Please return to the old ship synergy HUD


As you can see, right now I have 2907 synergy on this little Neutron ship. But I can only access this information if I click on Level up, because the button’s label calculates into it the free synergy as well, writing 5500 / 5500.

I already know how much free synergy I have, it’s on the top right side of the screen. I want to know at a glance if I have enough ship synergy to level up my ship.

It’s even worse for unique ships, there I need THREE clicks for this information.


This is basically hiding information unnecessarily.

I have to agree. Not necessarily in this case but in general. More functional, informative and compact boards (widows) for these kind of operations would be nice to have. Sometimes the unnecessary clicking just makes it miserable to handle things like manufacturing, storage or trading. Even ship equipment can be a pain in the finger occasionally. This latter one has got some improvements with Elly ship editing view and I think premium ships with collectible parts have something similar that shows equipment and other info before proceeding with their construction.

Simply agreed.

Good point. I am thinking the same. Too bad that this will most likely never get read.

+1 not sure why they removed it in the first place, it was great as it was… like a lot of things that are now gone and replaced instead with complete BS

seeing the over-synergy in ships was even useful when they were fully synergized, especially the top used/effective ships


of course that somewhat contradicts the “milking of synergy for money” feature, but i doubt that was overly used more than once by anyone, so it will stay marketers wet dream.


anyway, usability needs to improve, also for synergizing in general.



2 hours ago, g4borg said:

…, also for synergizing in general.



good point - i hope the new pilot progression (rank promotion) with the upcoming open space rework will be good

21 hours ago, g4borg said:

seeing the over-synergy in ships was even useful when they were fully synergized, especially the top used/effective ships


of course that somewhat contradicts the “milking of synergy for money” feature, but i doubt that was overly used more than once by anyone, so it will stay marketers wet dream.


anyway, usability needs to improve, also for synergizing in general.



I want to disable spam of private messages about Free Synergy, they are so annoying. Not to mention that I lose precious resources on a daily basis as well. They should remove it.


My estimates:

I already lost 800 enriched monocrystals and 30 electrum plates due to the cap limit.

Electrum, I lost another 500 plates and 1000 ore. Xenocrystals, around 1000 already.

Free Synergy, probably around 25 million, etc.


That’s the reward I get for loyal and supportive behavior in general.

Punish or restrict/troll the old veteran players because they invested in all DLCs and the game itself and helped made it into what it is today, at least to some degree.

42 minutes ago, Koromac said:

I want to disable spam of private messages about Free Synergy…

Koro - they did it on purpose to cap players like you, to make storing, banking of currencies in SC much more less feasible…

I know - rather we all know- its frustrating – but I get the feeling that they won’t do an exception for you , nor reset it … ![:005:](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/005.png “:005:”)