podium finish

after battle screen should include a ‘podium finish’. ie: the top 3 or 5 players on the winning team should have their 3d ship models and nametags displayed. if you need an example, look at the after battle screen in ‘blacklight: retribution’.


the reason is that there is currently no incentive to buy/equip cosmetic items on your ship, since the only one that ever sees them is you. also, cosmetic items need a permanent duration option, and you should be able to swap them out (although i don’t think the engine allows for this, because they are probably like WoT camos).

even more screens to annoy me when i come out of a match? no thanks

it’s not screens… its fame… you’re looking at it the wrong way… just imagine: now everyone will see your ship imposed on their screen after that owning you just handed them. otherwise, like i said: no point in cosmetic items.

even more screens to annoy me when i come out of a match? no thanks

This could work without adding an additional screen if they do it correctly.  I think this would be a nice addition.

it’s not screens… its fame… you’re looking at it the wrong way… just imagine: now everyone will see your ship imposed on their screen after that owning you just handed them. otherwise, like i said: no point in cosmetic items.

It could be nice, for sure.  As long as it doesn’t require any more clicks or prevents “normal” usage.

It could be nice, for sure.  As long as it doesn’t require any more clicks or prevents “normal” usage.

That goes without saying.  We already waste time and clicks with the lame “looting” system.

That goes without saying.  We already waste time and clicks with the lame “looting” system.


true, maybe they could put the podium there, on the looting screen, move the looting map up a bit, and display the podium below the map.


or just impose the podium on te lower part of the map and make sure you dont spawn loot there.


oh, but you only get the looting screen when you win, which would make it semi-pointless, since you want your opponents to see who killed them… theyd need to add a losing screen with the podium as well.

actually, just to update this… you can use the after-battle results screen, the one with all the scores, to display the top 3 or 5 player’s ship models. either above or below the scores. you might have to re-arrange some stuff. or you could put them vertically to the left or right of the scores. that might be unique in a sense.

I’m trying to visualise where the “podium screen” would fit into the current post-game sequence. I’m not a fan of adding more screens because that means there’s a longer time between ending one match and starting another, which isn’t really what anyone wants in an instanced combat game like this.


Perhaps if it’s an optional thing… when you’re looking at the final score screen there could be a button saying “Honour Roll” or somesuch and there you can view not only the podium ships, but potentially a lot more.


For example…


This “Honour Roll” might show you the most-used ship of each player in that match. This appears as their ‘model’ when you highlight their name. The game will then show you their score, their stats for the match (kills, deaths, assists, accuracy, etc) and badges earned. There might even be little honorifics like “most missile kills in a single match” or “Traveled further than any other player”. That in particular I like because, if done right, you can effectively give everyone some credit.


Let’s pretend this system is in place, and we just finished a T2 match. The Rank 6 pilots all have the “most beacons” and “most kills” and “I had an unfair advantage because I’ve got a pure-purple ship” or whatever… and then we have the guy who only owns a single Rank 4 ship and he turned up toward the bottom of the scoreboard. The game can still acknowledge him - he might get “most time spent defending beacons”, or “engaged most enemy Tacklers”.


Hell, if you went really balls-out on this, you could produce some crazy quasi-customised titles! Example: Let’s say me and three other pilots - we’ll call them EngiBob, TacklerJane and SniperMike - just finished our match. Here’s the awards we see on the Honour Roll:


JasanQuinn: Light 'em up! - Debuffed five of SniperMike’s kills using Spy Drones.

EngiBob: Clear! - Restored TacklerJane from critical damage three times.

TacklerJane: I got your back! - Killed two enemies attacking EngiBob.

SniperMike: Knock 'em down! - Killed five enemies debuffed by JasanQuinn’s Spy Drones.


Wouldn’t that be cool? Even if you’re flying solo with a team of randoms, the game could look for instances of teamwork and highlight them. Next time SniperMike gets into a match with me he might spot my name and think “Hey, he’s the guy who keeps tagging ships with Spy Drones! Okay, I need to keep an eye on him and watch for the enemies that pop up…” or EngiBob might spot TacklerJane and know that she’s going to want healing a lot. At the same time, they both know that EngiBob is going to want some form of escort, since he did last time they played, so maybe TacklerJane will fill that role again.

no, i’m not talking about anything that complex. just put the ship models, ship name and player tags of the top 3 or five right into the final battle result scores screen. move some of the info around or whatever so that you can display 3d ship models superimposed right there.


no extra screens.


having a stats screen would be nice tho. its def possible as WoT has one. you dont need to make it really complex, just a spreadsheet-style list with icons for the awards. but i question the reliability of stats like accuracy etc with different weapon types, damage models, etc… so just simple stats for the most part…


in fact, i’m a firm believer that you can fit all of that information on to one screen if layed out properly. just stick it all on the scores screen with a bit of a layout tweak. although… depends, some people might be using low resolutions, would have to accomodate them as well. so we shoot them by firing squad instead.


i’ll try to mash up a mockup of what i mean by tomorrow, or whenever the server come back up ;p to illustrate what i mean.


rofl. i like you little tale there at the end. however, who cares what the enemies think as long as you’re better than them? ;p

Sounds like a cool idea. Also, I think it would be nice if they came up with an “auto-loot” selection so we didn’t have to click as much after games.