


I was thinking that it would be great if players would be abble to sell their modules,ship modifiers,guns,and even ships or ammo!What I was thinking at would be called Player’sMarket(or Players’sMarket,I don’t really know,I’m not native english,sorry)


There are some suggested features of the Player’sMarket:

-the selling orders will be posted on a list,with filters(filter for type,price,tier,rank),and anyone can see&buy them.

-a player can sells items(anything that can be selled) for free if the selling price is under the price taken if direct selling them to the game system(the actual method of selling stuffs).

-if a player sells items over the price taken if direct selling,there will be a tax,like 10% of the registered selling price.

-there can be posted buying orders.Anyone who sells a item wich is in a buying order,can sell it direct to the one who posted the order.


I thinked that this feature would help non-premium players,because is very hard to make money,and for me,wich I change ships trees very often,is hard to make money to get on a previouse tree.



This will never happen for (at least) 2 reasons:

  • trading promotes botting and illegal trade for real money;


  • for a freemium game model, acquiring items trough trade instead of “farming” it with paid premium time, is counter-productive business wise.


It should be hard to acquire money. It is expected that you will pay something for the game. It forces you to buy at least some premium upgrades and make your life a little nicer, because nothing in this world is for free, think of the game as a *demo* for trying it completely and paying as much as you want depending on how fast you want to progress/enjoy it. In your theory, to provide everything to a non-paying player, a lot of f2p games could stop to exist if they did it this way.


So pay up. The servers and development are not for free, and there are many ways to do it even if you don’t have a credit card. If you will never want to pay, you will just have to live with it. 

This wont be implemented!



This will never happen for (at least) 2 reasons:

  • trading promotes botting and illegal trade for real money;


  • for a freemium game model, acquiring items trough trade instead of “farming” it with paid premium time, is counter-productive business wise.


It should be hard to acquire money. It is expected that you will pay something for the game. It forces you to buy at least some premium upgrades and make your life a little nicer, because nothing in this world is for free, think of the game as a *demo* for trying it completely and paying as much as you want depending on how fast you want to progress/enjoy it. In your theory, to provide everything to a non-paying player, a lot of f2p games could stop to exist if they did it this way.


So pay up. The servers and development are not for free, and there are many ways to do it even if you don’t have a credit card. If you will never want to pay, you will just have to live with it. 

A lot of f2p has a trading system.In any f2p wich is not ation based(Metin2 and all other fantasy games) you can trade with other players.

Than they must be full of bots.

Than they must be full of bots.


Warframe has no bots and has a trade system where players can seel items they find in-game for premium money.

Horrible idea. Use your sweat and tears. You’ll get the items eventually. Patience is the key and clever use of money for premium ships and DLC’s. Use the sales to get them faster.

Play for 1 year and play often to get better result and play with your squad. My warehouse is barely holding together from all those mk IV upgrade kits. xD


I agree with NeoCodex as well.

This definitely will not be implemented and I therefore close this thread.

It was said somewhere before by one of the developers I think.