income is low, not just low but its almost nothing. (happends every 12th hour). 

2 : loyality vouchers is actually quite okay amount every 12th hour. 

3 : we dont get Matchmaker to put us in the sector we choose 

4 : People always login to fight for corporation in sector conquest at the times it starts and does their best and a couple pvp matches (1-3) equals what we get for having sectors for like a hole week)

5 : I cant wait for DreadNoughts to come out (if it even will, waited since summer and thats like half a year now)

6 : what was the point with sector conquest again? 

7 : tried to read the patch notes and it does not tell us every income happends every 12th hour. so i vent innactive 12 hours + and i got credits and artifacts that matched one cycle in total. Aswell as Loyality Vouchers

8 : take out Capture The Beacon gameplay from Normal PVP and have it only in sector conquest. then it makes a bit more sence. its a boring mode in general. 

Considering that SQ is a gold mine for zerg corps and also promotes raw massing of players into huge corps, multiply the rewards by 150 members for each sector reward you get. Every day. It adds up. And you all have to do is get people to play SQ, it does not matter how good they are, as long as they are present in the battle, you will reap the benefits.


The rewards for this are more than enough. I am dissapointent that development and “end game” direction of this game favors massing of huge clans, with no attention to quality of pilots or giving incentive to any competitive spirit at all. Corporations that are striving to become best of the best, get no benefits from the current system. You seriously cannot expect to find, train and lead a mass of 150 quality pilots (even if the community would be larger) that would beat the big corporations in raw number of games played. Even the ESB cannot get a sector under these conditions, and i wish they would, they deserve it. Right now it’s just a free for all take what you can get massive buffet fest, just bring as biggest horde as you can.


What’s the point. 

Next time, try writing in the regular font size. And, for the love of god, you’re not 12, use spell-check …

doesn’t matter what ESB can get and what they cant get.


the rewards is like, you can do 2 pve games in blackwood in 15 minutes and have more creidts and artifacts than you would get by sector conquest in 2 weeks. 


how is that more than enough? 


also is just one good gold sector that our CEO didnt vote for, FOR sOMe Reason. ugh. otherwise its 50-100 gold per week almost. waow bro. thats actually nothing. gold mine you say? i mean really. 11 euro is 3000 gold. with discount you get much more with 11 euro. 

also, how about dreadnoughts?

Considering that SQ is a gold mine for zerg corps and also promotes raw massing of players into huge corps, multiply the rewards by 150 members for each sector reward you get. Every day. It adds up. And you all have to do is get people to play SQ, it does not matter how good they are, as long as they are present in the battle, you will reap the benefits.


The rewards for this are more than enough. I am dissapointent that development and “end game” direction of this game favors massing of huge clans, with no attention to quality of pilots or giving incentive to any competitive spirit at all. Corporations that are striving to become best of the best, get no benefits from the current system. You seriously cannot expect to find, train and lead a mass of 150 quality pilots (even if the community would be larger) that would beat the big corporations in raw number of games played. Even the ESB cannot get a sector under these conditions, and i wish they would, they deserve it. Right now it’s just a free for all take what you can get massive buffet fest, just bring as biggest horde as you can.


What’s the point. 

i was able to gain 10 points in one sector by being alone once, 9 is maximum possible for 1 player. a couple ESB matches. 4 in each squad easy makes a sector. (Easy) aslong they do it. 4 players in a squad can go upp to 36 points. and they are always 4 players in a squad, 30-36 points per game they do, and a loss equals how many beacons we captured if 0 we get 1 point each. 


average influence score here is maybe 400-700. and ESB gets like  60 points for 2 matches and or more. in 3 hours they should atleast have 20 matches minimum. 

It is for 150 members. That’s a lot of gold they give for free. It’s bad to reward this kind of corporation development anyway, so my biased opinion would be no rewards for this, and give rewards to real competitive achievements in corp vs. corp games.

Like Neo said, SecCon promotes Zerglings once more (again). 

And as long as Quantity does matter more than Quality, rewards should stay as they are. 

If you do/achive pretty much nothing in SecCon, why should you get a free license for example? 

Yet, with the new Points-distribution this is in fact possible. 

It is for 150 members. That’s a lot of gold they give for free. It’s bad to reward this kind of corporation development anyway, so my biased opinion would be no rewards for this, and give rewards to real competitive achievements in corp vs. corp games.

lol, half of us is not even playing sector conquest and i can confirm that. they have too low ships and not equipped their t5, they get losses in sector conquest = 1 points per member, 


and ESB gets 30-40 points per 4th man squad in sector conquest. 

and here you have atleast just 30-40 players that even play’s sector conquest at all. and 1/3 of that is capable of getting wins more often.


ESB is like 70 players. 


active players*


if everyone did 1 match, = 70 x 9 and or if 2 beacons captured, 6 points each. 70 x 6 = 420. if you have half members active in sector conquest and they do 3 matches each. = 630 points (this can easy be done under one cycle, 1 hour. and we get 500-700 in 12 hours.


thats the difference. 


so you guys can easy achieve over 2000 influence score if you just play sector conquest 2 times a day, and play’s those 2 hours. but i guess there is alot non active there then. 

lol, half of us is not even playing sector conquest and i can confirm that. they have too low ships and not equipped their t5, they get losses in sector conquest = 1 points per member, 


and ESB gets 30-40 points per 4th man squad in sector conquest. 

and here you have atleast just 30-40 players that even play’s sector conquest at all. and 1/3 of that is capable of getting wins more often.


ESB is like 70 players. 


active players*


if everyone did 1 match, = 70 x 9 and or if 2 beacons captured, 6 points each. 70 x 6 = 420. if you have half members active in sector conquest and they do 3 matches each. = 630 points (this can easy be done under one cycle, 1 hour. and we get 500-700 in 12 hours.


thats the difference. 


*caugh* R4ge has the “good” GS-Sector *caugh*

Yea our CEO is offline alot so the assist ceo is some guy who only votes for credits. lmao. not much i can do. we would most likely won that sector aswell. (jk)

*caugh* R4ge has the “good” GS-Sector *caugh*

And we only have about 10 active players playing Sector Conquest :smiley:

But we accumulated our points for quite some time…

I’m pretty sure a good portion of that 70 in ESB is not fully active, I only see so and so many names that repeat themselves, and i know old players that stopped playing and are still part of the corp. Same goes for our 50 in WPK as well. Competitive corps don’t just delete old members because they stopped playing for some time, we keep those spots in case they return, because they are good players and friends (yet again, opposite of what the zerg corporations are doing, kick if inactive, don’t care who or what you are bs).

And we only have about 10 active players playing Sector Conquest :smiley:

But we accumulated our points for quite some time…


Dont get me wrong, it wasnt personal. I like R4ge, its my ex-corp afterall. And I still have bonds to it. 

Yet I was wondering why not Sirius, Alpha or Corp took the sector… 

I guess Corp is more interested in “Corp-Ratings”, like: “Lets beat ESB on the sector-control-rating, by spamming points on credit sectors, so we can say were better than ESB!”


Good Job anyway R4ge. 


At best times we have 7 Full Squads for SQ. 28 PPL, Neo. 

Still looks impressive on the Status-List. 


Should get all the members that does SC into a new corporation. all the corporations is quite low still with a few couple good members doing sectors and are active. the rest is ppl doing 15-20 matches a week or less. 

@Zap, didn’t take it personal =)

I think the other bog corps were trying to get the sector as well. There were eight challengers on the sector. It’s just that we had most points - apparently =)) Lucky Rage…


But nice screenshot there… So many people queuing for SC, dreamlike^^

Yet, you may have noticed that the map is more “colorful” regarding corps than before… and it is highly unlikely that most of them became competitive after christmas. 


But nice screenshot there… So many people queuing for SC, dreamlike^^


Especially when you know what Killing-Machines hide behind those names  :lol:

we got like half a page and lower. 

We are accumulating points as well, but there really is no incentive - not just for the rewards, but for the whole point of it. What’s the meaning of owning 1 measly sector you fought days or weeks for, in the mass of sectors owned by other zerg corps getting them so easily with no real skill involved? It just doesn’t show where true power stands, it only shows the same thing as the “top pvp” activity leaderboard does…


It feels even more insulting, when we lose a game because 60% of our team were completely out of place, but we did everything in our power to try to win. And we are helping the bad corporations doing this, I am talking about players bringing T3 on our side and not even turning on heals on engineers. I am not talking against r4ge here, I have actually seen some surprisingly good teams on their side, but there are other, far worse corps in the game.


This is worse than T5 pvp and T3 pvp, at least we have same tier ships there and matchmaker actually tries to balance it. But THIS is the worst form of pvp ever. It’s a complete mess of messes. And I refuse dying and trying getting points for players with no skill and no brain on our team. Because they still get OUR points, and the sectors. This cost us our effort, our deaths, our repair bills, our dsr and our w/r, which are all really high and I am done with sacrificing my abilities, stats (at this point I really do care about them) and enjoyment for the game for these bad players that get matched in our team. I rather do normal pvp all day, and get away from this clueless no skill zerg carry fest fighting for a lost cause.